Its purpose will be to help shape our parish priorities over the next three years, and we would invite your ideas / views on what we can do in the parish to
Deepen our relationship with Jesus.
Develop our parish community.
Reach out to the wider world.
How will this be done? After the Vigil and Sunday Masses, we'd like as many parishioners as possible, to come into the hall and share your views in a similar way to the parish consultation exercise last year. If you're not able to come into the hall after Mass, there will still be an opportunity to feed in your thoughts via email [email protected] and a hard copy feedback sheet which will be available the following weekend.
RCIA Please keep in your prayers Jennifer Aire and Alison McDonald who were fully received into the Church and became Catholics this Easter. A great joy for them, for their families and for the parish.
Very many thanks to all those who worked so hard in so many ways with the liturgical, musical and social preparations for the Ceremonies of Holy Week and the Easter Triduum, and to everyone for their participation in the Liturgies. We are very grateful to the children and the children’s liturgy catechists for decorating the cross on the sanctuary, which will remain there until Pentecost Sunday, 24th May.
Easter artwork will be on display through to Pentecost Sunday. Many thanks to all those from the parish and from St Andrew’s Primary and Turnbull High who have contributed artwork. Rev Roddy from New Kilpatrick Church has asked me to convey his gratitude to all the artists and to the many people who visited the Holy Week Journeys exhibition. It’s hoped that a brochure of all the artwork will be produced.
Turnbull Times – most recent newsletter now available here on this website.
50th Anniversary Mass for SCIAF – Thurs 30 April at 7pm - celebrated by Archbishop Tartaglia in the Cathedral. Reception after Mass. All are most welcome. Liturgy Group Meeting – 21st April 7.30pm in thechapel-house. If anyone has any matters they would like discussed, please email [email protected]
Final day for SCIAF wee boxes to be handed in is next Sunday, 19th April, in order for SCIAF to ensure all money is in on time to be doubled as part of the UK Aid match scheme.
Kevin Farmer, a St Andrew's parishioner, will be running the London Marathon on Sunday, April 26 for SCIAF’s 50th anniversary. You can sponsor Kevin and support SCIAF by going to or sign the form in the porch.
Have you ever considered adoption? You may be a couple with no children, you may be a parent already, but if you think you can offer a loving family home to a child or even siblings, then St Margaret’s would like to hear from you. Adoption can be a rewarding experience for you as parents, and it will make the world of a difference to children’s lives. For a confidential chat and further information, call 332 8371 or visit
Do you pay tax? Do you gift aid? For every £1 you contribute to St Andrew’s, the parish can claim back an extra 25% of what you give, at no extra cost to you! If you have an income (wage, salary, pension or investment income) on which you pay UK income tax, HMRC will add 25p for every pound you give. Gift Aid Declaration forms available in the porch.
Diocesan and Other Special Second Collections over the next three months – 26th April - Ecclesiastical Students; 17th May- Communications Sunday; 31st May - Day for Life; 7th June – St Peter Claver Mission Appeal; 14th June - Assisted Parishes Fund; and on 29th June - Peter’s Pence.
Coffee Morning next Sunday, April 19th after 10am Mass. Please come along and join us.
Thank you to all those who came along to last months coffee morning. The sum of £150 was raised for SCIAF's 'wee box' appeal, which will be matched by the UK Government. We have received a thank you letter from SCIAF which is displayed on the notice board in the porch. Many, many thanks for your continued support, it is very much appreciated.
Discerning a Vocation to the Priesthood? If you think God may be inviting you to such a vocation, and for evenings of Catechesis, Prayer and Fraternity to help discern your vocation (2nd Friday of the month) please contact Vocations Director, Fr Ross Campbell, [email protected] (339 4315)
Vocations Vigil at Turnbull Hall, 13-15 Southpark Terrace on Friday, 1 May from 7.00 pm until 11.00 pm. Mass at 7.00 pm. Adoration, Music and Prayer with reflections from Fr Gerry Walsh and Sr Andrea Fraile. Tel: Fr Ross Campbell 339 4315. Email: [email protected]
Padre Pio Prayer Group - Meetings re-start Monday 13th April at 7:00pm Monday 20th April Novena at 7:00pm followed by Holy Mass at 7:30pm
Catholic Youth Festival - To date, thanks to generous donations, we now have funds to sponsor three youths to attend. Thinking caps on for fund-raising ideas, as we would like to give as many of our young people as possible the opportunity to experience the fun, prayer and joy of Catholic Youth Festival this summer from 30 July to 2 August at University of Stirling Campus. If you are keen to go let us know, and also please contact Youth Chaplain, Fr John Sweeney to register – email: [email protected] The event is open to those 14 -25 years of age. Cost £150.
Why not email a link to this bulletin to someone who cannot be at church. Copy (ctrl+C) everything within this bracket ( and paste (ctrl+V) into new email
Mass attendance – Easter Vigil / Sunday – 1117
St Andrew’s Parish Groups - Accounts - Annual Return 2014/2015 The Archdiocese require an account covering all Parish activities for the year 01 April 2014 to 31 March 2015. Please send to Chapel House for the attention of the Finance Team by next Sunday, 19th April. Many thanks and God Bless St Andrew’s Fabric & Finance Team
Maryhill Foodbank. Donations of tins and packets of food will be gratefully received.
Please remember in your Prayers -
Sick—Margaret McGuire, Paul Morton, Mamie Bradie, Dante Biagioi, Peter Crainie, Margaret Merilees, Betty Clark, Hil Black, Karen Hopper (Livingston) Alison Burns, Paul Connolly, Louise Dolan, Sheila McCallum, Rosemary McLean, Elizabeth McCusker, Stuart Harvey, Mick Henry, Sheena Smith, Mary Cowan, Charlie Melly, Steven Byrne, Mark Greenlees, Samatha Harkins, Margaret Mirrilees, Gilbert O’Rourke, Margaret Cairney, Denis Campbell, Margaret Kearney, Ronald Coia
Recently Dead—Maureen Dugdale, Mrs Collins, Paddy Delaney, Jessie Adair, Wilma Gillespie.
Anniversaries—Ada Sugrue, Thomas Joseph McKinnon, Michael Higgins, Thomas Parker, Jean Watson.