The Funeral of Elizabeth Gough will take place on Wednesday, 29th January at 12 Noon.
Funeral of Stephen Murray will take place on Tuesday, 4th February at 10am.
PARISH COLLECTION 19/01/25: £1,145.00. Thank you.
SECOND COLLECTION: This weekend, 26th January there will be a second collection for Assisted Parishes.
PROPOSALS TO AMEND THE LEGISLATION ON RELIGIOUS OBSERVANCE AND RELIGIOUS EDUCATION IN SCHOOLS: https://consult.gov.scot/education-reform/religious-observance-education-legislation-schools/consultation/subpage.2016-07-07.1474135251// This consultation seeks views on proposed changes to the current legislation on religious observance (RO) and religious and moral education (RME) in schools. NB Closing date is 26th January 2025. More information to follow.
St. Andrew’s Whist Drive will take place on Wednesday 29th January, in the Lower Hall, from 2p.m. – 4:15p.m. Tea, coffee and biscuits will be served. Entry £3. Looking forward to seeing everyone. New members always welcome.
SACRAMENTS: The following meetings will take place in St. Nicholas Primary School all beginning at 6.30p.m.
- Thursday, 30th January for parents whose children are receiving Confirmation
- Thursday, 6th February for children making First Holy Communion.
- Saturday, 29th March from 10a.m to 11a.m. First Confession/Reconciliation Service.
- Tuesday, 29th April at 7p.m.The Sacrament of Confirmation.
- Sunday, 11th May at 12 Noon. First Holy Communion
Young people in P6 – S6 - Please join the Youth Ministries Team for NET Ministries Scotland Retreat on Sunday 2nd February 2025 at St Andrew's, Bearsden. Beginning with 10am Mass (or join us in the hall at 11am), for group discussions and fun activities with the NET Ministries Scotland Team. Come along and bring friends, lunch will be provided. Registration will be required to provide consent and dietary requirements. This can be done through links available on Social Media or the QR code at the back of the church.
The Association of Bearsden Churches Unity Lunch will take place on Saturday, 8th February 2025 at 12 noon in Boclair Community Church, Killermont. More details from the poster at the back of the church. If you wish a ticket, call Margaret Sanders on 0141 942 7519.
There is a 'Bearsden Fiddlers Fundraising' evening in Clydebank Town Hall to raise money for refurbishment of the Brownie house at Catterburn on 8th February from 7-10pm. For more details visit the link.
Laudato Si’ - On Care for our Common Home – If we make something our own, it is only to administer it for the good of all. If we do not, we burden our consciences with the weight of having denied the existence of others. That is why the New Zealand bishops asked what the commandment “Thou shall not kill” means when “twenty percent of the world’s population consumes resources at a rate that robs the poor nations and future generations of what they need to survive”. (#95)
SVDP 2024 Report - Thanks to your outstanding generosity, St Andrew’s SVDP has been able to:
- subsidise two St Nicholas’ Primary pupils on the P7 residential outing
- support the foodbanks in Drumchapel, Immaculate Conception, St Gregory's and St Thomas Aquinas Secondary
- aid our twin parish in India.
- fund two students through the SVDP scholarship programme
- have assisted the parishes of St Michael's, St Gregory’s, St Laurence's and St Columba’s
- donated to the Ozanam Centre, the Jericho Project, the Louise Project, the Rendu group and the Listening Heart Project
- support a refugee and two local homeless.
What an amazing parish! 🙏👏👏👏”
Children's choir dates: March 9th & 16th, May 11th & 18th, June 8th & 15th. If your child is not in St Nicholas and would like to join, please contact Annamaria Strachan ([email protected]) 07749715514 for details.
JUSTICE&PEACE-SCOTLAND-NEWSLETTER-DEC24-FEB25 to view and download the latest newsletter with updates on recent activities and information about upcoming events of interest and campaign actions you can support, please use the following link: https://www.justiceandpeacescotland.org.uk/
The Church is open until 5p.m. Monday to Saturday. Call in and enjoy the peace and quiet and take time to sit in the stillness in the silence of God.
Tea is served in the hut after daily Mass/Services Monday to Thursday. All most welcome.
Regarding young children who haven’t made their First Communion being given a blessing at Communion time. Parents who wish their child to receive a blessing must come forward, please, in the Communion line to the priest or deacon. Many thanks.
Bee a Knitter ~St Joseph’s Church, Milngavie, Buchanan Street entrance. Sundays. 1-3p.m. Learn to knit. Absolute beginner’s class. All ages welcome. All materials supplied. Limited places as one instructor per three learners. Donation to Marie Curie. Tea and coffee served. Call or text Veronica for more info: 07884 468212.
- The 2025 edition of the Western Catholic Calendar is still available in the Piety Stall priced £3.70
- If you placed an order for the new Missal, it is now available to collect from the Piety Stall.
EASYFUNDRAISING St Andrew's RC Church Bearsden has raised £584.63 so far. Keep up this momentum in 2025 by entering the January giveaway. Every new supporter who signs up will earn St Andrew's RC Church Bearsden the chance to win one of four £250 donations! Sign up at https://tinyurl.com/StAndrewsBearsden2023
Support for Drumchapel Foodbank. Non-perishable food items are always gratefully received and can be placed in the box in the Church porch. Donations can also be taken straight to the Foodbank at Ladyloan Pl Unit 9, G15 8LB. We regularly use cash donations to purchase food items for delivery straight to the foodbank. Our rota is always looking for more foodbank volunteer drivers. If you can help, please get in touch on [email protected]. Thanks for continuing to give the foodbank your support.
Parish Bulletin: Items for inclusion should be sent to [email protected] by 5p.m. on the Tuesday before publication and should not exceed 80 words. The Parish Bulletin is available weekly on our website/by email for all those on our Parish database and on the noticeboard in the Church porch.
Recently Dead: Hilda Cardenas, May Cormack, Rose Durcan, Carlo Biagiotta Edoni, Margaret Gilligan, Elizabeth Gough, Peter Lafferty and Stephen Murray.
Anniversaries: Marie Buchanan, Sophia English, Samuel Galloway, Jim Keegan Jnr. and William & Eileen McGhie.