the lowly will hear me and be glad."
Catholic?Not baptised? Baptised in another faith? RCIA programme of learning and instruction will begin 26thSeptember 7pm in the Hut. Please speak to Fr. Mackle if you would like to know more about RCIA and the Catholic faith.
An Appeal for driver/sto bring a parishioner, who is a resident in Antonine Home, Roman Road, fortnightly to and from the 10am Sunday Mass. If you are free to help, please call the Home's manager, Bobby, on 931 6081. Many thanks.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament – each Saturday from 10.30am until 12.30pm. Please consider coming to spend some time in adoration and prayer each Saturday.
St Nicholas’ Opening Mass in the school with Blessing of the St Nicholas Candles – Thursday 30thAugust at 11am.
The St Andrew’s Embroidery Group are working on a panel to celebrate St Nicholas’ Primary. If you would like to be involved please contact [email protected]
Calling all children from Primary 6 to Secondary 2 in St Andrew’s & St Joseph’s. There will be a fun night on Saturday 1stSeptember from 6.30pm – 8.30pm. in St Joseph’s Hall, Milngavie with games, open mic, disco, food & fun.
All Primary 7 pupils and families, the Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated in St Joseph’s Church at 7pm on Thursday 29thNovember.Enrolment forms available in the porch to be returned, please, by 31stAugust.
Still not too late to sign up for Caritas 2019.If you are interested in learning about the Caritas award, speak to Fr. Mackle or contact Elizabeth Reid [email protected] Five young parishioners signed up so far.
Celebrate Scotland are holding a Catholic Charismatic Family Weekend at St Ninian’s High School, Rouken Glen Road, Giffnock, G46 6UG on Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th September following the success of last year’s event. For more information and to book, go to www.celebrateconference.org/scotland.
The church will continue to be open until 7pm each Tues & Fri until 4 Septemberfor anyone who might want to call in for some peace and quiet prayer time.
Baptism Course – parents and godparents of children to be baptised soon are asked to attend the next preparation course on Thursday, 13th September at 7pm in the upper Hall.
Scottish Charity Walk -Two of our parishioners, Robert and Marysia Paterson, are taking on the challenge of walking from Gretna to John O’ Groats beginning on 13th August. This arduous walk of 387 miles, will be in aid of the Beatson Cancer Charity and they would be most grateful for any support you would be able to give. If you wish to donate, please visit www.justgiving.com/fundraising/robert-paterson22
A date to put in your diary:this year we shall be celebrating St Andrew's Day a wee bit early on Saturday 24 November with a parish Music and Quiz Night in the upper hall. Tickets costing £5 will be on sale after all Masses in October. This year we will be running the evening as a fundraiser for SAMH (the Scottish Association for Mental Health). Raffle prizes will be gratefully received nearer the time and we will also be looking for volunteers for the come-backappearance(for one night only)the pop-up choir so get your vocal chords in order! There will be more information in the bulletin soon but please start spreading the word.
Aged 20-40? Would you like to develop your presentation skills?Why not come along to our workshop with Host and Presenter, Greg Summers, who has worked with the likes of Olly Murs, Gary Barlow and John Bishop. Sun 2ndSept, 12:45pm – 4pm at Blackfriars Function Room, Glasgow. Just email[email protected]to buy a £10 ticket or join our mailing list to find out about future events if you can’t make this one. Ticket sales are being donated to Marys Meals.
Trip to Carfin for the National Pilgrimage Mass and Rosary Procession. Sunday, September 2nd. Bus will leave from the Hub at Bearsden Cross at 1pm and return 7.30pm. Cost £3. Please sign sheet in porch, if you would like to go. As the Carfin café can be busy, it is advisable to bring a packed lunch.
Mary’s Mealsbe visiting the parish to collect any unwanted clothing, rags etc for recycling on Sunday 2nd September.They regret that they cannot take duvets and pillows. They will also sell raffle tickets after each Mass
Daily Mass is celebrated in St Andrew’s Monday to Saturday at 10am. All are most welcome. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is every Saturday from after 10am Mass until 12.30pm
Divine Mercy Novenais prayed weekdays after morning Mass in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. All most welcome.
Lord, Make Me Know Your Ways- Could God be calling you to serve as a priest? Please get in touch to find out more about discerning your vocation, and information about monthly evenings of discernment. Vocations Director - Fr Ross Campbell 339 4315. Email: [email protected] Visit www.priestforscotland.org.uk
Padre Pio Prayer Groupmeets on Mondays at 7pm. All welcome. For information or interest, please contact Kay Dick 0141 942 7771 or Kate Hay 0141 931 5154.
Society of St Vincent de Paul Glasgow Archdiocesan Council celebrates 170 years of service to the City of Glasgow and beyond. Holy Mass will be concelebrated by Archbishop Philip Tartaglia and Archbishop Emeritus Mario Conti on Friday 24th August in St Andrew’s Cathedral at 7.30pm. All are most welcome.
Assisted Parishes Fund - Second Collection taken up 19thAugust gives financial assistance to parishes who otherwise would struggle to make ends meet.
Upcoming Meetings
17th- August- Reachout - 10.30am - Hut
27th August -Ongoing Faith Formation - 10.30am - House
27th August- Bereavement Support - 7pm - House
28th August -& Peace - 7.30pm - St Joseph’s
28th August -Fabric & Finance - 7pm - House
30th August -Parish Pastoral Council - 7pm - House
Upcoming Collections : 19thAugust – Assisted Parishes; 9thSept - SPRED
A very big thank youto all those who responded to the appeal for volunteers to clean the church. We now have a sufficient number to look after regular church cleaning.
Drumchapel Foodbank has informed us that the following are urgently required – Tinned spaghetti hoops, beans, tuna, meat, pies hotdogs, meatballs, custard, rice, fruit and shampoo, biscuits, noodles soap and baby wipes. If you are able to bring any of these items along to Mass and leave in the containers in the porch, they will be gratefully received. Many thanks.
“Come and see”leaflet. St Andrew’s parish receives a large number of visitors.Many come to attend celebrations, including First Holy Communion Masses,
Baptisms and Marriages.Our aim as a parish is to spread the Good News in a supportive way by extending not only a very warm welcome to everyone to Church, but to reach out with a meaningful invitation to “Come and see”
Mass for Newly-Married Couples will be celebrated bytheArchbishop on Sunday 7th October at 3pm in St Andrew’s Cathedral. All the recently married in St Andrew’s are most welcome, as are their families and friends.
Please help the Passkeepers by leaving your hymn books and order of Mass cards tidily after Masses, and by taking your bulletin away with you. Many thanks.
Please remember in your Prayers those in need, those who are sick, and those in hospital.
Recently Dead—Peter Rainey, Peter Currie, James Anthony Burnett.
Anniversaries--Agnes Gallagher, Kevin Taylor, Allan Johnston,
John O ‘Connor, Charlie Melly
6 Months Mind--Patrick Jenkins