All flesh shall see the salvation of God."
Advent Appeal for Christmas Gifts - your help needed to make it happen! Please leave in the porch 7th– 17th December: Glasgow’s Homeless men or women: Either a gift bag with all items OR in box provided, any of these items -
- socks/underwear
- Scarf/gloves
- Toiletries - toothbrush/paste, shampoo, shower gel, shaving foam/ razor, deodorant.
- Selection box
- Book or Christmas card.
- Thursday 19th December: Confessions 6 -7p.m.
- Tuesday 24th December: Christmas Eve Vigil - 5p.m, Carol Service - 8:30 p.m. (Early) Midnight Mass - 9 p.m.
- Christmas Day: One Mass at 10.30a.m.
- Boxing Day 26th December: No Mass.
- New Year’s Day Mass: 10a.m. (NB NOT 10:30a.m.)
- Thursday 2nd January: No Mass
LAST COFFEE MORNING OF THE YEAR - this Sunday 8th December. Please join us for mince pies, tea/coffee/mulled wine in the Upper Hall after 10a.m. Mass. This month we will be raising funds for the St Nicholas Care Fund. Last month we raised £494.18 for The White Lily Fund. Thanks to all our wonderful bakers/helpers/parishioners for your continued support and generosity. We wish you all the compliments of the season, Veronica and David Maguire
SECOND COLLECTION ~ There will be a second collection NEXT WEEKEND for the St Nicholas Care Fund- Caring Sunday. There will be a Letter for this Appeal in the porch for anyone who wishes to read it.
St Andrews Church - The 29 Club Winners 2024/25 Our Pre Christmas Draw took place at our Parish Social Event in the Church Hall on 30 November 2024 drawn by various parishioners present. Winners are below!
- £1000: No. 7 Bernadette & Derek McArthur
- £100: No. 59 Tom Laurie
- £100: No.196 Colin Rodger
- £100: No.122 Stephen Smith
- £100: No.151 Nicola Quinn
- £100: No.159 Alan MacBeth
SAVE THE DATE: Family Advent Service on the evening of Friday 20th December followed by refreshments in the Upper Hall. Everybody welcome - bring friends and get into the true Christmas spirit.
Before receiving Holy Communion, we are asked to make some act of reverence such as a bow.
The 2025 edition of the Western Catholic Calendar is available in the Piety Stall priced £3.70
St. Andrew’s Whist Drive Christmas Party will take place on Wednesday 11th December in the Lower Hall, from 2p.m. – 4:15p.m. Tea, coffee and some food will be served. Entry £3. Looking forward to seeing everyone. New members always welcome.
The Church is open until 5p.m. Monday to Saturday. Call in and enjoy the peace and quiet and take time to sit in the stillness in the silence of God.
Tea is served in the hut after daily Mass Monday to Thursday. All most welcome.
POP UP CHOIR REHEARSAL Come and join our joyful pop-up choir as we prepare for the Advent Service and sing-along afterwards. Rehearsals continue in the church on Sunday afternoons at 2.30p.m. If you can vaguely hold a tune you will be made most welcome. We sing.....and we laugh too!
Association of Bearsden Churches (ABC) – Carol Singing – Saturday 14th December 2024
Please come along on Saturday 14th December to ASDA, Bearsden between 12 Noon &13:00 to join with other local churches to raise money for Woman’s Aid, Milngavie and Drumchapel Foodbank while singing carols. Many thanks in advance.
Children's Liturgy ~ We are looking for more volunteers to help with running the Children's Liturgy. This will involve being on a rota to take the children during the Liturgy of the Word at 10a.m. Sunday Mass. If you are interested in joining our team, please speak to one of the members or Fr Michael.
SCIAF Real Gifts - can’t think of what to give the man/woman/girl/boy in your life who has everything? Give them an ethical gift that makes a real difference to people who need it the most. Visit https://shop.sciaf.org.uk
Pope Benedict XVI, Address to the General Assembly of the United Nations, 18 April 2008
Laudato Si’ - On Care for our Common Home - We can hardly consider ourselves to be fully loving if we disregard any aspect of reality: “Peace, justice and the preservation of creation are three absolutely interconnected themes, which cannot be separated and treated individually without once again falling into reductionism”. (#92)
Appeal for More Messengers - We are now short of Messengers for most of our Reachout delivery areas, so if you would like to volunteer as a Messenger, it would be most appreciated. Please contact [email protected] or speak to Fr Michael.
Choir dates today 8th, 15th and 25th December. Any children not in St Nicholas' who would like to join the choir please contact Annamaria Strachan on 0141 942 9799/07749 715414 or email [email protected].
Bearsden Academy is having a Christmas Concert on Wednesday, 18th December at 2.30p.m. They are offering four spaces. If interested, see Fr. Michael.
Thank you to our amazing supporters on #easyfundraising. Your online shopping makes a real difference to us! Because of you, St Andrew's RC Church Bearsden received a payment of £140 last week. This money will be used to buy food for Drumchapel Foodbank. If you're not supporting us, you can in just a few clicks. Sign up to #easyfundraising to raise free donations for us when you shop with your favourite retailers for Black Friday deals, Christmas presents and all your online shopping. Sign up at https://tinyurl.com/StAndrewsBearsden2023
Support for Drumchapel Foodbank. Non-perishable food items are always gratefully received and can be placed in the House porch. Donations can also be taken straight to the Foodbank at Ladyloan Pl Unit 9, G158LB. We regularly use cash donations to purchase food items for delivery straight to the foodbank.Our rota is always looking for more foodbank volunteer drivers. If you can help, please get in touch. Thanks for continuing to give the foodbank your support.
Christmas Playlist. Click on image below.
ST ANDREW’S BEARSDEN BULLETIN TEAM ~ From January 2025, an additional volunteer would be very much appreciated to join our small team which operates on a rota to enable holiday cover etc. Computer word processing skills are essential. If you are interested/to find out more please contact us at [email protected]
Parish Bulletin: Items for inclusion should be sent to [email protected] by 5p.m. on the Tuesday before publication and should not exceed 80 words. The Parish Bulletin is available weekly on our website/by email for all those on our Parish database and on the noticeboard in the Church porch.
Recently Dead: May Anderson, Teddy Davidson, Michelle Donnelly and Patricia Hughes
Anniversaries: Marie Colpi, Beth Coyle, Jessie McColl, Mary McIntyre, Fr John McKelvie, Anne McSherry, Philip Murphy and Paul Sheridan.