All flesh shall see the salvation of God."
Photographs taken on the day may be put on display on the church or halls noticeboards, on the parish website, on a new outside photo banner, or posted on parish facebook. If you have any objections, please contact 942 4635 - [email protected]
Next Golden Jubilee event Kelvin Choir Christmas Concert with Special Guests, St Andrew’s children’s choir. 3pm 17th Dec. Tickets £5/3(children) including refreshments. Available from www.kelvinchoir.com or pay on the door.
Advent Youth Mass – next Saturday 16th December - 6pm Vigil. All the young people of our parish cluster of St Benedict’s, St Joseph’s and St Andrew’s are invited to come along to this Mass in St Andrew’s. It will be followed with pizza in the hall, and then a short Nightfever of quiet time and prayer before the Blessed Sacrament in candlelight with some uplifting music, and be finished by 8.30pm. If you would like to volunteer to help at the Mass as a passkeeper, server or with music or the offertory and bidding prayers, please let Fr Mackle know.
Festive Teas and Coffees -Sunday 17th December. Please join us for mince pies and tea/coffee/mulled wine afteramin the Upper Hall. This is the last coffee morning of this year so, please join us if you can. This month we will be raising funds for the St Nicholas Care Fund.you give to the St Nicholas Care Fund, you give collectively to so many different kinds of good causes.Many more than you would be able to help individually. Your support:- Changeslives of children living in poverty. Helpsparents bring up their families Helpsfamilies to stay together by supporting grandparents as Kinship Carers. We take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued support ad generosity and to wish you all, the compliments of the season. Veronica and David Maguire
Unveiling of the Golden Jubilee Embroidery Panel – today at 10am Mass. The panel has been made by the Embroidery Group to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Parish, and its themes are children, Christ and creation. It will hang on the back wall beside the baptismal font.
10pm Mass on Christmas Eve - As we feel that an earlier time might be better suited for people, there will be no Midnight Mass for Christmas 2017, and instead there will be a Mass at 10pm. The Christmas Carol Service will begin at 9.30pm. In our parish cluster, there will still be a 12 Midnight Mass in St Joseph’s.
Heart of the Home International Recipes Book – A good Christmas stocking filler. Only £5. Copies in the porch. Supporting homeless and destitute asylum seekers. Maryhill Integration Network.
Family Film--the one about the boy who stowed away in Santa’s sack and was raised as an elf. New Kilpatrick New Halls. 1pm next Saturday 16th Dec. (free). Part of Bearsden Festival of Stars Events. See noticeboard for more details.
Golden Jubilee Advent SPRED Mass today 12noon. With tea / coffee and home baking served in the hall after Mass. All most welcome.
Remember in your prayersNeil Bennett and John Johnstonare journeying through RCIA.Today at the 10am Mass, there will be the Rite of Acceptance, which involves special prayers for them as part of the RCIA process.
A huge thanks to the pupils, Mr McKeown and staff of Bearsden Academy for donating over 50 Christmas wrapped gift filled shoeboxes for our Soup-run’s Christmas Shoebox Appeal for the homeless.
Advent Gospel Reflection Session - Monday 11th Dec, after 10am Mass in the Upper Hall. This session will reflect on the Gospel Reading for the Third Sunday of Advent.If you can, please join us for tea/coffee and a reflective and enjoyable discussion.
Confessions for Christmas - 18th Dec – 9.30am – 9.50am; 19thDec – 9.30am – 9.50am; 20thc 9.30am – 9.50am; 21stDec – 9.30- 9.50am & 6-7pm.22nd Dec - 6-7pm.23rd Dec – 10.30-11.00am & 5.15-5.45pm; Christmas Eve – 9.15-9.40am; Christmas Day - 9.15 - 9.40am. Pick up a Confession in Advent Leaflet
Day of Confessions in St Andrew’s Cathedral - 8am to 5.30pm on Tues 19th Dec. This may be handy for you if you are in the city centre for work or shopping.
Poinsettias for the sanctuaryChristmas will be gratefully received.Please hand in the weekend 16th/17thnot before.
Big Clean for Christmas: In preparation for Christmas, the church will be cleaned on Thurs 21stafter 10am Mass. We are looking for as many volunteers as possible please(men as well as women) to come along and help with this essential task.
Golden Jubilee Parish Art Exhibition – today’s our final day. A sincere thanks to allexhibiting their artwork. Exhibits have been greatly admired over the months. Our thanks to Catherine Dunipaceundertaking the responsibility of coordinating the art exhibition, especially compiling and producing the exhibition catalogue.thank you to St Andrew’s Primary and Turnbull High for the contributions of artwork whichpupils very kindly made. All artists are asked, please, to collect their artwork,soon as possible, today’s 12 noon Mass (10th Dec). If you handed in an easel, please collect.
Make your gifts matter this Christmas SCIAF’s Christmas Real Gifts make great presents for friends and family while helping people in poverty to build a brighter future. parish catalogue is now available at the back of the Church, alternatively you can visit www.sciaf.org.uk/realgifts call 0141 354 5555 to find out more.
Children’s Choir – December 17th 10am Mass and Kelvin Choir concert 3pm. Dec 25th (Christmas Mass) – All at 10am unless otherwise stated. Any queries, please contact Annamaria Stgrachan 0141 942 9799/07749715514—[email protected]
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament – each Saturday from 10.30am until 12.30pm. Please consider coming to spend some time in adoration and prayer each Saturday.
St Joseph's Advent Candlelit Reflection– An invitation to St Andrew’s and St Benedict’s to an evening of Advent music and reflection onThursst7.30 pm - followed by mulled wine and mince pies in the hall. An Advent cluster event.
Milngavie Choir Christmas Concert in Cairns Church, Buchanan Street, Milngavie Sat 16th Dec at 7.30pm, with Mezzosoprano Grace Wain of Scottish Opera and other goodies. Tickets £10, £8 and £5programme and refreshments. Call in at Purple Edge, or The Iron Chef, Milngavie, or call Maria Finnerty 0141 943 1517.
Bearsden Choir Christmas Celebration Concert. – Weds 13th December @ 7.30pm in New Kilpatrick Parish Church, followed by seasonal refreshments in NK New Halls. Tickets £12 (children £5) from Purple Edge, at the door or phone Chris on 942 7519. For more details, see poster on Noticeboard in the Porch.
Westerton Male Voice Choir Christmas Concert at New Kirkpatrick Church. Thurs 14th Dec 7.30pm and Fri 15th Dec 7.30pm. Tickets £10 (children under 16 years free) includes a refreshment. Phone Owen McHugh 07954952885
The 29 Club - Vacancies still available now for the current season with membership at £6 per month or £65 per annum. Come and Join Us !! Contact Brian Donnelly on 942-6085 or Father Mackle on 942-4635. All proceeds from The 29 Club are used to support our Parish Development Fund and various charitable causes.
Pilgrimage to Rome – 15th – 19th October 2018. Open to all catechists, teachers, retired teachers, and anyone else involved in Catholic Education. £850 per person. Single room supplement £60. To book, contact [email protected] See noticeboard for more details. Celebrating the Centenary of the 1918 Education Act
Please remember in your Prayers -
Sick—Paul Morton, Dante Biagioi, Louise Dolan, Douglas Dalby (Snr), Joseph McDermid, Charlie Harper, Paul Sheridan, John Gerard Miller, Michelle Rajab, Matthew Craig, Maurice Boyce, Maria Giovanazzi, Jim Cameron, Annamaria McGill, Shona Doherty, Michael Moss, Geraldine Moy, Vincent McDonald, Pat O’Neill, Michael Timoney, Baby Julia McLeod.
Recently Dead—Clare McTavish, Gerard McBride, Katherine Swann, Martin Melly, Gerrard Toner, George Dunwoody, Cathie McPherson, John Hearns.
Anniversaries--Isabelle Fallon, Agnes Reilly