"This is my son, the beloved; my favour rests on him." '
For more details please visit the halls page here .
The halls are also available for that special occasion, whether it’s a child’s birthday party, an anniversary celebration, a christening or a wedding. For more details, visit the website or call 07528 425 698.
Happy New Year from the Halls Committee
RCIA Please keep in your prayers John Harper and Robbie McKechnie, who are engaged in the RCIA process of becoming Catholics this Easter.
P1 Visit to the church this Tuesday 14th January at 10am Mass.
Please Note: Meetings for P3 parents on 16th January and for P4 parents on 30th January will begin at 7.00pm
P3 Parents’ Meeting at 7.00pm on Thursday, 16th January for all those whose child is preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
First Holy Communion for the Primary 4 children of the parish will be celebrated on Sundays 11th & 18th May at the 12noon Mass. All parents are asked to attend a preparation meeting on Thursday, 30th January at 7.00pm in the hall.
Enrollment for Primary 1 in St Andrew’s in August 2014 – Call in to the school any afternoon between Monday 13th – Friday 17th January, 1.30pm – 3.00pm. Please bring with you your child’s birth and baptismal certificates, and two proofs of residence.
Coffee Morning - after 10am Mass, Sunday 19th January. Please come along and join us. Donations of home baking (no nuts please) always gratefully received. This month we are raising funds for the St Nicholas care Fund and the Homeless. Also, many thanks to all those who came along to December’s coffee morning. £100 was raised for Oxfam’s Christmas Syria Appeal. All public donations made to this appeal between 27 November and 27 February 2014 will be matched pound for pound by the UK Government. These donations will support families affected by the Syria crisis. If the appeal raises more money than is needed for this work, your gift will be used wherever in the world the need is greatest
Fizz, Fish n Fun, Fundraising Night for the White Lily Charity in aid of cancer research. Bearsden Burgh Hall ---7 till Midnight on Saturday 1st February. B.Y.O.B. & soft drinks. £19.50 per head. Glass of bubbly and fish supper included. Raffle, live band and dancing. Contact Veronica Maguire on 07884468212 or email - [email protected]
Justice and Peace: Last Sunday Bishop Moran as President of the Justice and Peace Commission urged us in his letter to choose the “option for the poor” through emphasising justice and neighbourly caring. To help our understanding of these issues Justice and Peace Scotland continues to produce its informative magazine. The latest edition: comments on the significance for us of Pope Francis’s Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium – the Joy of the Gospel; assesses the results of the IF campaign and its legacy in Scotland; and reports on how we can choose food that promotes trade justice. The edition also contains challenging editorial, accounts of recent conferences and news of upcoming events. Subscriptions can be taken out from J&P Scotland, 65 Bath Street, Glasgow G2 2BX, (0141 1333 0238) or through www.justiceandpeacescotland.org.uk.
Passover Meal, Wednesday 16th April 2014: As part of forward liturgical planning a small group is required to arrange this service. There are two parts involved, setting up the hall which the Halls Committee have agreed to look after and then arranging the different parts of the actual service. This needs to be done in advance of the evening. Please speak with Fr Mackle if you can help with this latter part. In recent years this service has been poorly supported and in order to gauge interest and viability would you please sign the sheet on the notice board in the church porch.
Christmas Crib Offerings for the St Margaret of Scotland Children and Family Care Society. Please support the Society with your money and with your prayers. Little collection boxes to be returned by the end of January, please.
Children’s Choir dates – all at 10am Mass. Today, January 12th & 19th, February 16th & 23rd (Catholic Education Sunday), March 9th & 16th, May 11th & 18th, June 8th & 15th. Any enquiries, contact Annamaria Stachan on 942 9799 / 07749715514Catholic Education Sunday – 23rd February. The beginning of Catholic Education Week. More details soon.
Forty Hours Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will take place here in St Andrew’s Parish on 2nd, 3rd and 4th March. More details soon.
Padre Pio Prayer Group – Mass will be celebrated at 7.30pm on Monday, 13th January in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. All are very welcome.
Reachout Planning Meeting for members of the Reachout editorial team – Tuesday, 14th January at 7pm in the chapel-house.
Bulletin notices – If you can, please email your notice for the bulletin to [email protected]. Notices may, of course, still be handed in to the chapel-house by Wednesday evening.
The Piety Stall January Sale now on…all Christmas stock reduced!
Annulment and Marriage Validation - See Fr Mackle to learn more about the process if you are divorced and remarried or never married in the Catholic Church.
The SVDP is always looking for new members and, if you could feel you could spare some of your time to support the parish’s SVDP in their work, then please contact Michael Henry (942 1170).
The Western Catholic Calendar—For 2014 is now on sale in the Piety Stall priced £3
Maryhill Foodbank Collection. Please place any donations of non-perishables (tins of soup, beans, meats etc., pasta, rice, toiletries) in the containers in the porch. Many thanks.