cry out to God with joy."
Special Second Collection next weekend for Vocations Sunday - Ecclesiatical Students Fund.
St Andrew’s Squad (SAS), Sunday 8th May, for all Primary 4 children in the parish celebrating First Holy Communion this May. Please come along to the Upper Hall from 9am till 9.45am. If you require any further information, please contact Margaret Hendry on 563 9993. Thank you.
Before Easter, Parish Census Forms were delivered to all the known parishioners’ households in Bearsden. So far, only one third of these Census Forms have been returned to the Church. Please help us make our Parish Register more accurate by returning your Census Form with an update on the family members now living in your household, Many Thanks
Scottish Parliamentary Elections - "It is the duty of every Catholic to try to influence society for the better. The bishops urge you, therefore, to exercise your democratic right and responsibility to vote in the forthcoming Scottish Parliamentary elections.......Do not leave it to others to determine the future of Scotland......Catholics in Scotland should not simply be passive spectators but should be active participants in shaping a better society and in ensuring that we have a parliament that appreciates, understands and respects a Christian vision for Scotland"
The Bishops of Scotland. Copies of Bishops' letter in full in the porch or here on this website.
The Early Church of the New Testament to the Church Fifty Years After Vatican II – ‘Where Are We?’ Monsignor Ryan will give two talks in the Upper Hall at 7.30 pm on Thursday 21st and 28th April. Teas and coffees will be provided. All parishioners are invited to attend what should be an informative and interactive talk and discussion.
Trips to Knock and Lough Derg or Knock and Donegal Town 4 – 8 July. To book, call 07901 873 259. See poster in porch for full details.
Thank you to the parishioner for the £500 donated for parish funds.
Legion of Mary has started back after the Easter break. Tuesdays at 7.30pm in the Hut. New members always welcome.
Dates for Children's Choir May 8th, 15th; June 12th, 19th Any queries, please contact Annamaria Strachan 07749715514 /[email protected]
Your donations to Drumchapel Foodbank will be gratefully received; non-perishable goods such as cans, rice, pasta toilet rolls, nappies etc are much needed and delivered to the Foodbank every Monday morning. Thank you for your help.
World Youth Day fundraising events: 5 young people from our parish are attending the World Youth Day event in Krakow this July and are looking for your help to raise funds through the following events:
Coffee morning 24th April after 10am Mass – there will be home baking, face painting, glitter tattoos & a waffle maker. A selection of fair-trade goods including rice, tea/coffee, jams and chocolate will also be on sale.
Quiz night for all 7th May – 7pm for 7.30pm until 11pm. BYOB. Donations of quality raffle prizes to the Sacristy would be much appreciated. Tickets £2 available at the back of the Church after every Mass.
Youth Mass 23rd April 6pm – vigil Mass for young people aged 11+. Meet in the upper hall at 5.30pm before Mass, then pizza & a short talk from the young people attending the World Youth Day afterwards in the hall. Pick up around 8.30pm. If anyone would like to be involved in the Mass ministries eg as a reader, pass keeper, server, offertory or with the music, please give your name to Fr Mackle.
Liturgy Group Meeting Tuesday, 19th April 7.00 p.m in the chapel-house. If anyone has any matters they would like discussed, please email [email protected]
Children’s Liturgy – meeting for all helpers – 11am in the upper hall, 17th April.
Final day for SCIAF wee boxes to be handed in is next Sunday, 17th April, in order for all money to be doubled as part of the UK Aid match scheme.
April Meetings –
11th at 7pm – 50th Planning
17th at 11am – Children’s liturgy
18th at 10.30am – Adult Faith Formation planning
19th at 7pm – Liturgy Group
19th at 7pm – Adult Faith Formation Talk
21st at 7.30pm – Justice & Peace
25th at 7pm – Youth Ministry Group
26th at 10am – P7 Thanksgiving
26th at 7pm – Cluster
28th at 7pm – Finance & Fabric
28th at 7pm – Adult Faith Formation talk.
St Andrew’s Parish Groups - Accounts - Annual Return 2015/2016 - Once again the Archdiocese require our financial account of Parish activities for the year 01 April 2015 to 31 March 2016. In compiling the Parish return the following information is required from each Group Leader/Treasurer, viz:-
1. Name of Group/Activity; office holder name and contact telephone number.
2. A copy of your Group accounts for the period 01 April 2015 to 31 March 2016 inclusive. ( Income/Expenditure accounts will suffice)
3. Sight of the group bank book/statements for the same period together with any comment you deem relevant to the group finances.
The above information to Chapel House for the attention of Brian Donnelly by 17th April please! Thanks and God Bless. St Andrew’s Fabric & Finance Team
Please remember in your Prayers -
Sick—Margaret McGuire, Paul Morton, Dante Biagioi, Louise Dolan, Charlie Melly, Ronald Coia, Douglas Dalby (Snr), Baby Eva Berrey, Marie Moy, Margie Cornyn, Michael Moss, Russell Rodger, Alexander Pate, Patricia Swiatek, Eileen Merry, Gilbert O’Rourke, Graham Declan McCusker, Noreen Bell
Recently Dead—Susan Queen, Pearl McCallion, Hil Black, John Oliver, Anne Ward, Cathy Gilligan, Gerry McFadden,. Lena Kubicki
Anniversaries—Jane Pugh, Frank McMenamin, Thomas Murphy, Bernard Cooper, Anne Kordwig, Thomas Parker