"Even if you have to die, says the Lord
keep faithful and I will give you the crown of life."
This month of the Holy Souls followed by Advent is a good time for all of us to make an effort to create silence in our church. Please help us to foster a greater spirit of prayer and recollection. Thank you.
Year of Faith—Discussion groups on 22/11, 29/11, 6/12 from 7pm to 9pm at the Upper or Lower Hall. Discussion/reflection sheets issued by the Archdiocese are available at the porch of the church.
Parish Registration Forms—For new parishioners or for a change of address, please complete and return a form to the Presbytery . A supply is kept at the bottom of the book rack at the Piety Stall, or speak to Fr. Donnelly. Thank you. Also here to download
St. Andrew’s Parish Christmas Fair—Will take place on Sunday 18th November after 10am and 12noon Masses. This will be similar to last year’s, with a selection of charities at the event. All profits from the sale of Piety Stall cards and gifts to St. Andrew’s Church funds. Other groups represented will be SPRED, SCIAF, Fair Trade, Classroom for Malawi, The Little Sisters of the Poor, The Homeless Unit and The Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre. Tea and coffee will be served at this event, in aid of LEPRA. Donations of home baking would be most welcome (no nuts please).
There will also be a raffle of a signed Celtic football so please come along and support this parish event.
Also, many thanks to all who came to the October Coffee Morning. There was a great turnout, despite the fact that it was the end of the October school break and we managed to raise the sum of £110 for the Lighthouse Project in Nagaland. We have noticed that numbers have been dropping at the Coffee mornings and we would ask for your continued support as we feel that these gatherings are very important for our parish community. The November Coffee Morning is a combined one with the Parish Christmas Fair and Charity Card Sale as referred to above. Please come along and support us.
SCIAF--This year’s Real Gifts catalogue is now out—phone 354 5555, also the Balmore Coach House Alternatives catalogue is available on 01630 620742.
Sacrament of Confirmation—For the children—Thursday 15th November Group 1—7.30pm, Thursday 22nd November Group 2—7.30pm.
St. Andrew’s Family Ceilidh—Saturday 24th November at the Upper Hall. Contact Shivonne or Veronica.
Children’s Choir Dates—11th, 18th November at 10.00 a.m. Mass. 2nd December (3pm Family Advent Service), 9th, 16th, 25th of December at 10am Mass. Any queries please contact Annamaria Strachan 0141 942 9799/07749715514 e mail - [email protected]
Parish Pilgrimage Reunion Meeting—On Wednesday 14th November at 7.30pm at the Lower Hall.
Assisted Parishes—A special second collection—Sunday 18th November.
Liturgy Group Meeting—Tuesday 20th November at 7.30pm at the presbytery.
Family Planning—God’s Way—Nature’s Way—The Billings Ovulation Method of Natural Family Planning is 99% effective in avoiding pregnancy with no side effects. This method is also very helpful for couples having difficulty conceiving and is a natural alternative to IVF. For an information pack or details of a tutor in your area, please contact Fertility Care Scotland Head Office on 0141 221 0858, email [email protected] or visit our website at www.fertilitycare.org.uk
Marriage Campaign—An all-night prayer vigil is being planned for 7th—8th December at the Catholic Chaplaincy, Turnbull Hall 13-15 Southpark Terrace, G12 8LG.
20th November is Universal Children’s Day—It was established to highlight the conditions of children worldwide whose welfare is being neglected: children working long hours in dangerous circumstances, forced into fighting as child soldiers, suffering from poverty and malnutrition, denied access to education, suffering from violence, exploitation and abuse. In many countries this day is used to bring attention to these issues and to offer support and encouragement to people and organisations who are working to help them.
Requiem Mass—For the faithful departed in St. Peter’s Cemetery Dalbeth and those finally committed at Daldowie—Sunday 18th November at 3pm at the cemetery.
Scottish Interfaith Week—25th November 2012.
St. Margaret of Scotland Hospice—Light up a Life - See leaflets at the porch of the church.