Sign Up Sunday Weekend resulted in a terrific response. Many thanks to all those who signed up (40 in total) to help and get involved in the various areas of our parish’s life and mission. Group leaders, along with our PPC Chair, will be in touch soon with all new volunteers. If you missed last weekend and would like to get involved as a volunteer in the parish, then please don’t hesitate to say. Call 942 4635 or email [email protected]
Our charity coffee morning is today Sunday, May 5, so please come along and join us in the upper hall after 10am Mass for a cuppa, a chat and some delicious home baking. This month’s charity is The National Autistic Society of Scotland. The charity provides a range of projects and services for the 58,000 autistic people living in Scotland and their families.
First Holy Communion Masses – For 12th May Mass, one volunteer first communicant still required for offertory; and for the 19th May Mass, bidding prayers (4), and offertory (4). One Mass ministry per child. Please email [email protected] All roles allocated on a first come first served basis.
First Holy Communion Rehearsals are Thursday 9th May at 7pm for all the 12thMay first communicants; and Thursday 16th May at 7pm for all 19thMay first communicants.
The 31 Club –Anyone can join. Offer one Mass each month for Church vocations. All that is looked for is a personal commitment to attend and offer up a Mass for vocations. You pick a day in the month that suits. Just sign or initial a date on the 31 Club sheet in the porch. Promoted by Glasgow Serra.
Next Sunday is Good Shepherd Sunday – World Day of Prayer for Vocations. Lord, Make Me Know Your Ways - Could God be calling you to serve as a priest or a permanent deacon or the consecrated life? Please get in touch to find out more about discerning your vocation, and information about monthly evenings of discernment. Vocations Director - Fr Ross Campbell 339 4315. Email: [email protected] Visit www.priestforscotland.org.uk
The church is open until 4.45pm (7.30pm on Mondays, Tuesdays & Fridays) Call in and enjoy the peace and quiet, and take time to sit in the stillness in the silence of God.
Tea is served in the hut after daily Mass. All most welcome.
RCIA Fish Supper Night– 7thJune. With all good wishes for the Easter Season. “The spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you”. Romans 8:11
Interested in becoming a Catholic?– Not baptised? Baptised in another faith? RCIA will begin in the autumn. The programme of learning and instruction prepares adults for the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. Please speak to Fr. Mackle if you would like to know more about RCIA and the Catholic faith.
May Devotions –& Benediction – Sundays at 4.30pm.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament– each Saturday from 10.30am until 12.30pm. Please consider coming to spend some time in adoration and prayer each Saturday.
Youth Ministry Team– As well as looking for new members, we’re always looking for ideas for youth events. If you’ve any, and would like to help out with them, let us know. Next youth ministry meeting – 7th May atpm
Evening Pilgrimage to Carfin for St Joseph’s and St Andrew’s– Monday 13thMay. Bus will leave at 6.30pm at the Post Office in Milngavie. All are very welcome.
First Confession-Sacrament of Reconciliation-For children who have still to make theirs, times are Saturdays 10.30am – 11.00am; & 5.15pm – 5.45pm; Sundays 9.15 – 9.40am.
Family members are encouraged, too, to take the opportunity to go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
For support, motivation and lots of fun,join our fitness classes every Wednesday in St Andrew’s upper hall at 10am. Call Rosemary on 01416397477 for details.
“How to put a Youth Night together” Tuesday, 21stMay 2019: 1900 – 2100 Youth Office, 2nd Floor, 196 Clyde St, Glasgow, G1 4JY This training opportunity is for any parish that would like to push ahead with some kind of youth ministry or who have already done so.
Please let the Youth Office know if you are going, and mention too to Fr Mackle
[email protected]
Pilgrimage to Knock and Lough Derg/Donegal 2019:Monday 1st - Friday 5th July 2019.Knock and Lough Derg - £285; Knock and Donegal - £375.Single room supplement - Knock £10pppn; Donegal £20pppn.To book or for futher information please contact: Day- Anne 07901 873259 [email protected]; Evening - Liam 0141 569 1982 [email protected]
Forthcoming Meetings
Youth Ministry Team– 7th May, 7pm House
RCIA – 8th May 7pm Hut
Liturgy– 14th May 7pm House
Church Reps– Parents’ Council – 16th May 7pm AoG Offices
Fabric & Finance– 21st May 7pm House
Forthcoming Special Collections
Ecclesiastical Students – 12th May
Communications – 2nd June
Pro Life – 9th June
A Pro-Life conference Sat 22nd June at St Augustine's Coatbridge to explore the skills needed in presenting the pro-life response at home, school, church and society. Speakers Austin Ruse of C-Fam, Prof Janet Smith, a renowned defender of Humanae Vitae, and Cathy Ruse of the Family Research Council and Gordon Macdonald of Care not Killing will discuss life issues, bio-ethical questions and issues affecting life, love, sex, marriage and the family. For £10early bird discount, book by 5thMay. Lunch is included. https://lifeissues.eventbrite.co.uk
Catholicism Series of DVDs continues in the Upper Hall on Thursdays at 7pm.don’t have to have attended the earlier ones, but can drop into those you have time for. The upcoming episodes are:-
9th May Episode 9 The fire of His Love (Prayer and the Life of the Spirit)
16th May Episode10 World Without End (The Last things)
Music Ministry in St Andrew’s is an important part of the Liturgy. We always like to try and ensure that all the weekend Masses are covered musically. Some, at present, unfortunately, are not. If you would like to get involved and join the parish’s music ministry as an organist, pianist, cantor or instrumentalist please contact Sally Mulholland [email protected]It doesn’t need to be a permanent or regular commitment throughout the whole year. You might be a student and when home on holiday can help out for a couple of months. If you can help, please do get in touch.
A Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat for spiritual and emotional healing after abortion will be held north of Glasgow on Tuesday 14th– Thursday 16th May. This confidential, supportive retreat is powerful for anyone who has been affected by their own or someone else’s abortion experience. For more information, please call Sr Andrea on 07816 942824 or email Marene www.rachelsvineyard.org.uk
Summer supply clergy. This year, due to a change in the law, as it will now not be possible to bring any visiting clergy from outside the EEA into parishes through the usual Tier 5 visa route, the archdiocese has advised that summer Mass Schedules may have to be put in place in some parishes and areas, allowing clergy to support one another in order to get the time off that they need.
Our parish and St Joseph’s have decided, however, that we will make every effort to arrange for summer supply priests from the retired priests of the archdiocese and from religious orders. Hopefully, this will avoid any need to operate a skeleton or summer Mass schedule.
Catholic Social Teaching Thought for the Week Sometime in your life, hope that you might see one starved man, the look on his face when the bread finally arrives. Hope that you might have baked it or bought or even kneaded it yourself. For that look on his face, for your meeting his eyes across a piece of bread, you might be willing to lose a lot, or suffer a lot, or die a little, even. Fr. Daniel Berrigan S.J
Please write to your MP expressing your concerns about the change in the law which now prevents ‘Ministers of Religion’ from outside the EEA entering the country using a Tier 5 visa. This will have a significant impact on parishes, especially during the summer months, as many priests have relied for many years on migrant clergy for a summer supply. It will also impact on the visiting priests themselves who, in many cases, depend on their summer placements to boost their income and contribute to their fees, as many of them are undergoing further studies.
Pick up from the porch or download here a style letter that you may wish to use.
Retreat days at in a lovely peaceful setting at the foot of the Campsies.To book, call 01360 312 718 noticeboard for details.
Bearsden Festival runs from May 10 until May 19, and the opening night and community awards ceremony is in Bearsden Academy from 7.30pm until 9.39pm on May 10. There are special performances, exhibitions and food, and all are most welcome. As part of the festival, St Andrew’s is holding a free evening of musical memories for people with dementia in the upper hall. You can book at bearsdenfestival.org.
Please remember in your prayers those in need, those who are sick, and those in hospital.
Recently Dead--Annabelle McCourt, Willie McInulty, Billy McNeill, Bruce McKensey, Richard Jones, Ita Keane, Joe McGowan, Stevie Chalmers, Robert McPhail, Douglas McBride, Edward McGaughrin
Anniversaries—Andrew Thompson, John McKinnon