and my mouth shall proclaim your praise."
Youth Mass for all secondary school pupils and families – 1st Oct - 6pm Vigil. An invitation to all the young people of our parish to come along to this Mass. It will be followed with pizza in the hall. Thank you for information we gathered from the recent census. Please note, we'll now be using email addresses more to communicate, especially for sending out invitations to this Mass for secondary school pupils.
Vocations Awareness Week – 12th-18th Sept. is our annual celebration of our Church dedicated to promoting vocations to the priesthood, diaconate and consecrated life through prayer and education. As part of St Andrew’s Primary marking this important week for Vocations Awareness, Fr Mackle will meet with the P7 pupils and their teachers this Tuesday to have a chat about vocations, which will include Q&A, and they will be able to ask any questions they might have. Pray for vocations, especially for our archdiocese. Prayer cards available in the porch.
Padre Pio Prayer Group – Monday 12th Sept, Novena at 7pm followed by Holy Mass at 7.30pm. All are welcome.
Upcoming Meetings: 15th Sept at 7pm – Parish Pastoral Council. 19th Sept at 7pm – Youth Ministry Group; 20th Sept at 7pm – School Council; 23rd Sept at 10.30am – Reachout Ed Team; 28th Sept at 7pm – RCIA; 29th Sept at 7.30pm – Halls Committee.
Mary’s Meals Van collecting this weekend any unwanted/unused clothing and bedding, curtains, towels, handbags, shoes, belts after all Masses. The second collection will be taken up to help keep Mary’s Meals’ vital work going.
SVDP will not have collections at any of the Masses this weekend. Thank you for your continued support. St. Andrew's SVDP
Novena in honour of Our Lady of Sorrows 7th – 15th Sept in St Mungo’s, Townhead. Year of Mercy - Our Lady as an instrument of God’s mercy. Conducted by Fr Frank Trias CP. Novena Masses daily 12:15 and 7.30. Petition forms and novena prayers available in the porch.
Handstitching and Embroidery Workshops - As part of the 50th anniversary celebrations for the Parish, we are hoping to set up weekly workshops with interested handstitchers to create an embroidered wall hanging to commemorate this important event. The workshops will take place on Thursdays from 4pm until 6pm in the lower church hall. We are particularly interested in targeting the 12 - 16 year old age range who would like to develop their skills in hand stitching. Maura McRobbie, a member of the Embroiderer's Guild, Glasgow will be leading these workshops from October until March 2017. If you would like to be involved, please email [email protected]
Year of Mercy evening celebrating the Exaltation of the Holy Cross in the Immaculate Conception Hall this Wednesday 14th Sept 7.00 - 8.30pm All welcome.
A huge THANK YOU!! to everyone who contributed in any way to a very successful Joint Parish SPRED Fundraiser at St Andrew’s Bearsden last Saturday night. Prizes were a plenty thanks to the very generous donations from individuals in both parishes and from outwith. The total monies raised on what was a very enjoyable evening came to £2460.06 ( rounded to £2500!) and this has gone to Sr Agnes Nelson and her team at SPRED Glasgow Centre. A special thanks to the clergy for their great encouragement and support and to the many unseen helpers in the background. Many thanks once again. Brian Donnelly.
Sound Routes Singers - Fun, friendly and inspiring choir now recruiting! Adults of all ages are welcome, even those who think they can’t sing! First rehearsal – this Monday, 12th September and each Monday 8:30-10:00pm in the Upper Hall. No auditions, no pre-booking - just turn up. Cost £5 a week. Email: [email protected] Call: 07811 504141
Phyllis Littlejohn and the Soup Run Team are very grateful for the recent cash donations of £40 which were kindly handed in.
St Andrew’s Primary PTA Quiz Night. Fri 16th Sept in the school hall. All welcome, BYOB. Tickets are £5 on the door or £4 in advance (call Anne on 07866 009078).
Children’s Choir – As the parish would like the children’s choir to be part of “our capturing images of a Sunday in the life of the parish”, some photographs of the choir will be taken at the 10am Mass on Sunday, 18th September. If you would prefer for your children not to appear, please speak to Annamaria Strachan or Father Mackle.
Passkeepers – our parish is short of passkeepers at all the masses. If you would like to volunteer to be on the rota, please contact Michael Sheerin (943 0935) or say to Monsignor or Fr Mackle
Primary Three Families - The Sacrament of Penance (First Confession) in Lent 2017, and First Holy Communion in May 2018. Parents intending to present their child, who is in primary three, for these sacraments, are required to complete an application/enrolment form available in the porch and return it by 16th October. Mass of Commitment for Primary Three families will be at 10am on Sunday 30th October.
Children’s Choir - Sept 11th, Sept 18th, October 9th, November 13th, November 20th, December 11th, December 18th, December 25th (to be confirmed). Any queries, please contact Annamaria Strachan 01419429799/07749715514—[email protected]
Drumchapel Foodbank - all donations gratefully received.
Forthcoming Special Collections :
18th Sept – Assisted Parishes;
2nd Oct - SPUC White Flower;
23rd Oct - Mission Sunday;
13th Nov – Assisted Parishes.
Please remember in your Prayers -
Sick—Paul Morton, Dante Biagioi, Louise Dolan, Ronald Coia, Douglas Dalby (Snr), Baby Eva Berrey, Joan Davis, Margie Cornyn, Patricia Swiatek, Gilbert O’Rourke, Joseph McDermid, Charlie Harper, Bruce Davidson, Paul Sheridan, John Gerard Miller, Maureen MacIntosh, Davie Peacock, Lesley Cullen, Kay Reilly, Anne Rodgers, Diarmid O’Hara, Rosemary Queen, Barbara Holland, Michelle Rajab, Matthew Craig, Maurice Boyce, Margaret Kieran.
Recently Dead— Bill Colquhoun, Herbert Bowden, Mary Fitzpatrick, Ken Fearon, Peter Healy
Anniversaries—Sister Mary Joan Duffy, James & Anna McKean, Maisie & Sheila Kelly, Eric Allen NYFD, Moira Smith, NYPD, Patricia Ross English, Stephen T. O’Hare.