and from all their distress he rescues them."
HOLYDAY OF OBLIGATION - Friday, 1st November is the Feast of All Saints. Masses in the parish on the day will be 10a.m .and 7p.m.
All P3 parents intending to present their child for the Sacrament of Reconciliation during Lent 2025, please collect an enrolment form from the sacristy before Mass. P4 parents are not required to re-enrol. Your form and all the details on it from last year (P3) will automatically roll on to the P4 list. P7 parents should collect an enrolment form for Confirmation. All forms are to be returned, please, by today Sunday, 27th October 2024.
St. Andrew’s Whist Drive will take place this Wednesday 30th October in the Lower Hall, 2p.m. to 4:15p.m. Tea, coffee and biscuits will be served. Entry £3. Looking forward to seeing everyone. New members always welcome.
A St Andrew's evening will be held in the Upper Hall on 30th November. Tickets will be priced at £5.00 per head and will be available from early November. Donations for the raffle would be gratefully received. Thank you from the Halls Committee to all parishioners for their support.
Newman Association: Human Rights and Church Law - A talk by Professor Mary McAleese, will take place in The Parish Hall, Immaculate Conception Church, 2049 Maryhill Road, Glasgow, G20 0AA at 7.30p.m. on Thursday 7th November 2024 . All welcome. Refreshments provided.
Youth and Young Adult Evangelisation Conference on this link.
ANNUAL DINNER DANCE - St. Margaret's Hospice has organised a fundraising dinner dance in the Kerrydale Suite at Celtic Park on Friday, 22nd November at 7.30p.m. For more details see the poster in the porch or call 0141 332 8371 for more details.
Mass for All the Faithful Departed - Sunday 3rd November 12 Noon. The families of those who have lost a loved one over the past year have been invited but, of course, everyone is welcome who wishes to pray for those whom they have lost. Refreshments will be served in the Upper Hall after Mass. Mass will be offered up every day during November for the Holy Souls.
This Mass will also be live streamed on our YouTube Channel.
Children's Liturgy ~ We are looking for more volunteers to help with running the Children's Liturgy. This will involve being on a rota to take the children during the Liturgy of the Word at 10a.m. Sunday Mass.
If you are interested in joining our team, please speak to one of the members or Fr Michael. We have a meeting scheduled after 10a.m .Mass on Sunday 24th November which you would be welcome to join for more information.
If you want God to hear your prayers, hear the voice of the poor. If you wish God to anticipate your wants, provide those of the needy without waiting for them to ask you. Saint Thomas of Villanova
Laudato Si’ - On Care for our Common Home - The bishops of Brazil have pointed out that nature as a whole not only manifests God but is also a locus of his presence. (#88)
Justice and Peace Scotland newsletter: The first of these new quarterly updates is now available to download. See what has been going on across the J&PS network, and events to come this year simply by going to https://www.justiceandpeacescotland.org.uk
The Rosary will be prayed on every Sunday throughout October at 4.30p.m. If you are free, please come along and unite with us in praying for all our intentions.
The Crafternoon is next weekend. Enjoy the Spirit of Creativity and join us on Saturday 2nd November, 2.15 - 4.45p.m. for a relaxed afternoon of crafting, picking up hints and learning new skills while catching up with friends and meeting new people with similar interests. Pick up a flyer at Mass this weekend.
Choir dates 10th November, 8th, 15th and 25th December. Any children not in St Nicholas' who would like to join the choir please contact Annamaria Strachan on 0141 942 9799/07749 715414 or email [email protected].
The St Andrew’s Parish Christmas Fair will take place on Saturday 16th November after the Vigil Mass and on Sunday 17th November after 10a.m. and 12 Noon Masses. If you run a group in the parish and would like to host a stall please contact either Anne MacIntosh (07866 009078) or Annamaria Strachan (07749 715514) before this Sunday 27th October to confirm. Tea, coffee and home baking will be served after the Sunday morning Masses with all proceeds going to The White Lily Fund.
PPC New members sought - Ideally seeking 2 new members who are happy to take on variety of tasks. In the past, this has included anything from organising Parish response to the Synod to producing our centenary calendar. In particular digital skills would be welcomed. PPC works with Parish Priest to discern needs, ensure met and move parish towards greater fulfilment of its mission of enabling to participate fully in sacramental life of the Church. Please speak to Fr Michael before 22nd November.
New Sunday Missal: We are going to place an order for the new Sunday missal at the end of October. If you would like us to order you one, please add your name to the sheet that’s on the counter of the Piety Stall, stating if you’d prefer a paperback (£9.95) or hardcopy version (£19.95). Thank you, Annamaria Strachan and Anne MacIntosh
St Andrew's Embroidery group will be raising money for the mental health charity, Men Matter Scotland, at this year's Christmas fair. We are looking for donations of any Christmas decorations you no longer need for up cycling and selling. Donations can be left in the pine cupboard to the right of the organ. Any queries: [email protected].
A special limited edition of notelet cards, based on three designs created by St Andrew’s Embroidery Group will be available at the back of the church at the Piety Stall during the month of October. An individual card is £2.50, a set of all three designs, £6.00 and 10 cards, £20.00. The inside of the card has been left blank for you to write your own words.
Assisted Suicide –Please contact your MSPs today to stop assisted suicide becoming legal in Scotland. Access the Write to Them website: https://writetothem.com and write to your MSPs (and/or your MP).
See more on: https://rcpolitics.org/
Pastoral Ministry to Deaf Community: Mass is now signed for the Deaf Community in St Augustine’s Milton at 12 Noon Mass.
The Legion of Mary. Can you spare a few hours each week? If so, we would love your help in our work of supporting the Parish Priest in pastoral work. If you would like to know further about our work and have a little chat about what we do, please phone Ann on 07988 258977.
Before receiving Holy Communion, we are asked to make some act of reverence such as a bow.
The Church is open until 5p.m. Monday to Saturday. Call in and enjoy the peace and quiet and take time to sit in the stillness in the silence of God.
Tea is served in the hut after 10a.m. Mass/Services, Monday to Thursday. All most welcome.
Difficulty Reading Local News - The Bearsden & Milngavie Talking Newspaper Association – BEAM- provides recordings each week, to the blind and visually impaired in the local community, of the Milngavie & Bearsden Herald, extracts from the Community News plus stories from e.g. the Scottish Book Trust, adding a bit of light-hearted interest. Free boom boxes are supplied -the Post Office provides a free postal service - therefore no cost to listeners. For more information contact Alisdair Meldrum on 07597 519791.
Parish Bulletin: Items for inclusion should be sent to [email protected] by 5p.m. on the Tuesday before publication and should not exceed 80 words. The Parish Bulletin is available weekly on our website/by email for all those on our Parish database and on the noticeboard in the Church porch.
Recently Dead: William Burns, John Docherty, Fr. W. Donnelly, Mark Nouillan and Luciano Mazzomcini
Anniversaries: Stella Kennedy, Stephen and Elizabeth McCusker, Maureen Morton and Kathleen Muir.