for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven."
Youth Ministry Team will next meet this Tuesday at 7pm in the chapelhouse to plan the next school / parish year.
Musicians and cantors meeting – this Monday 10th June at 7pm in the chapel house.
A very sincere thanks to the Archdiocesan Youth Team for leading what was a terrific day’s retreat last Thursday for all the young people who received Confir- mation earlier in the year. A huge thanks, too, to our parish’s Youth Ministry Team and to the teachers. We are hoping to set a date soon for a similar youth retreat in May 2019.
A huge thanks to all who helped make last Sunday’s First Communicants Thanksgiving Mass and Party in the hall afterwards such a success. There are still some certificates to be collected from the sacristy.
Soup run appeal for sportswear & toiletries - If you have men’s or women sportswear ( e.g. tracksuit bottoms, t-shirts) in good condition, new plastic sports bottles or toiletries, these are needed by the men and woman now visited by our soup run. There will be a box in the porch between now and Friday 6th July. If you think you may like to help at the soup run on the first Friday of every month, please either just come along to the lower hall between 6.45 and 7pm or contact Veronica Mclaughlin on 0141 942 4775 Many thanks.
Evening Pilgrimage to Carfin – this Wednesday 13th June. Bus will leave at 6.30pm at the Post Office in Milngavie and return at 9.30pm. All are most wel- come.
Safeguarding Training - All parish volunteers who are members of the PVG scheme have been notified of the Training Session this Thursday, 14th June in the Upper Hall. To date, two fifths of volunteers have yet to confirm their attendance at the Seminar. The Archbishop has now determined that all volunteers who re- quire to complete training and fail to do so by October of this year, will thereafter be prohibited from undertaking further voluntary work (whether with children or with vulnerable adults) within the Parish. It is imperative that all volunteers who have been emailed or lettered respond to the Parish Safeguarding Coordinator (at
[email protected]) immediately to confirm their attendance (or otherwise) at this month’s Seminar. Thank you.
St Nicholas Primary School - for all children who have enrolled - visits, fun ac- tivities, and a talk for parents. See church noticeboard for dates and information.The St Andrew’s Embroidery Group, meanwhile, are working on a panel to celebrate the new school. If you would like to be involved please contact [email protected]
Mass to give thanks to God for almost 50 years of St Andrew’s Primary School will be celebrated in St Andrew’s Church 10am. Friday, 22nd June. All most welcome. We look forward especially to welcoming former pupils, parents, staff, and our friends in the community. Refreshments will be served after Mass in the upper hall to which everyone is invited. St Nicholas’ Primary will open on 16th August.
Falkirk Football Stadium Mass 14th June will see the largest gathering of young Catholics in Scotland for decades when around 8500 school children and teachers celebrate the National Catholic Schools Mass. The celebration will be the high- light of a calendar of events to mark 100 years of Catholic Schools. Will be live streamed. Look out for St Andrew’s Primary’s pupils and staff and the St Andrew’s Banners.
Easter time play, ‘The Eternal Trial’. A brand new two act play addressing the events around Easter from a non-traditional aspect. Revolves around the timeless trial of the gardener from Gethsemane who stands accused of body snatching the corpse of Jesus of Nazareth. It is intended to first present this play as an ABC Local Production, therefore we need to form a team of volunteer players, with either amateur, professional or with no experience at all, along with stage and costume managers from our Bearsden Churches, so that this ecumenical venture can be staged successfully. See poster for further details. Please contact:- Ian Cooper of Westerton Parish Church on 01419420942 / icsignsys- [email protected]
A most enjoyable time was had by all at the former Pilgrimage Group’s Dinner & Raffle Fundraiser held at the Burnbrae last month. The magnificent amount raised for St Margaret’s Hospice was £1,351.25. Tremendously generous of eve- ryone who attended.
The Eco gardeners are still looking for some help. Could you give half an hour / an hour of their time every now and again, at a time of your own choosing, to do a little weeding in the Spirit of Peace Jubilee Garden? If you can help,
please contact [email protected]
Caritas Award – Congratulations to Eilidh Gibney, Caragh Pryce & Matthew Milligan, who joined hundreds of young people from across Scotland last Thurs- day at the Clyde Auditorium for the Caritas Award Ceremony 2018. The Pope Benedict XVI Caritas Award is a sign of their ongoing faith journey in response to God’s call of love. The Award celebrates the faith witness which the Caritas candidates give within their home, school and parish.
The Immaculate Conception Annual Open Day, Garden Party and Bar-B-Q June 16th 1pm- 5pm. All warmly welcome. See poster for more details.
Carpet Bowls Our summer outing is on Thursday 28th June. Bus leaves 10am from Hub at Bearsden Cross, a visit to Cardwell Garden Centre, on to Largs for afternoon and then to Seamill Hydro for High Tea at 5pm. We extend an invita- tion to anyone wishing to join us for a fun day out. The cost is £25 per person. We return approx. 9pm If you would like to come please phone D, MacLean -587 7319 to book your seat on the bus. We look forward to hearing from you.
Children’s Choir dates - June 10th & 17th. Any queries, please contact Annamaria Strachan 01419429799/07749715514 [email protected]
The Caritas Award was created as a legacy of the visit of Pope Benedict to Scotland and has been in place for a number of years. It is focused on any pupil in their final year of school and allows them to respond to the Pope`s call to young people to put their faith into action. Since 2016 St. Andrew`s Parish/our parish has been able to support young people in their final year at non-denominational schools to achieve this award. The Caritas Award gives young people the oppor- tunity to learn more about their faith by reflecting on scripture and the Pope`s teachings at 4 short meetings throughout the year. You must also volunteer to take part in different ministries in Church and the local community, eg. reading or passkeeping at Mass, getting involved with parish's Justice and Peace Group, helping with Fairtrade or taking part in fundraising activities. It is a rewarding and enjoyable way to learn more about your faith with people your own age and also get a chance to show love of neighbour through your volunteering activities. Additionally, it helps you develop key skills like team working, make new friends, set yourself challenges, develop your CV and improve your confidence. If you are interested in learning more about the Caritas award speak to Fr. Mackle or contact Elizabeth Reid [email protected]
Special Collection : 1st July – Peter’s Pence.
Tuesdays & Fridays in June - the church will be open until the later time of 7pm for anyone who might want to call in for some peace and quiet prayer time.
Please remember in your Prayers those in need, those who are sick, and those in hospital.
Recently Dead—Michael Timoney, Chic Kerr, Helen Gallacher, Bill Tarbet, Irene Gallagher, Eileen McGinley, Bill McKinlay, Peggy Boyle, Denis McMurray.
Anniversaries—John Corish, Alexander Devitt, Elizabeth Taylor,