Welcome to Fr John Clark, Comboni Missionaries (Verona Fathers) who is visiting our parish this weekend to speak to us about their Mission Appeal. There will be second collection taken up to support the Verona Fathers in their missionary work.
Forthcoming Second Collection –26th June – Peter’s Pence.
Last Coffee Morning before the Holidays!!!! today Sunday after 10 am Mass, It's also Father’s Day, so treat dad to a cuppa and some home baking. This month we are raising funds for The Team Lewis Foundation (Registered charity no. SC045596 ). This charity helps support the siblings of sick babies in neonatal and/or paediatric units, by making the care environment(s) more child/family friendly and to provide respite when appropriate. Whilst parents may be offered counselling if they lose their new babies, siblings often are not included which some families find hard, as they too have suffered a loss. For more information, please see teamlewis.org.uk
Drumchapel Foodbank As school meals are not provided during school holidays, many families are under additional pressure to provide for their children. Please be generous with your welcome help. Thank you.
A Big Thank You from SPRED to all those who contributed so generously to our Lourdes fund, and in particular to the “Hut Ladies,” whose donation has enabled us to raise the full cost of Gillian’s 50th birthday pilgrimage - way beyond the target we had set ourselves!
Many thanks from the World Youth Day group as through the Parish`s generous support of all our fundraising activities we have reached our target. We could not have done this without all of you, so, thanks to everyone who helped us reach our target. Additional thanks to Dorothy MacLean for organising the Guess the Teddy`s Birthday fundraiser. The winner was announced at Sunday`s barbecue. We will keep you posted throughout our trip to Poland with our blog on parish Facebook. Many, many thanks again.
Knights of St Columba – a body of Catholic laymen committed to helping the mission and doctrine of the Church, is looking to recruit new members in this Year of Mercy. One of the Knights will make a short appeal at all the Masses next weekend. If you are interested and would like to find out more about the Knights of St Columba, speak to Brian Henry next weekend or email [email protected] Visit - www.ksc.org.uk
The Caritas Award - St. Andrew`s Parish is now able to support young people in their final year of school to achieve this award. The Caritas Award gives you the opportunity to learn more about your faith by reflecting on scripture and the Pope`s teachings at 4 short meetings throughout the year. You must also volunteer to take part in different ministries in Church and the local community, eg. reading or passkeeping at Mass, getting involved with the parish's Justice and Peace Group, helping with Fairtrade or taking part in fundraising activities. It is a rewarding and enjoyable way to learn more about your faith with people your own age and also get a chance to show love of neighbour through your volunteering activities. Additionally, it helps you develop key skills like team working, make new friends, set yourself challenges, develop your CV and improve your confidence. If you are interested in learning more about the Caritas award speak to Fr. Mackle or contact Elizabeth Reid [email protected] Come along to a Caritas information event after the 10am Mass next Sunday, 26th June in the upper hall. Interested candidates already signing up. Do you want to join them? Visit http://www.caritasaward.org
Internal Redecoration of the church will begin 27th June through to 15th July.
A huge thanks to all who helped make last Sunday's joint parish Family BBQ fun day such a success, and a wonderful day was had by all. Next step in the cluster programme is a joint meeting of members of the executives of the Parish Pastoral Councils in Sept / Oct to look at ways in which we as parishes within the cluster can collaborate and share resources. An update - after our recent meeting with the archbishop, our cluster has been further revised. St Laurence's will now join the parishes of the Clydebank cluster. Cluster now is St Andrew’s, St Benedict’s and St Joseph’s.
Drop in events will be held at both St Joseph's Primary and St Andrew's Primary this Tuesday, 21st June from 3pm to 7pm giving information on the design of the new school and opportunities for feedback. It is hoped that the Drop In will enable parents to participate in the event following school pick ups.
Altar Servers. Any young member of the Parish who would like to become an Altar Server is invited to contact Chris Sanders (942 7519) or Fr. Mackle or Mgr Ryan, who will gladly take your details. This invitation is aimed particularly at those children in P IV who have just made their First Holy Communion, repeating the Fr M’s appeal at your special Mass last Sunday. Training sessions will not start until the school year re-commences. However, an early start can be made then if your contact details are known.
A 20 year old Spanish student (female) is looking for a host family to live with for 3-4 weeks during the summer. Her name is Sonia and she is a second year University student studying to become an English teacher. She would like to find a family that would be happy for her to live with them in return for help with domestic chores and perhaps to help with young children or an ageing relative. If you would like further information please call Jackie Harrison on 942 8229. This would be a private arrangement between the family and the student, and St Andrew’s parish would have no involvement with this.
Refugee Scotland Festival runs through to 26th June - bringing together people from refugee and local communities to celebrate the contributions refugees make to life in Scotland. Visit www.scottishrefugeecouncil.org.uk/newsandevents Justice and Peace Group.
Please remember in your Prayers -
Sick—Paul Morton, Dante Biagioi, Louise Dolan, Charlie Melly, Ronald Coia, Douglas Dalby (Snr), Baby Eva Berrey, Joan Davis, Margie Cornyn, Russell Rodger, Patricia Swiatek, Gilbert O’Rourke, Mary Frances Gerrard, Joseph McDermid, Charlie Harper, Alan Johnston, Martin Barnes, Bruce Davidson, Paul Sheridan, John Gerard Miller, Sheila Donnelly.
Recently Dead—Sandy Pate, Margaret McGuire, Bridie Best, Bert Howden, Paulina Cosh, Michael Norris, Jason Lyons, Theresa Stewart, Ivy McGill, Kelly Ann Ramsay
Anniversaries—Robina Burnett, Johnny Sheerin, Margaret Sheerin, Bernie Feely, Susie Feely, Dolly Sheerin, Peter Gilmartin (Snr) Peter Gilmartin (Jnr) Rose Gilmartin, John Wallace, Mary Theresa Cox, Mark Sanders, Annie Scott, Donald MacLean, Terry Grogan.
Month’s Mind—Mary Moss, Maria McNerney
One Month’s Mind—Teresa Gourlay
Six Month’s Mind—Greta Ward.