secures justice for the oppressed,
gives food to the hungry."
Festive Teas and Coffees – Sunday 18th Dec. Please join us for mince pies and tea/coffee/mulled wine after 10am Mass in the Upper Hall. This is the last coffee morning of this year so, please, come along, if you can. This month we will be raising funds for the St Nicholas Care Fund. When you give to the Fund, you give collectively to so many different kinds of good causes. Many more than you would be able to help individually. Everything the Fund gives is in your name. Your support:- Changes the lives of children living in poverty; Helps support parents bring up their families; Helps families to stay together by supporting grandparents as Kinship Carers. Thanks and we take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued support and to wish you all the compliments of the season. Veronica and David Maguire
Nightfever – for young people aged 15+. You are warmly invited to take a short time out of your busy week and enjoy a calm hour of reflection with adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in candlelight and uplifting music on 18th December 7 – 8pm. There will be refreshments afterwards.
St Joseph's Advent Candlelit Reflection – St Joseph’s, Milngavie, Music Group extends an invitation to St Andrew’s and St Benedict’s parishioners to an evening of Advent music and reflection in the Church on Tuesday 20th December at 7.30 pm - followed by mulled wine and mince pies in the hall. An Advent cluster event.
Good News - our applications to East Dunbartonshire Council's Stalled Spaces Scotland Programme were successful and we have received a funding award of £3,321 for our Jubilee Garden. Also, £350 has been granted to the parish from Mrs M. H. McMillan's Charitable Trust for the Jubilee Garden.
Caring Sunday Second collection this weekend will be taken up for the St. Nicholas Care Fund, which ensures practical help where most needed. Please return Advent Caring Boxes by Jan 8th.
Children’s Choir - 11th & 18th December & Christmas Day. Any queries, please contact Annamaria Strachan 01419429799/07749715514 /[email protected]
Christmas Eve 5pm Mass will mark the start of our parish’s Golden Jubilee 50th Anniversary celebrations.
Poinsettias for the sanctuary for Christmas will be gratefully received. Please hand in next weekend 17th/18th Dec preferably not before.
New Year’s Eve Masses – 6pm Vigil & Hogmanay11.30pm followed by 50th Anniversary refreshments. New Year’s Day Masses – 10am & 12noon.
Upcoming Meeting: 12th Dec at 7pm – Youth Committee.
Big Clean for Christmas: In preparation for Christmas, the church will be cleaned on Thurs 22nd Dec after 10am Mass. We are looking for as many volunteers as possible (men as well as women) to come along and help with this essential task.
Confessions for Christmas - 19th Dec - 10.30 - 11am & 6-7pm.20th Dec - 6-7pm. 21st Dec 6-7pm. 22nd Dec - 10.30 - 11am & 6-7pm.23rd Dec - 10.30 - 11am & 6-7pm.Christmas Eve - 10.30 - 11am & 6-7pm.Christmas Day - 9.15 - 9.40am.
Day of Confessions in St Andrew’s Cathedral from 7.30am to 5.30pm on Thurs 20th December. This may be handy for you if you go to the city centre to work or shop.
A screening of 'Apparition Hill ...A Film about Life ..and What Comes After' will be shown in the Empire Cinema, Clydebank on Thursday 19th January from 18.30pm to 21.30pm. The film documents the true story of seven strangers (some of faith, some not) travelling to Medjugorje, a place of reported miracles as they search for answers to life's big questions on Apparition Hill. The tickets are £10 each with any profit going to Mary’s Meals. The film will be preceded by a short presentation from Dalmally House of Prayer on the connection between Dalmally, Medjugorje and Mary’s Meals. Tickets can be purchased online: or after Mass on Saturday 17th & Sunday 18th December 2016
The school’s ECO group of enthusiastic gardeners will be visiting us again this Thursday to do more planting, and they’ll be bringing along their suggestions for a name for the jubilee garden.
St Andrew’s Primary Carol Service – Wednesday 21st Dec at 10am here in St Andrew’s church. Please note, morning Mass will be at 9am.
SPRED – 12noon Advent Mass today. We would love you to join us for Mass and afterwards in the Lower Hall for tea, coffee and a chat.
Unity Supper at New Kilpatrick Halls on Wed 18 Jan 7.15. Tickets £10 from Margaret Sanders 942 7519.Speaker – May Nicholson, Preshal Trust.
Advent Appeal - Drumchapel Foodbank. The number of families now dependent on the foodbank, and the number of emergencies, are rising fast. If everyone coming to Mass could donate at least one item of food, this would be of great help. Collection boxes are taken from porch every Monday morning. Thank you for your help.
Bearsden Choir Christmas Celebration Concert. – Wed 14th December @7.30pm in New Kilpatrick Parish Church, followed by seasonal refreshments in NK New Halls. Tickets £10 (children £5) at the door or phone Chris on 942 7519. For more details, see poster on Noticeboard in the Porch.
St Andrew’s Parish Library- We would like to fill the bookcase in the porch with books of a spiritual nature which parishioners can borrow. We hope by this means to help each other deepen our faith and intensify our practice of the faith. We would be grateful, therefore, if you could provide any books of a spiritual nature which you no longer need. Please put them on the bookcase. You will be able to borrow books for as long as you wish but we do ask people to return them when they have finished reading them so that others may also benefit from reading them. There will be a sign in / sign out sheet.
Westerton Male Voice Choir - Spirit of Christmas Concert. St. Andrew's Church – Thurs, 15th Dec, 7.30 - 9 pm followed by a "festive afterglow" in hall 9 - 9.30pm. Evocative Christmas music across the range of classical, sacred and traditional carols. Tickets £10 (children under 16 free). Call Owen McHugh on 07954952885.
Smart Junior Chef Course. Hands-on cookery course. January to April 2017. For girls aged 14 to 17. 10 sessions. Saturdays 10am – 12 noon at Hazlewood House, 52 First Gardens, G41 5NB. Parents and grandparents welcome. Discover the chef in you. The course starts at 10.00 am on Saturday 14 January 2017 and has a total cost of £50. Pick up a flyer from the Church Porch. For more information call 427 7036.
Christmas Soup Run this Friday 16th Dec taking hot drinks and mince pies on our visit to the gentlemen at the Bellgrove Hotel. Many thanks for the generous donations of Christmas parcels of toiletries, underwear, socks, books and sweets. Any excess food or gifts will be taken to the Wayside Club. Many thanks for your wonderful support throughout the year. The folk group will provide a Carol service.
Please remember in your Prayers -
Sick—Paul Morton, Dante Biagioi, Louise Dolan, Ronald Coia, Douglas Dalby (Snr), Baby Finn, Joan Davis, Margie Cornyn, Patricia Swiatek, Gilbert O’Rourke, Joseph McDermid, Charlie Harper, Bruce Davidson, Paul Sheridan, John Gerard Miller, Maureen MacIntosh, Davie Peacock, Anne Rodgers, Diarmid O’Hara, Barbara Holland, Michelle Rajab, Matthew Craig, Maurice Boyce, Margaret Kieran, James Keegan, Martin Reynolds.
Recently Dead— Maimie Brady, Brian O’Neill, John Gray, Stephen Marshall, James McDade, Brian French, Willie Gray, John Downie.
Anniversaries—Vincent Carden, Francis Xavier Deighan, Bernard Bell, Marie Wandsworth, Betty Clarke, Agnes Reilly.