We have come to believe
and are convinced that you are the Holy One of God.”
Summer Mass Schedule: While Fr Mackle will be on annual leave from 1st August, (until next weekend) Fr Currie, along with Deacon Tommy, will cover all Masses and liturgies. During this time, please direct any emails to [email protected] or calls to Deacon Tommy’s mobile number on 07771 636904.
Normal Mass times will resume 31st August /1st September. Thanks to all for your cooperation in willingly moving between Masses and parishes.
In August, St Andrew’s will have Saturday Vigil Mass at 5.30p.m. and Confessions from 4.30p.m. until 5.15p.m. and Sunday Mass at 10a.m. St Joseph's will have Mass at 12 Noon.
On Wednesdays, both churches will have a Service of the Word and Holy Communion, 10a.m. at St Andrew’s and 9.30a.m. at St Joseph’s.
Weekday Masses are on Thursday and Friday only, at 10a.m. in St Andrew’s, and Monday and Tuesday at 9.30a.m. at St Joseph’s. These changes have been brought about by a lack of priests, making it harder to get cover while priests take their annual leave. Pray for vocations. Pray for priests and for more priests for our Archdiocese.
During August, ideally, a funeral Mass would take place on one of the weekday Mass days at the parish church of the loved one who has died.
St Andrew’s Whist Drive will take place on Wednesday 28th August, in the Lower Hall, from 2p.m. – 4:15p.m. Tea, coffee and biscuits will be served. Entry £3. Looking forward to seeing everyone. New members always welcome.
Truth and justice must stand above my comfort and physical well-being, or else my life itself
becomes a lie. Pope Benedict XVI, Spe Salvi, para 38
Laudato Si’ - On Care for our Common Home – The sheer novelty involved in the emergence of a personal being within a material universe presupposes a direct action of God and a particular call to life and to relationship on the part of a “Thou” who addresses himself to another “thou”. The biblical accounts of creation invite us to see each human being as a subject who can never be reduced to the status of an object. (#81)
The Legion of Mary. Can you spare a few hours each week? If so, we would love your help in our work of supporting the Parish Priest in pastoral work. If you would like to know further about our work and have a little chat about what we do, please ‘phone Ann on 07988 258977.
Bee a Knitter has started up again at St. Joseph's Church, Milngavie, Buchanan Street entrance. Sundays 1-3p.m. Learn to knit. Absolute beginner’s class. All ages welcome. All materials supplied. Limited places as one instructor / three learner ratio. Donation to Marie Curie. Tea and coffee served. Call or text Veronica for more info: 07884 468212
Pastoral Area - On 6th September, we'll say farewell to Fr Mackle, who will leave to take up his new post of parish priest of Our Lady of Lourdes, Cardonald. We wish Fr Mackle all the very best in his new role. We look forward to welcoming Fr Michael Maloney, who has been appointed the new parish priest of St Andrew's. Fr Maloney will also continue in his role as chaplain to Faslane Naval base. A sad day for Milngavie as Fr Currie retires on 22nd September after 12 years in St Joseph's and over 50 years in parishes in the Archdiocese. Fr Currie, we're sure, will continue to serve the Archdiocese in his retirement. We look forward to welcoming to the Pastoral Area, Fr John Lyons, who will take up his post next month as the new PP of St Joseph’s and we wish him every peace and happiness in his new role.
During the remainder of August, the Hut will be open for teas/coffees after 10a.m. Mass on Thursdays andFridays. Hospitality is extended to any visiting St Joseph parishioners on both these days.
Calling all First Communicants - like to become a Server or join the Children’s Choir or become a reader? Mum and dad, do get in touch.
ARE YOU IN SECONDARY SCHOOL? The Youth Ministries Team would like to gather information on what we can do for YOU! We know that involvement in church life can diminish or even stop when you transition to Secondary School. As we don’t have a local Catholic Secondary School the link with the church is often lost.
Please complete the QUESTIONNAIRE at forms.gle/sE2eBJN1ZdodHCgF6 to help us re-establish this link and provide what you want or need as you journey through your teens and into adulthood.
YOUTH MINISTRIES TEAM National Youth Pilgrimage | Saturday 21st September |S1s – 35
Join Archbishop Nolan, Archbishop Cushley, the Youth Office and young people from across the country for a walking pilgrimage through the streets of Glasgow City Centre, recalling the saints that walked them before us, concluding with Mass in St. Andrew’s Cathedral. 12.30p.m – 5.00p.m.
If we have enough interest from the Parishes we can arrange to attend as a group. Please contact the Youth Team via [email protected] if you would like to join us and we will make all arrangements.
St Joseph - praying for something or someone? You can write out your petition and place it under the sleeping St Joseph statue in the church grounds. Let St Joseph sleep on your prayer intention.
For women affected by separation and divorce - confidential and peer support, Friday 6th September 2024 at St Patrick's, Dumbarton 6-8p.m. [email protected].
Before receiving Holy Communion we are asked to make some act of reverence such as a bow.
Regarding young children who haven’t made their First Communion being given a blessing at Communion time. Parents who wish their child to receive a blessing must come forward, please, in the Communion line to the priest or deacon. Many thanks.
Support for Drumchapel Foodbank. Non-perishable food items are always gratefully received and can be placed in the House porch. Donations can also be taken straight to the Foodbank at Ladyloan Pl Unit 9, G15 8LB. We regularly use cash donations to purchase food items for delivery straight to the foodbank.
Our rota is always looking for more foodbank volunteer drivers. If you can help, please get in touch. Thanks for continuing to give the foodbank your support.
You can raise FREE donations for the parish every time you shop online. Take a moment to sign up at tinyurl.com/StAndrewsBearsden2023
Parish Bulletin: Items for inclusion should be sent to [email protected] by 5p.m. on the Tuesday before publication and should not exceed 80 words. The Parish Bulletin is available weekly on our website/by email for all those on our Parish database and on the noticeboard in the Church porch.
Recently Dead: Paul Morton
Anniversaries: Tricia Johnson