Attendees: Father Michael, Deacon Tommy, George Allan, Moira English, Sadie Traynor, Robert Paterson and Veronica McLaughlin.
Apologies: Ricky Jackson, Margaret Barton and Mary Teresa Coyle.
1. Opening Prayer: A warm welcome expressed to Fr Michael and massive thanks to Fr Joe for his devotion and pastoral care for the parish over the past 11 years as well as for the various Parish initiatives progressed under his guidance. Thanks also to George Allan who has chaired PPC for the past 3 years and for all he does within the Parish.
2. Previous minutes were agreed with no changes.
3. Parish Group Reports reviewed and opportunity to raise questions or expand upon:
4. PPC Membership: With the departure of a number of PPC members following their 3-year term, we are looking for 2 new members in line with the Constitution who can make an active contribution to the PPC.
Veronica to draft up outline of PPC member expectation for agreement.
Discussion around parish representation on St Nicholas School Council
Fr. Michael will discuss with acting Headmaster when he visits the school on Monday.
5. Parish Directory: Discussed that it would be good to progress a joint directory with St Josephs and this could potentially be taken forward by new PPC member. This will be progressed once Fr Lyons is in place.
6. Father Mackle’s leaving do: Updated meeting on arrangements for leaving do on Saturday 9th November.
7. AOB
8. Date of next meeting: Thursday 5th December 6.45 for 7pm.
9. Closing Prayer
Apologies: Ricky Jackson, Margaret Barton and Mary Teresa Coyle.
1. Opening Prayer: A warm welcome expressed to Fr Michael and massive thanks to Fr Joe for his devotion and pastoral care for the parish over the past 11 years as well as for the various Parish initiatives progressed under his guidance. Thanks also to George Allan who has chaired PPC for the past 3 years and for all he does within the Parish.
2. Previous minutes were agreed with no changes.
3. Parish Group Reports reviewed and opportunity to raise questions or expand upon:
- Liturgy
- J&P – noted the continuing high level of activities in the joint J&P group.
- Messengers – Father Michael invited to next Messengers meeting.
- Halls
- Fabric & Finance – since report submitted, it has been confirmed that the land behind St Andrew’s is owned down as far as the burn which means need to look at work to be done to this area to maintain and keep safe.
4. PPC Membership: With the departure of a number of PPC members following their 3-year term, we are looking for 2 new members in line with the Constitution who can make an active contribution to the PPC.
Veronica to draft up outline of PPC member expectation for agreement.
Discussion around parish representation on St Nicholas School Council
Fr. Michael will discuss with acting Headmaster when he visits the school on Monday.
5. Parish Directory: Discussed that it would be good to progress a joint directory with St Josephs and this could potentially be taken forward by new PPC member. This will be progressed once Fr Lyons is in place.
6. Father Mackle’s leaving do: Updated meeting on arrangements for leaving do on Saturday 9th November.
7. AOB
- Touched on plan to hold St Andrew’s night on 30th November.
- Father Michael updated meeting on his days providing pastoral support at the naval base (Tuesday and Wednesday) and his day off (Friday). He has provided his contact details for availability in Bulletin notice and these will also be on parish house answering machine.
- Plans to update church notice board following some damage including updating times of Confession.
- Boiler – George gave update on plan to install new heating.
- Recognised limitations for disabled parking and this will be monitored on an ongoing basis.
- Upper Hall being redecorated.
8. Date of next meeting: Thursday 5th December 6.45 for 7pm.
9. Closing Prayer