Holy Week and the Sacred Triduum
Since the current restrictions will remain in place in Scotland at least until after Holy Week and Easter Sunday, the Archbishop has issued instructions for the various rites and liturgies that priests and deacons may celebrate without the presence of the people, avoiding concelebration and omitting the sign of peace.
Palm Sunday. Palms will be blessed at 10am Mass in St Andrew's, Bearsden, but distributed at a later time when circumstances permit.
Holy Thursday. Mass will be celebrated at 5pm in the parish. Omitted will be the washing of feet, and the end of Mass procession. The Blessed Sacrament will be kept in the Tabernacle.
Good Friday. The adoration of the Cross by kissing it shall be limited solely to the celebrant. This will be at 12noon in our parish. A special intention will be included for those who find themselves in distress, the sick and the dead.
The Easter Vigil can be celebrated in parish churches with the priest only present. Monsignor and I have decided rather than celebrating an Easter Vigil, each of us will celebrate separately Mass on Easter Sunday. We pray that Yvonne and Jen will experience the joy of initiation before too long.
Do remember that all these services will be conducted without a congregation present.
Live-streamed Liturgies - Archbishop Tartaglia intends to conduct the Palm Sunday and the Triduum liturgies in St Andrew’s Cathedral and live-stream (on this link) them at the following times:
Palm Sunday 5th April 12 noon.
Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday 9th April 6pm.
Good Friday 10th April 3pm.
Easter Vigil 11th April 8.30pm.
Since the current restrictions will remain in place in Scotland at least until after Holy Week and Easter Sunday, the Archbishop has issued instructions for the various rites and liturgies that priests and deacons may celebrate without the presence of the people, avoiding concelebration and omitting the sign of peace.
Palm Sunday. Palms will be blessed at 10am Mass in St Andrew's, Bearsden, but distributed at a later time when circumstances permit.
Holy Thursday. Mass will be celebrated at 5pm in the parish. Omitted will be the washing of feet, and the end of Mass procession. The Blessed Sacrament will be kept in the Tabernacle.
Good Friday. The adoration of the Cross by kissing it shall be limited solely to the celebrant. This will be at 12noon in our parish. A special intention will be included for those who find themselves in distress, the sick and the dead.
The Easter Vigil can be celebrated in parish churches with the priest only present. Monsignor and I have decided rather than celebrating an Easter Vigil, each of us will celebrate separately Mass on Easter Sunday. We pray that Yvonne and Jen will experience the joy of initiation before too long.
Do remember that all these services will be conducted without a congregation present.
Live-streamed Liturgies - Archbishop Tartaglia intends to conduct the Palm Sunday and the Triduum liturgies in St Andrew’s Cathedral and live-stream (on this link) them at the following times:
Palm Sunday 5th April 12 noon.
Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday 9th April 6pm.
Good Friday 10th April 3pm.
Easter Vigil 11th April 8.30pm.