than all the other contributors to the treasury.
For they have all contributed from their surplus wealth,
but she, from her poverty, has contributed all she had,
her whole livelihood.
Children’s Choir – November 11th and 18th; December 9th, 16th and 25th. All at 10am unless otherwise stated.Any queries, please contactAnnamaria Strachan 01419429799/07749715514- [email protected]
Cluster Youth Mass For P6 to S2 this evening Sat 10th Nov at 6pm in St Andrew's followed with pizza in the upper hall.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion who visit sick and housebound –next meeting - Monday 12th November at 2.00 pm in the chapel-house.
Messengers Christmas Reachout Meeting– 19th Nov – Lower Hall.Area Leaders at 7.30 p.m. and Messengers at 8.00 p.m. Many thanks.
The St. Andrew’s Embroidery Group are creating an Embroidered Panel to celebrate the new St. Nicholas School. The Themes of the panel are the guiding principles of St. Nicholas life, his generosity, his faith and his support for those in need. The panel will be unveiled in the school on 6th December—St. Nicholas’ Feast Day. There will also be a Coffee morning after 10.00 and 12.00 Masses at St. Andrew’s Church on the 18th November (which is also the morning of the Christmas Fair). The proceeds of this will go towards helping to fund the materials used to create the panel. Please come and support the Coffee Morning. We hope some embroiderers will be there to describe in more detail the panel and its creation.
Thank you so much for your support.
Please join us at the St Andrew’s Parish Christmas Fair next Sunday 18th November after the 10.00 am and 12 noon Masses. This will be similar to last year’s, with a selection of charities from the parish at the event. All profits from the sale of Piety Stall cards and gifts go to St Andrew’s Church funds. Tea, coffee and home baking will be served after both masses in aid of funding the materials used to create the embroidered panel to celebrate the new St Nicholas school which is being made by the St Andrew’s Embroidery Group.
St Andrew’s Music and Quiz Night – Saturday 24 November Still some tickets available. Rehearsals for the pop-up choir and the “Man Choir” today Sunday at 3.00 pm and same time next Sunday. Contact Margaret Charrier (07933713621) or Veronica McLaughlin [email protected]
We are looking forward to a great night with all proceeds going to the Scottish Association for Mental Health (SAMH).
Important!! - Bearsden Bank Changes Our local Bank of Scotland which operates our Parish accounts will close for 3 weeks on 16thNovember to reopen again on 6thDecember as a counter free and coin free branch!!! This presents a big problem for us as a Parish insofar as the updated branch will no longer handle coin nor will it have night safe facility. Consequently all collections taken at Masses next weekend onwards will see our banking moved to the Milngavie branch where we can continue night safe facility and coin lodgement.
Clearly we will continue and are grateful to accept coin donations via the collection plate however perhaps you would consider joining our 100 or so families who already make their Church donations via monthly standing order using electronic or telephone banking. This would assist us greatly in reducing the weight and volume of coins for banking whilst ensuring contributions are maintained.
Over the next week can you please give close consideration to how and how much you give in Church donations and if you are familiar with electronic or telephone banking you can set up your own monthly standing order at the amount you wish to donate. Our Bank of Scotland ( Bearsden) sort code remains at 80-05-57 and the St Andrew’s Church account 00801995.
Next weekend members of our Parish Finance & Fabric team will be available at all
Masses to help with any questions and can issue paper standing order forms for anyone wishing to move to a monthly donation and are not already on automated banking.
Many thanks and again please give this your earliest consideration.
Brian Donnelly ( St A F & F team leader)
We look forward to welcoming back to St Andrew’s to the10am Mass on the 25th Nov St Aloysius’ Schola with musical director, Ann Archibald.
St Andrew’s Christmas Party Join us Saturday 8th December 2018, 2-4pm, in St Andrews Church upper hall. TEA & COFFEE * MINCE PIES * KIDS ENTERTAINER * SANTA
If you would like to donate a present to Santa please mark it boy or girl and suitable age – this will go directly to a local charity.Tickets £6 per family. Available from Aura (07881445565) or Karen (07868062313) at the Toddlers & Pre school club, Thursdays 12:15-2:30.
Soup Run Christmas Gift Appeal The Christmas Soup Run will take place on Friday 14th December when we will visit two centres with gifts and mince pies as well as holding a carol service. If you are able to donate a gift, it would be very much appreciated. It can be put in a gift bag - all need gloves, hats, scarves socks and underwear - along with an attached Christmas card with a short message. Donations of boxed minced pies also needed please. Later in the month you will see a box in the porch where these can be left anytime before Sunday 9th December. Thank you very much for your support at this time and throughout the year. If youto join us for carols or to come along to the soup run the year, please let us know and come to the lower hall at 7pm Veronica McLaughlin on 07812 406691
Asia Bibi is a Christian who spent eight years on death row in Pakistan following her conviction for blasphemy. The accusation against her sprang from a dispute with two farm workers who refused to drink water from the same container a Christian had touched. Asia should have been released following her recent acquittal by the country’s supreme court but instead remains in custody, where there is increasing concern over her wellbeing. Asia’s acquittal was followed by days of mob violence and renewed demands for her death. The government seems to have bowed to pressure to prevent her from leaving the country. Please support calls that she should be free to leave Pakistan by writing to the Consulate of Pakistan, 45 Maxwell Drive, Glasgow G41 5JF
St Andrew’s & St Joseph’s Justice and Peace Group
Make your gifts matter this Christmas SCIAF’s Real Gifts make excellent presents at Christmas while helping families in poor countries free themselves from hunger, poverty and injustice. New catalogue has gifts to suit every budget, from stocking fillers like seeds and fingerlings to more practical items like school books and birth certificates. Pick up a catalogue from the back of the church or visit (J&P Group)
Bearsden Choir is celebrating its Golden Jubilee by singing Handel’s Messiah, which they performed 50 years ago in the former Rio Cinema at Canniesburn. The concert will be on Sunday 16thDecember at 4.00pm in Glasgow City Halls. Tickets are still available, although half the seats have already gone. Details on handbill in Church porch, or phone Chris Sanders on 942 7519.
Upcoming Special second collections: Assisted Parishes– 11th November White Flower – 2nd December and Caring Sunday – 16th December.
St Andrew’s Feast Day Celebrations– 30th Nov 10am Mass followed with free Teas / coffees and St Andrew’s feast day cakes served in the lower hall. All welcome.
St. Andrew’s Club (200) New Season—29 Club first £1000 draw will take place at Music & Quiz Night 24th Nov. All our fundraising is used to support our Parish Development Fund; various charitable causes and… you can win one of the many cash prizes on offer during the year. Vacancies are available now for the 2018/19 season with membership at £6.00 per month or £65.00 per annum. Simply hand in your name and address details. Come and Join Us!! Contact Brian Donnelly on 942-6805.
Upcoming Meetings
12thNov– Ongoing Faith Formation – 10.30am - House
12thNov– EMHC who visit housebound – 2pm – House
12thNov– Legion of Mary – 4pm - Hut
12thNov– Youth ministry – 7pm – House
19thNov- Messengers – 7.30pm / 8.00pm – Lower Hall
Please remember in your Prayers those in need, those who are sick, and those in hospital.
Recently Dead— Martine Semper, Jim Tully, Edward Cannon, Carol O’Neill, Therese Donnelly, Hugh McKeowan, William McCleary, Osmund McCallion, Bobby Hill, Gordon Roberts
Anniversaries—John Francis Gilbey, Desmond Patrick Faulkner, Kathleen Courtney, Loreto Frattaroli, Mgr. James Clancy, Monsignor Maurice Ward, Anna Hanlon, David Higgins