Day Trip to Carfinfor the National Pilgrimage Mass and Rosary Procession. Sunday, September 1st.Bus will leave from the Hub at Bearsden Cross at 1pm and return 7.30pm. Cost £3. Please sign the sheet in the porch, if you would like to go.
We look forward to welcoming our ten Legion of Maryguests from Ireland who will be with us (24th– 31stAugust) for the Pilgrimage for Christ - Peregrinatio Mission week.
The Legion of Mary will be doing "door to door"visiting, in pairs, as many homes as is possible in the Bearsden area, chatting with people, speaking about the faith, and extending an invitation to the Mass and buffet supper on the final evening - Friday 30th August at 7pm. Please keep this week in your prayers that it will be successful and fruitful.
Save the Date –Friday 30thAugust. 7pm Mass followed by buffet supper in the hall with entertainment. Everyone’s welcome. Celebrating Pilgrimage for Christ Mission Week.
Diocesan Safeguarding Conversation: The Independent Review Group (IRG), established by the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland, wants to meet within each Diocese to hear how people have been affected by abuse/safeguarding issues and how we improve and move forward. ’s opinions matter. Glasgow archdiocese is the first Diocese to hold one of these conversations.A special conversation event to reflect on these safeguarding / abuse issues will take place on Saturday 7th September 2019, 12 – 3pm, at the Archdiocesan Offices, 196 Clyde Street G1 4JY. All most welcome to attend. Even if you have not been directly and personally affected by issues of abuse, you have an opinion which matters. For more information, see noticeboard or pick up a leaflet from the porch. To book a place, contact the Safeguarding Team on 0141 226 5898 / [email protected]
Do search Youtubefor the Catholic TV Network Youtube. It is good for anyone who is unable to attend Mass.
Coffee Morning—Sunday 25th AugustWe hope you are all having a wonderful summer.
Please come along and join us in the upper hall, afteram, for the first coffee morning after the school holidays.month we are raising funds for Society for St Vincent de Paul,( Scotland),(SSVP).Conferences (groups) respond to needs in their communities. This usually means visiting people in theirhomes, in hospital, hospices or inprison. For many people, this visit is all that they need. However, in meeting people in this way, SSVP volunteers get to know people.may then go on and provide help or assistance in other ways.Many thanks also to those who came along to the last coffee morning in June at which the sum of £239 was raised for Fr Mathew Parumoottil’s school in India. I received this lovely email from Fr Mathew in thanks:- Hello Veronica,
I am so grateful to your parishioners for having chosen my institution this time, for the purpose of charity. Every penny you raise for us makes a difference and allows us to continue in our work of education. Also we are holding the Golden Jubilee of our school during this academic session. May God continue to shower his choicest blessings on this great occasion of our school. I remain always grateful for whatever help that you are rendering for my parish.Fr Mathew
Friends of Missio Ball Sat 16th Nov at the Hilton Hotel Bellshill 7:30pm. Tickets £40 per person. Tables of ten also available. Gift upon arrival, a 3 course meal, live band, fantastic raffle prizes and an auction on the night. All proceeds will go towards schools projects in Uganda and Sierra Leone.
National Catholic Youth Festival– St Andrew’s, Fife. Sat 31stAug 2019. Tour historical sites. Meet fellow Catholics from across Scotland. Mass in grounds of St Andrew’s Cathedral. For details, visit
Baptism Course–and godparents of children to be baptised soon are asked to attend the next preparation course on Thursday, 5th September at 7pm in the upper Hall.
Evening Trip to Carfin – this Tuesday 13thAugust. Bus will leave at 6.30pm at the Post Office in Milngavie. All welcome.
The relics of St Therese of Lisieuxwill be visiting the Archdiocese of Glasgow from 16th - 19th September. The relics will stop first at HMP Barlinnie where Mass will be celebrated before being transferred to the parish of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux in Possilpark where they will remain until their transfer to the Cathedral on Tuesday 17th September. A programme of events and flyers will be available soon.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults:The programme for this year for those Adults who wish to be Baptised or received into the Catholic Church will begin after summer. If you are interested in becoming a Catholic, please speak to Fr Mackle.
Knights of St Columba Centenary Recruitment Drive:Serving God by serving others. If you are over 16 and a practicing Catholic and wish to join an organisation to promote the Catholic faith and help others in need, please contact John O’Donnell on 07854 886425 - [email protected]or Paul Laird on 07854 499608 - [email protected]
Caritas Award 2020 Still not too late if you would like to sign up. If you are in your final year of high school or just left and interested in learning about the Caritas award, speak to Fr. Mackle or contact Elizabeth Reid [email protected]
The church is openuntil 4.45pm (7.30pm on Mondays, Tuesdays & Fridays) Call in and enjoy the peace and quiet, and take time to sit in the stillness in the silence of God. Tea is served in the hutafter daily Mass. All most welcome.
Mary’s Mealsbe visiting the parish to collect any unwanted, rags etc for recycling on Sunday 29th September. They regret that they cannot take duvets and pillows. They will also sell raffle tickets after each Mass.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament –Saturdays -10.30am until 12.30pm. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is, perhaps, the best way to enter into prayer and draw closer to Jesus outside of Holy Mass. Adoration is sitting quietly before the real presence of Christ, who hears us and who sees us. Consider coming to spend time in adoration and prayer each Saturday.
Meeting for all parents of altar servers,including parents of all new servers – Thursday 22ndAugust at 7pm in the Upper Hall.
Drumchapel FoodbankAll donations always gratefully received and delivered every Monday. The Foodbank needs extra donations during the holidays when school meals are not provided, putting many families under additional strain.
Forthcoming Special Collections –Assisted Parishes – 18thAugust; SPRED – 8thSept; LEPRA – 21stSept.
Forthcoming Meetings
19th August –Cluster – 7pm – St Joseph’s
20th August- Fabric & Finance - 7pm - House
22ndAugust –Servers’ Parents – 7pm – Upper Hall
2ndSeptember -Youth Ministry Team - 7pm - House