"I am the living bread that has come down from Heaven says the Lord.
Anyone who eats this bread will live forever."
We hope that any additional funds made from the occasion will be able to be donated to Mary’s Meals. Please be sure to come and support this very worth while charity. We feel that this will be a fitting conclusion to our year of celebration.
Dates for the Children’s Choir—10th June 10am Mass, 17th June 10am Mass. Contact Annamaria Strachan 0141 942 9799, 07749715514, email [email protected]—Also 17th June Singing at the Phoenix Choir Concert at 7.30pm.
Parish Family Walk—As part of our ongoing 25th Celebrations, you are invited to come along and join our family parish walk on Sunday 10th June. We will meet at 1pm at the Visitors Centre, Mugdock Country Park. Please bring your own picnic. The walk will take about 3 hours in total (i.e. there and back) with a break at the half way stage for a rest and a picnic. Please note that unfortunately the walk is not suitable for pushchairs or wheelchairs. If you are interested, please contact Veronica Maguire on 0141 942 0607 or email on [email protected]
A.B.C.—Meeting at Bearsden Cross Church Hall on Sunday 10th June.
Assisted Parishes—Special second collections on Saturday/Sunday 16/17th June.
Parish Pastoral Council Meeting—On Wednesday 20th June at 7.30 p.m.
Glasgow Churches Together - Sunday 10th June 2012 at 3.p.m. See notice in the porch of the church.
Glasgow Midwives—Mary Doogan and Connie Wood are senior midwives who were working in a supervisory role in the Southern General Hospital. For many years they were able to carry out their work without compromising their conscientious objection to abortion. However, the hospital management recently re-interpreted the conscience clause of the Abortion Act and said, among other things, that senior midwives were not allowed to object to supervising the work of other midwives performing abortion. Mary and Connie took their case to the Court of Session but the judge ruled in favour of the hospital management. With the support of SPUC, Mary and Connie are to appeal that decision. There are two things which you can do to help Mary and Connie. Firstly, there is a petition to the Nursing and Midwifery Council calling on them to support and actively defend the right of midwives and nurses who do not believe in abortion to work in their profession, including senior and supervisory roles, without being required to compromise their deeply-held beliefs. There are petition forms which you can sign on the table in the entrance to the church. Secondly, you can sponsor four people who are attempting to climb three mountains in one day to help raise the money to pay for Mary and Connie’s legal expenses. Again, there is a form on the table which you can use to indicate your assistance in sponsoring the climb. If anyone would like their own petition or sponsorship forms please contact Mike Ryan, 942 1481.
Justice and Peace: The African Kitchen is coming to Bearsden—On Tuesday 3rd July in Bearsden Burgh Hall at 7.00 p.m. The Co-operative is hosting this road show event designed to raise awareness of their Fairtrade foods from Africa, with tastings. It is free to all but you have to book in advance. Bearsden is the only stop for the African Kitchen in all west central Scotland.
See www.co-operative.coopmembership and click on “events” to book.
Justice and Peace: Debt’s not done—Jubilee Scotland Urges us, at the time of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Celebrations, to remember that many international debt issues remain unresolved despite the progress made as a result of the Jubilee 2000 and Make Debt History campaigns. In particular they are campaigning to “Defuse the Debt Crisis” by making Scotland a centre for world debt arbitration, to deal with some of the consequences of recent inadequate debt forgiveness agreements and other issues. www.jubileescotland.org.uk has a wealth of information on the important issues of world debt justice, and details of how we can continue to support Jubilee Scotland’s work.
Scotland for Marriage—To encourage people from the wider community to add their voice to the campaign to defence marriage, Scotland for Marriage have produced a leaflet for delivery to as many houses as possible. If you would be willing to help deliver this leaflet in your street, please contact Mike Ryan, 942 1481.
Marriage Campaign—Catholic Parliamentary Office—Up coming events -
Volunteer Training—Contact 0141 222 2182 for information
All Night Vigil—Friday 15th June at 8.00 p.m. until 6.00 a.m. at Sacred Heart Church Bridgeton.
Petition and Car Stickers Contact 0141 222 2182
Marriage Petition to sign up www.scotlandformarriage.org
Eucharistic Congress/Medjugorje Irish Centre—Special offer 280Euro. For details phone 00442882241888 or call to stand 211 in The RDS Dublin at the Eucharistic Congress 10th-17th June.