This is my beloved Son, listen to him."
Do invite someone you know back to Mass this new year. All of us know someone who has stopped going to Mass, so invite that person to think about coming back.
We look forward to all families, who have had a celebration of Baptism within the past year, gathering together for the 10am Mass next Sunday, 19th January. After Mass, there will be refreshments served in the parish hall to which everyone is invited.
Free Coffee Morning - Happy New Year! Please come along and join us for a cuppa and some delicious home baking next Sunday 19th January after 10am Mass in the upper hall. As we are combining this with the Parish’s Family Baptism Sunday, it will be a free coffee morning. Thanks also to all those who came along to December’s Christmas Coffee Morning. The sum of £188.50 was raised for The St Nicholas Care Fund. As always, thank you for your support and generosity.
Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated for P7 pupils of St Andrew's and St Joseph's Parishes in Andrew's Church 7pm 13th May 2020. Enrolment forms, available in the church porch, to be returned, please, by 9th February.
There is a meeting for parents of P7 pupils preparing for Confirmation February 20 at 7pm in St Andrew’s Upper Hall.
The St. Andrew’s Squad- (S.A.S.) for all children in the parish preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Sunday 2nd February from 9.00am in the Upper Hall leading into 10am Mass and children’s liturgy. Any queries please contact Tamara Kennedy [email protected]
There is a meeting for parents of P3 pupils preparing for their first confession this Thurs January 16th at 7pm in St Nicholas' Primary School. P4 Parents have a First Holy Communion meeting there on Thursday, January 30 at 7pm.
First Holy Communion celebrations for our parish will take place at the 12.00 noon Mass on 10th & 17th May. Please keep the first communicants in your prayers. Parents will be advised regarding rehearsals’ arrangements at the 30th Jan meeting.
NET Ministry will be returning to our cluster on Sunday 2nd February. NET are ten young Americans who are doing great youth ministry work in many schools and parishes. The team will lead a Faith/Fun Day for the young people of St St Joseph's & St Andrew's beginning with 10am Mass in St Andrew's through to 2pm. For all young people in P6, P7,S1 & S2. Lunch will be provided. We need readers, servers, passkeepers, musicians, and helpers for the offertory. PFFA participants - this would be a good opportunity for some Parish Faith Actions. If you would like your child to volunteer, please email [email protected]
Monthly Reflection Session after the 10 am weekday Mass on Monday 27th of January will take place in the Church House dining room. We will be reflecting on the gospel for Sunday 2nd of February is the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord which is Luke 2:22-40. Please join us for coffee/ tea and a friendly discussion.
Drumchapel Foodbank. All donations always gratefully received. The collection boxes in porch are delivered every Monday. Church open Mon – Sat 'til 4.45pm & Sun ‘til 1.30pm.
Many thanks to Hut Ladies for their generous donation of £200. Great boost to parish funds.
Catholic Social Teaching Thought for the Week - 12 January The Christian is exhorted to offer his body and all his being to practice only good, mutual love, and justice; he is called to consecrate himself entirely to the service of God for the benefit of others. Baptised and Sent: The Church of Christ on Mission in the World, Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples Pontifical Mission Societies
Legion of Mary continues to attend to our Mission Week’s follow up work of revisiting all those who requested a call back, as well as visiting families who have had a celebration of baptism within the past year. Legion of Mary meets weekly Tuesdays 7pm in the Hut. New members always welcome.
New Year; New Start; New Hobby Why not come along to St Joseph’s Church Hall opposite Milngavie Station on Tuesday 14 January at 7.30pm & try some ceilidh dancing? All you need is comfy shoes & £6 ! Teacher: Peter Knapman. Accordionist: Rachel Campbell. For more information call 07902 127370
Please keep in your prayers Yvonne McCafferty and Jen Wright, who are journeying though RCIA preparing to become Catholic this Easter.
Adult Faith Formation – the next DVD in Bishop Baron’s Pivotal Players series will be shown on Thursday 23rd January 2020 at 7 pm in the Upper Hall. The subject of the episode being shown is St Thomas Aquinas who is considered one of the Catholic Church's greatest theologians and philosophers. Please join us for tea/coffee and Bishop Barron’s insight into this very important figure in the Church.
Unity Supper. 29th Jan 7.15pm in New Kilpatrick Halls. Tickets £12 from Margaret Sanders. Speaker: Very Rev Dr John Chalmers, Convener, Church of Scotland Assembly Trustees.
Church Halls The church halls are used for a huge range of activities. For the New Year, why not make one of your Resolutions to be to support a local business or charity and the church through taking part in one or more of these activities.
They include:
- Weekday Wow Factor seniors daytime disco
- two slimming classes
- two choirs
- the University of Third Age
- flower arranging classes
- puppy & dog training classes
- various fitness, Pilates and dance classes for all ages and abilities
- carpet bowls
- a rugby play programme for 2 – 5 year olds
- whist
- Bearsden Literary Society
- and toddlers and pre-school clubs.
Happy New Year from the Halls Committee.
Paper Toilet Products: The Halls Committee has decided to change the paper towels and toilet rolls that are used in the church’s and halls’ toilets with environmentally friendly recycled and recyclable products. Consequently, later this month, you will notice a change in these products. Any feedback is appreciated, either by texting or calling the Halls Letting Secretary on 07528 425 698.
Special Collections – 2nd Feb – Assisted Parishes.
January Meetings.
Youth Ministry Team – 13th Jan 7pm – House
EMHC Planning – 13th Jan – 7pm - House
Cluster – 14th Jan 7pm St Joseph’s
Ongoing Faith Formation – 20th Jan 10.30am House
Caritas – 20th Jan – 7pm – House
School Parents Council – 21st Jan 6.30pm Bearsden Academy
Justice & Peace – 21st Jan 7pm St Joseph’s
Fabric & Finance – 21st Jan 7pm – House
RCIA – 23rd Jan 7pm – Hut
Safeguarding Coordinator – 28th Jan 6.30pm – House
Emmaus – 31st Jan 10.30am House
Recently Dead—--Anne Gilbey, Rena Sharkey, Rena Kane, Eddie McSheffrey, Gordon Nisbet, Frank Cassidy, Paul Bradley, Mary Silcock
Anniversaries--Margaret Garvie
Three Months' Mind--Jim Hay