Listen to him"
Coffee Morning - After 10am Mass today. We have decided to conjoin our usual coffee morning with the parish coffee morning for the Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord. It’s free and the parish has kindly agreed that a donation will be made to this month's chosen charity, namely The White Lily Fund, which was founded by one of our own parishioners, Angela Bruno, MBE and raises funds for cancer research in the west of Scotland.
Nominations for Parish Pastoral Council. All forms to be returned please by next Sunday, 18th January. Members are appointed to serve a three year term and membership is open to active parishioners over the age of 16. We are particularly looking for parishioners who would represent, on the PPC, the youth of the parish.
New Year Resolutions @ St Andrew’s Church Halls. With the excesses of New Year behind us, why not put into practice those New Year resolutions about getting some exercise and losing weight at our halls. With Scottish Slimmers on a Monday evening, Pilates on a Wednesday morning, a general exercise class on a Wednesday morning, Boogie Bounce on a Wednesday and Thursday evening, indoor bowls on a Thursday afternoon and an over 60s dance fitness class on a Friday morning, there is something to suit everybody’s’ tastes. For new and expectant parents, there is a mother and baby yoga class on a Tuesday morning and a prenatal yoga class on a Wednesday evening. To exercise the mind, Bearsden Literary Society meets every second Monday evening of the month, there is a whist drive on the last Monday evening of each month, the University of the Third Age (U3A) meets on the morning of the third Tuesday of each month and a meditation class meets every Tuesday evening. For those that would like to exercise their vocal chords, the Sound Routes Choir meets every Monday evening and the Kelvin Choir meets every Tuesday evening. For more details please visit the church website at
The halls are also available for that special occasion, whether it’s a child’s birthday party, an anniversary celebration, a christening or a wedding. For more details, visit the website or call 07528 425 698.
Happy New Year from the Halls Committee.
First Confession Parents’ Meeting at 7.00pm on Thursday, 15th January for all those whose child is preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
First Holy Communion for the Primary 4 children of the parish will be celebrated on Sundays 10th & 17th May at the 12noon Mass. All parents are asked to attend a preparation meeting on Thursday, 29th January at 7.00pm in the hall.
400th Anniversary Mass of the Martyrdom of St John Ogilvie – 10th March, 7.30pm in St Andrew’s Cathedral. The Archbishop would like to invite two parishioners from each parish. Fairest way, I think, is names in a hat. Two names will be drawn on 30th January. If interested, please enter your name and contact details on the sheet in the porch.
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity – 18th – 25th January. Association of Bearsden Churches will join together for a Service of Prayer for Christian Unity in Killermont Parish Church next Sunday, 18th Jan at 7pm and all are most welcome to attend. Unity Supper at New Kilpatrick New Halls this Wednesday 7,30. Tickets £9.50 from Margaret Sanders. Speaker – Very Rev Albert Bogle, Chairman of the Vine Trust.
Primary 1 Visit to the church – this Tuesday, 13th Jan at 10.45am
Levy calculation 2014/15. We are obliged to pay to the archdiocese £54,200 this year (£4517 per month) for the archdiocesan Levy and National Contingency Fund.
For your information – some recent expenses – New signs and noticeboards £435, Altar Bread & Wine £686, Window cleaning £276, Alarms inspection £117, Drains/ tarmac work £684, Boiler work £114, Gutters £276, Pavement resurface £1414, Coaches school to church £450, Independent examination of financial returns £900, Postage £27, Telephone £69, Council tax £194, Electricity £971, Gas £ 808.
Children’s Choir 18th Jan, 15th Feb, 8th & 15th March, 10th May, 14th & 21st June. Any queries, call Annamaria, 942 9799 / 07749715514 or [email protected]
RCIA Please keep in your prayers Jennifer Aire, Carolanne MacDougall and Alison McDonald, who are engaged in the RCIA process of becoming Catholics this Easter.
Fabric & Finance Group – Thursday, 22 Jan. If anyone has any matters they would like discussed, please contact Brian Donnelly at [email protected]
Call in to St Andrew’s between Mon to Fri this week 1.30pm – 3.00pm to enrol your child. Birth and baptismal certificates, and two proofs of residence required.
Forty Hours Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will take place here in St Andrew’s Parish on 1st, 2nd & 3rd March. More details soon.
Offerings donated at the crib go towards the St Margaret’s family society which supports children, especially through providing adoption services. Small donation boxes are also available for you to take home. Please support St Margaret’s with your donations and with your prayers. The crib remains in place for forty days right the way throughout January, until the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord (2nd February).
SPRED (Glasgow) joint Immaculate Conception/St Andrew’s Parish Dance fundraiser at Immaculate Conception Hall on Sat 14 Feb. ( 7.30 pm to 11.45pm). Music / fish supper buffet / quality raffle / excellent company! Tickets £10 from Fr Jim Lawlor 946-2071 or Brian Donnelly 942-6085. Prize donations for the raffle will be gratefully received.
Get a new bike for Christmas? Got an old one you no longer need? We can take it off your hands and pass it on to someone who needs to get around as cheaply as possible. Don't worry if it's got flat tyres etc. Email [email protected]
The Piety Stall--has a large selection of cards and 2015 calendars. Cards for all occasions. 2015 Western Catholic Calendar is on sale priced £3.00.
Maryhill Foodbank. Many thanks for your wonderful generosity during Advent. Every tin and packet was much appreciated. Unfortunately, the need is still there, so any help you can give would still be gratefully received.
Five things I can do to promote Vocations. Please see in the porch a variety of ‘five things to do’ leaflets.
Padre Pio Prayer Group will next meet on Monday, 12th January 2015.
Mass attendance – 3 / 4 January – 600
Special Second Collection – 8th Feb – Education Sunday.