We are always looking for ideas as well for youth events. So, if you have any and would like to help out with them, let us know.
Next youth event - Discovering Lent Youth Evening in St Joseph’s - 16th March after 5.30pm Vigil Mass.
More details soon.
Peregrinatio Pro Christo (PPC) - August 24th to 31st 2019 The response to our recent appeal for accommodation for our PPC visitors in August was very well received with very generous offers of accommodation. A huge big thank you to all those who have offered to provide accommodation. We still need two more volunteers. If you can help, please get in touch.
Help also needed with meals during the PPC week. We are also asking for volunteers to help out with the organisation and preparation of meals for our guests over the duration of their stay. This would involve being available for 2 to 3 hours one day either at lunch-time or for the evening meal. It would be envisaged that teams of 4 people would work together to provide the meals over these periods of time. If you can give up a few of hours on one of the days over this week to come and help out at one or two of the meals and have some fun, meet the team and just ‘muck’ in, then please say to Fr. Mackle or contact 942 4635 [email protected]
Extraordinary Ministers who visit the sick / housebound – meeting Monday 11th Feb at 2pm in the chapel house.
St Aloysius College Lourdes pilgrimage: each year, 30 students (along with members of staff and a medical team) take thirteen children with additional support needs to Lourdes. The trip is entirely self-funded, including the cost of excursions and medical supplies. Any donations would be gratefully received. Please contact: [email protected] for additional information. Donations for prizes for the students tombola fundraiser will also be gratefully received and can be handed in to the sacristy. Many thanks.
St Margaret’s Adoption Society Crib collection boxes to be handed in, please, by 10thFeb. St Margaret’s is currently looking to recruit prospective adopters. If you have ever thought about adoption as a way to grow your family and would like to know more, please contact their office for a chat with one of their friendly and experienced staff on 0141 332 8371or email [email protected].
The St. Andrew’s Squad- (S.A.S.) for all children in the parish preparing for First Holy Communion. Please come along and join us on Sunday 17th March from 9.00 – 9.45am in the Upper Hall. Any queries please contact Margaret Hendry on 563 9993.
Please come along and join us next Sunday 17th February after 10 am Mass in the upper hall for tea, coffee and some delicious home baking. This month’s coffee morning will be in aid of a charity based in the Diocese of Motherwell, Project Gambia. Project Gambia support a school of Deaf children in one of Africa’s poorest countries, St. John’s School for the Deaf. A volunteer from the Charity will be at the coffee morning. They will be extremely grateful for any support they receive. Many thanks as always for your support. Veronica Maguire
We are still looking for bakers and helpers for the monthly charity coffee mornings Contact Veronica Maguire : [email protected] or 07884468212 With enough volunteers, you would be on duty only once or twice per year.
Catholic Social Thought Quotation The Gospel offers a vision of life and of the world that cannot be imposed, but only proposed, as the good news of the gratuitous love of God and of peace. The message of truth and of beauty can help people escape from the loneliness and lack of meaning to which the conditions of postmodern society often relegate them.
Synod on The New Evangelization, 2012
Adult Faith Formation -Catholicism Considering doing something different for Lent? Then why not come along to a series of DVD presentations which will take place in the Upper Hall. Starting on Thursday 7thMarch 2019 and running for 10 weeks the Adult Faith Formation Group will be showing Catholicism by Bishop Robert Barron.
Catholicism explores the truth, goodness and beauty of our Catholic Faith and has received worldwide plaudits over the years since its release and is still considered essential viewing for Catholics who would like to increase their understanding of our faith. Each session will commence at 7 o’clock with a viewing of a DVD accompanied by tea/coffee. Each DVD lasts about 55 minutes and will be followed by a short discussion.
The evening will end no later than 8:30pm.
Children’s Choir – February 17th, March 10thand 17th, April 21st(Easter Sunday). All at 10am Mass. Any queries, please contact Annamaria Strachan 0141-942-9799 or 07749715514—[email protected]
Thursday Bowlers are still looking for some help. It would only take 10 minutes (around 4pm each Thursday). It’s to assist with rolling up the bowling carpets and lifting them on to the trolley. If you’ve got 10 minutes and looking for a wee bit of exercise, please call David on 942 6491.
Lourdes - An evening to celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes and its place in our lives will take place on Monday February 11that 7pm in The Immaculate Conception Church. If Lourdes has featured in your life in any way, then come celebrate - all welcome! See noticeboard for more details or contact: [email protected]
Fertility Care Scotland is opening a new clinic in the Diocesan offices, Paisley. It will operate fortnightly from this Monday, February 11, 7pm - 9pm. The service is free and confidential and no appointment is necessary. For more details, contact:221 0858; [email protected]; fertilitycare.org.uk; facebook.com/fertilitycarescotland; or twitter.com/billingsscot.
All donations to the Drumchapel Foodbankare gratefully received, and are delivered every Monday. Please leave donations inside at the back of the church.
Padre Pio Prayer Group – meetsMondays at 7pm. Divine Mercy Novenais prayed weekdays after morning Mass in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. All most welcome.
Church Halls - Details of activities in our church halls and how to book are on this link.
Before receiving Holy Communion we are asked to make some preparatory act of reverence such as a bow. This should be made just before receiving Communion.
General Instruction of the Roman Missal, No. 160 states: "When receiving Holy Communion, the communicant bows his or her head before the Sacrament as a gesture of reverence and receives the Body of the Lord from the minister. The consecrated host may be received either on the tongue or in the hand, at the discretion of each communicant. When Holy Communion is received under both kinds, the sign of reverence is also made before receiving the Precious Blood."
The church is open until 4.45pm. Call in and enjoy the peace and quiet, and take time to sit in the stillness in the silence of God.
Tea is served in the hut after daily Mass. All most welcome.
February Meetings.
Ongoing Faith Formation– Mon 11thFeb 10.30am House
Extraordinary Ministerswho visit – Mon11thFeb 2pm House
Pilgrimage for Christ Planning Group– Mon 11thFeb 5pm Hut
RCIA – Wed 20thFeb 7pm Hut
Emmaus – Fri 22ndFeb 10.30am
Ongoing Faith Formation– Mon 25thFeb 10.30am House
Justice & Peace– Tues 26thFeb 7.30pm St Joseph’s
Please remember in your prayers those in need, those who are sick, and those in hospital.
Recently Dead— Margaret Dorans, Dick Carabine, Susan McGhee, Nada Paglianti, Maja Djurkovic, Brian Kemp, Bill Burns.
Anniversaries—Margaret Connolly, Joseph Muir, Ann Pate, Helen
Fallen, William & Eileen McGhie