and him alone shall you serve."
Stations of the Cross every Friday at 7pm during the Season of Lent followed by Confessions. Stations will be in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel 5th April.
Dates and Times for Primary Three Sacrament of Reconciliation (First Confession) - During The Season of Lent (6th March – 21st April ) Saturdays 10.30am – 11.00am; & 4.15pm – 4.45pm; Sundays 9.15 – 9.40am. Family members are encouraged too to take the opportunity then to go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Lent Reboot – Youth Event. Next Saturday 16th March 6.30-8.30pm, after the Vigil Mass, @ St Joseph’s Main Hall, a chance to reboot your relationship with Jesus and your Faith. The invitation to young people in our Cluster, P7-S3. Tell your friends. Take a flyer from the church porch and pass it on! See more information on the St. Joseph’s and St Andrew’s websites and parishes Facebook pages. Games, activities friendship, soup and bread. (No pizza-well, it is Lent!)
The St. Andrew’s Squad - (S.A.S.) for all children in the parish preparing for First Holy Communion. Please come along and join us on Sunday 17thMarch from 9.00 – 9.45 a.m. in the Upper Hall. Any queries please contact Margaret Hendry on 563 9993.
Youth Ministry Team - We are keen to continue organising youth events for the cluster, but to do this we desperately need more people to help. By this June, we’ll be down to three members. Could you help for one year? The team meets a few times a year and looks after the preparations and organisation of parish / cluster youth events. If you would like to get involved, please contact Fr Mackle or one of the members of the team, or sign up on Sign Up Sunday 28th April. We’re always looking for ideas as well for youth events. If you’ve any, and would like to help out with them, let us know. Next youth ministry meeting – 7th May atpm in the chapel house.
SPRED Mass – 12noon on Sunday, 17th March followed by refreshments in the hall. All are most welcome.
St Nicholas’ Primary Parent Association Family Night 16th March 7.00 pm - 10 p.m Milngavie Town Hall Come and join us for St Nicholas’ PA very first Family Night. There will be a DJ, a buffet, a tuck shop, a raffle and hopefully lots of dancing! This is a BYOB event ( please bring your own glasses too ) Tickets £8 per adult, £4 per child (4-12 inclusive) Please contact Siobhan McManus 07850 212 951.
17th March - Coffee Morning Please come along and join us after in the upper hall for tea, coffee and some delicious home baking.This month’s coffee morning will be in aid of Margaret of Scotland Hospice, Clydebank, which has, for over 60 years, offered compassion, dedicated commitment and excellent care to patients with advanced life-limiting illnesses and also to the older person with complex medical and nursing needs.
Between now and Easter, please keep in your prayers Pamela Edmiston, Gabija Lazaraviciute, Joakim Landstroem, Stephen Miller and David Quinn who are going though the RCIA process preparing to become Catholic at Easter.
Lentfest 2019 - events programme available in the porch. Visit www.agap.org.uk An imaginative fusion of faith and the arts.
DVD presentations in the upper hall on Catholicism, running on Thursdays at 7.00 pm through to 9thMay. All most welcome.
Ladies charity fashion show and pop-up shop at Bearsden Academy on Wednesday, March 13th to raise funds for the nursery which serves St Nicholas Primary. It is organised by Castlehill fundraising, and clothing from major retailers is discounted. Tickets are £10 and include a buffet.
Contact: [email protected].
Bearsden Festival Community Awards. Four categories: young volunteer, long service, health and wellbeing, arts and culture, and it is open to anyone volunteering in our community. If you would like to recognise someone, please use the nomination form found at here on this link or www.bearsdenfestival.org/events.
Mrs Patricia Fearon (Pat) left Bearsden a few years ago to live nearer her family in Edinburgh. Sadly, she died on Sunday 4th March last year. She will be remembered here in the parish on Wednesday at 10am Mass. Her daughter, Sheila, will travel through from Edinburgh to pray with friends of her mother who were unable to attend Pat’s requiem Mass on 13th March 2018., her mother’s 90thbirthday.
Children’s Choir – March 10thand 17th, April 21st(Easter Sunday). All at 10am Mass. Any queries, please contact Annamaria Strachan 0141-942-9799 or 07749715514—[email protected]
Joan of Arc – How was she viewed over the centuries? Speaker – Professor Anne Curry. This Thurs 14thMarch 5.30pm Hillhead Library.
Catholic Social Teaching Thought for the Week Indifference to our neighbour and to God also represents a real temptation for us Christians. Each year during Lent we need to hear once more the voice of the prophets who cry out and trouble our conscience. Pope Francis, Message for Lent 2015
University of Glasgow Choral Society and Chapel Choir are performing Mozart Mass in C minor K427 on Saturday 16th March in the University Memorial Chapel at 7.30pm.Tickets: £10 (£5 student conc.with ID)in advance fromwww.glasgow.ac.uk/concertsor on the door.
Mozart Requiem & Bruckner Te Deum. Concert by City of Glasgow Chorus at 7.30pm on Sunday 17th March at City Halls Glasgow, with Scottish Opera Orchestra. More details on handbill on Noticeboard. For tickets, phone Chris on 942 7519.
Parish visit to Iona- There will be a meeting for anyone who wishes to come along on 21stMarch at 7pm in the Blessed Sacrament chapel at St. Andrew’s.
Update on embroidery group Since January the Embroidery Group has been busy undertaking repairs for a variety of the church’s altar cloths and robes. We are currently repairing the gold work on a chasuble and we have made a new set of purificator cloths for the altar, each individually embroidered with a small cross.
We are creating a new altar cloth and pulpit fall for the Blessed Sacrament Chapel in the same style as the original midnight blue altar and fall cloths. Silk is currently being sourced from India by a parishioner for this project, and we are looking forward to having these ready by the end of the year.
As part of our creative development, we had a visit and talk from Alison Blair of Brighter Kind, a former student of the Glasgow School of Art and an embroidery designer for Coats. She brought a wide range of finely embroidered pieces in silks, linen and cotton for us to handle and appreciate. Photos of her visit on Facebook. Anna Maria has enrolled in the Royal School of Needlework’s Certificate classes held in the Glasgow Art Club, and three of the group will attend a two day embroidery workshop at Holyrood Palace in April.
We will complete our weekly meetings at the end of March with an innovating visit to Nutmeg Couture in Glasgow, which is run by an award winning dress designer and embroiderer. We hope to share and develop our expertise with her before we meet again in May. If anyone would like further information on the group, please contact [email protected]
Looking for a Lenten challenge? Please pray during Lent for the Homeless Club users and volunteers at the Wayside Club Centre, 32 Midland St, Glasgow. They also need practical help, with food preparation. Contact Charlie Hegarty on Facebook or 0141 221 0169 (after 7pm), or email: waysideglasgow@gmail.com. more information on this link
Please remember in your prayers those in need, those who are sick, and those in hospital.
Recently Dead--Mena Lafferty, Ellen Murphy, Phil McBarron, Gus Kelly, Nnena Cherry, James Dempsey, Margaret Boyle, Michael Keegan, Nora Sweeney
Anniversaries—Marie Patricia Fearon