Great buzz in a full hall last Sunday with fab fun and games for all the new P1s. Huge thanks to all the P1 families for coming along and a job well done to the Youth Team for organising everything. Huge thanks to the P6 pupils for all their terrific help being buddies. Have a great summer holiday, everyone. Looking forward to August in St Nics with the new P1s.
Special second Collection 30th June Feast of Sts Peter & Paul – Peter’s Pence. Your generosity to the Peter’s Pence collection allows the Pope to respond to our suffering brothers and sisters around the world with promptness, love and compassion, so God’s people will not feel alone in their time of misfortune.
The Upper Hall will be used as a polling station on 4th July. Unfortunately, parking in the grounds will not be permitted on that day. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.
Please Note: There is no entry to the upper hall or the office on 4 July 2024 unless attending to vote.
From 7th July, St Andrew’s will have only one weekend Mass which will be on Sunday at 12 Noon. St Joseph’s will have Sunday Mass at 10a.m. and Saturday Vigil Mass at 5.30p.m. Confessions will be from 4.30p.m. until 5.15p.m.
In August, St Andrew’s will have Saturday Vigil Mass at 5.30p.m. and Confessions from 4.30p.m .until 5.15p.m. and Sunday Mass at 10a.m. St Joseph's will have Mass at 12 Noon.
On Wednesdays, both churches will have a Service of the Word and Holy Communion, 10a.m. at St Andrew’s and 9.30a.m. at St Joseph’s.
The Feast of the Assumption is on Thursday, 15th August and Mass at St Andrew’s is at 7p.m. and 9:30a.m. at St Joseph’s.
Weekday Masses are on Thursday and Friday only, at 10a.m. in St Andrew’s, and Monday and Tuesday at 9.30a.m. at St Joseph’s. These changes have been brought about by a lack of priests, making it harder to get cover while priests take their annual leave.
Remember that the changes are for July and August only.
Pray for vocations. Pray for priests and for more priests for our Archdiocese.
During July and August, ideally, a funeral Mass would take place on one of the weekday Mass days at the parish church of the loved one who has died.
Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati
Laudato Si’ - On Care for our Common Home - The creating word expresses a free choice. The universe did not emerge as the result of arbitrary omnipotence, a show of force or a desire for self-assertion. (#77)
Calling all First Communicants - like to become a Server or join the Children’s Choir or become a reader?
Mum and dad, do get in touch.
SPRED RAFFLE Please accept our heartfelt thanks on behalf of SPRED Glasgow for your wonderful generosity. Our parish had a WINNER, who is now in possession of a beautiful coffee machine and enough coffee pods to use for quite some time!!!! Thank you to those who bought tickets and gave monetary donations. St Andrew's SPRED group.
P. S... We restart our meetings in September and have space for one more friend...can you help us find that friend?
Catholic…? Thinking about it…? Know someone who is…? Please speak to Fr. Mackle if you would like to know more about becoming Catholic and the RCIA process.
AGAP Theatre presents “Gaudi: God’s Architect”. Explore the life of the Visionary behind Barcelona’s Sagrada Familia through this multimedia production. Fringe Preview Performances 7.30pm on 16th July: Archdiocese of Glasgow Curial Offices, 196 Clyde St; Wed 17th July: Our Lady of Lourdes, Cardonald; Thurs 18th July: St Thomas the Apostle, Riddrie; Fri 19th July: Bld John Duns Scotus, Gorbals. Tickets £8 (£6 concession) from www.gaudi-play.co.uk and 0749 534 7884. (Run time 50 min. Post-show chat and refreshments.)
Before receiving Holy Communion, we are asked to make some act of reverence such as a bow.
Regarding young children who haven’t made their First Communion being given a blessing at Communion time.Parents who wish their child to receive a blessing must come forward, please, in the Communion line to the priest or deacon. Many thanks.
The Sacrament of Confirmation for all going into P7 this August will be celebrated on Tuesday 29th April 2025 at 7p.m. in St Andrews. Save the date!
The Church will remain open Monday - Saturday until 5pm during the summer months. Call in and enjoy the peace and quiet and take time to sit in the stillness in the silence of God.
During July and August, the Hut will be open for teas/coffees after 10a.m. Mass on Thursdays and Fridays. Hospitality is extended to any visiting St Joseph parishioners on both these days.
You can raise FREE donations for the parish every time you shop online. Take a moment to sign up at tinyurl.com/StAndrewsBearsden2023
For women affected by separation and divorce - confidential and peer support Friday 5th July 2024 St Patrick's, Dumbarton 6-8p.m. [email protected].
Support For Drumchapel Foodbank. Drumchapel Foodbank is particularly in need of extra donations during the summer holidays when school meals are not provided, and many families are under additional pressure to provide for their children. Collection box for all donations is in the house porch. Any cash donations handed in are used to purchase from Asda for immediate delivery to the Foodbank.
Parish Bulletin: Items for inclusion should be sent to [email protected] by 5p.m. on the Tuesday before publication and should not exceed 80 words. The Parish Bulletin is available weekly on our website/by email for all those on our Parish database and on the noticeboard in the Church porch.
Recently Dead: Maurice Brewster, Marie Carlin, Rosemarie Casey, Bernard Croal, Sharon Hendry, Gerard Lennon, Stephen Marshall, Malcolm McCluskey and Iain Stewart
Anniversaries: Ian McColl, Bridget Baillie, Anne Parker, Grant Purdie and Mary Cox.