Sacrament of Baptism—Two months notice is required to allow preparation for Baptism. Please contact Fr. Donnelly to make arrangements. Please note that the next Baptism Preparation Session for parents and godparents of children being baptised will be on Sunday 20th February from 11.30 to 14.30 at St. Andrew’s Church (Lower Hall). There will be a 30 minute break during the session so you may wish to bring a packed lunch. Tea will be provided.
St. Patrick’s Night—Saturday 19th March. Tickets for the event will be on sale beginning of February. More details later.
Sixties/Seventies Disco—In Upper Hall on Saturday 19th February, 7 30—11 30pm in aid of White Lily Fund (Cancer research). Dancing, bar, raffle, quiz, Roll-a-Pound. Tickets £12 include Fish/Chip Supper. Contact Lorna Donnelly on 942 0696 or Margaret Carvill on 942 6284.
Piety Stall rota—We are short of volunteers to assist with serving in the Piety Stall, particularly after the Vigil and 12 noon Masses. If you could spare 15 minutes after Mass and are aged over 16, we would really appreciate your help. The rota sheet for January, February and March is on the notice board at the back of the Church. Any questions please call Anne MacIntosh 931 5861.
The Papal Visit—DVD’s celebrating the memorable occasion are on sale at the Piety Stall price £9 99.
Assisted Parishes—Second collections this weekend.
Cup of Tea Day—30th January. Also known as Homelessness Sunday. Tea available in upper hall after 10am Mass marking the start of Poverty and Homelessness action week. Please come and give your support. For further details see notice board. Scottish Churches Housing Action.
Church on Facebook and Twitter—Pope Benedict has recently spoken about the need for the Church to make use of the new opportunities offered by social networking sites to get its message across. In response, the Archdiocese has created it own Facebook and Twitter account. They will be used to bring short snippets of news and information to users throughout the year. There is no cost involved and signing up is simple
For Facebook users: Open your homepage. Search for “Archdiocese of Glasgow”. Open the page. Click “like”.
For twitter Users: Open your homepage. Search for “ArchdiocGlasgow”. Open the page. Click “follow”.
Please take a note of these details and sign up when you get home so as to be kept fully informed of all that’s happening for Catholics in and around Glasgow.
Child Protection & Adults at Risk within St. Andrew’s—The Archdiocese now requires all Volunteers within our Parish to attend a Training Session. This will take place on Saturday 19th February 2011 from 10.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon. The Session will be held jointly with the Volunteers within St. Joseph's Milngavie, at St. Joseph’s Parish Hall. It is recognised that Saturday morning is not necessarily an ideal time for many people (particularly parents with young children) but with family and work commitments, there is never going to be a day or a time that suits everyone. All Volunteers within the Parish should at this point in time enter this date in their diaries and Michael McGovern, the Parish Co-ordinator, will shortly be writing to all Volunteers with more details and for confirmation that they will be able to attend. The purpose of this Notice is to give volunteers adequate notice of the Session.