"I am the resurrection and the Life. says the Lord.
Whoever believes in me will never die."
In appreciation the second collections this weekend will be to support the Retreat and Missionary work of the Redemptonist Fathers and particularly to assist with the considerable and essential reconstruction, modernisation and development of their Retreat Centre at St. Mary’s Kinnoull, Perth.
25th Anniversary Celebration Mass—Marking the official opening of the present church St. Andrew’s Bearsden—all are invited to 6pm Vigil Mass on Saturday 17th March followed by a cheese and wine celebration in the Upper Hall.
Parish Exhibition—Today 10/11th March. Come and give us a visit—Upper Hall before and after Masses. An opportunity to view the work of Parish Groups and activities and perhaps to offer them your committed assistance.
Lent—Please note that in addition to the 10.00 a.m. morning weekday Masses, there will be Evening Mass on Wednesdays at 7.00 p.m. with Stations of Cross from 6.30 p.m. on 14th, 21st and 28th March. The second collections at weekend Masses are for the Sick and Retired Priests’ Fund except on the 4th Sunday, when the collections are for S.C.I.A.F (17/18th March).
Dates for the Children’s Choir—11th March 10am Mass, 17th March 6pm Mass , 13th May 10am Mass, 20th May 10am Mass, 10th June 10am Mass, 17th June 10am Mass. Contact Annamaria Strachan 0141 942 9799, 07749715514, email [email protected]
St. Patrick's Night—Saturday 24th March. Tickets on sale from 4th February priced £15.00. Guest speaker—Father Joe Mills. See notice in porch. Tickets phone D. MacLean 587 7319.
2012 Gonzaga Lectures—St. Aloysius Church—see notice in the porch.
Parish Liturgy Group Meeting—In preparation for Easter—At the presbytery on Tuesday 13th March at 7.30 p.m.
St. Andrew’s Squad—For all Primary three children celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation, please come to the Lower Hall on Sunday 11th March 9.00 a.m. to 10.00 a.m. Call Margaret Hendry 563 9993 for more information. Thank you
First Confessions
Group 1 Saturday 17th March at 10.30 a.m.
Group 2 Saturday 24th March at 10.30 a.m.
For children not at St. Andrew’s Primary School—Please choose either date.
Parish Pilgrimage—7th—15th September 2012—For various reasons we have changed the venue for this year’s Pilgrimage and so lowering the cost. We will be based in Florence, visiting the Cathedral (Mass Sept 8th) along with other famous
Churches and Buildings, including the world renowned Uffizi Art Gallery, housing some of the most precious Art works before visiting the Leaning Tower of Pisa on our way to the Coast for a few days relaxation at a sea-side resort. Mass is celebrated daily in our Hotel. There will be another meeting when full details are available Mary O’Loan 942 8446.
S.P.U.C./Pro Life—Please Support the 100 Masses for Life Campaign—During Lent the Wednesday evening Masses will be for this campaign. Please come and join us.
The “Walk with Me” booklets—A Lenten Journey of prayer for 2012 are on sale in the piety stall price £1.00
Saturday, 17th March—10am morning Mass a celebration in honour of the Feast of St. Patrick.
First Communion—Parents meeting for those presenting children this year at the Upper Hall, Thursday 22nd March at 7 30pm.
Drugs Discussion at St. Joseph’s Church Milngavie—Most of us are aware that there are drugs in our community, and even at times in our secondaries. Even if we aren’t necessarily very worried about our own children ever taking drugs, we may be worried about their friends or others. Is there anything we can do as parents, grandparents or teachers to help those we care about avoid drugs? What should we know about drugs today? Come along on Wed. 14th March at 7 30pm Main Hall for talks and discussion. The main speaker will be Maxie Richards, and there will be baskets for any donations to her Foundation. Tea and coffee will be served.
Milngavie Choir—Will perform a new commission ‘Lay of the Last Minstrel’ by Adrian Finnerty at their Spring Concert in St. Joseph’s Church, Milngavie on Friday 23rd March at 730pm. The Concert this year is a celebration of Scottish Composers and includes works by James MacMillan, John Maxwell Geddes, Eddie MacGuire with Fong Liu, and Hamish McCunn. Tickets prices are £8 and £6 (concession) and they can be purchased from choir members; choir secretary 0141 334 6948 Purple Edge and Milngavie Book shop, or Maria Finnerty, President, 0141 943 1517
Forty Hours’ Adoration—Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish. Delayed to Sunday 29th April.
Singing the Mass—Workshop Saturday 31st March—see notice in the porch of the Church.
Sectarianism, Scots Law and The Beautiful Game—Dialogue organised by the Newman Association between John McGovern, Solicitor Advocate and Past President of the Glasgow Bar Association, and Brian Fitzpatrick, Advocate and former MSP. At 7.30pm on Thursday 22nd March 2012 in Turnbull Hall, 15 Southpark Terrace, Glasgow G12 8LG. All welcome. Non-members: admission £3. Refreshments.