whose sin is covered."
A huge thanks to the following who helped make the First Communicants Party last Sunday such a success :- Anne and Billy Martin, Margaret Hendry, Margaret McFarlane, Trish and Chic Kerr, Phil Brewster, Ceit Campbell and Dorothy MacLean. Veronica and David Maguire.
Second Collection taken up this weekend for the Archdiocesan Assisted Parishes Fund, which gives financial assistance to parishes who otherwise would struggle to make ends meet. Forthcoming Second Collections –19th June – Comboni Mission Appeal; 26th June – Peter’s Pence.
Last Coffee Morning before the Holidays!!!! Sunday 19th June. Please come along and join us in the upper hall after 10 am Mass, It's also Father’s Day, so treat dad to a cuppa and some home baking. This month we are raising funds for The Team Lewis Foundation ( Registered charity number: SC045596 ). This charity helps support the siblings of sick babies in neonatal and/or paediatric units, by making the care environment(s) more child/family friendly and to provide respite when appropriate. Whilst parents may be offered counselling if they lose their new babies, siblings often are not included which some families find hard, as they too have suffered a loss. For more information, please see teamlewis.org.uk
Altar Servers. Any young member of the Parish who would like to become an Altar Server is invited to contact Chris Sanders (942 7519) or Fr. Mackle or Mgr Ryan, who will gladly take your details. This invitation is aimed particularly at those children in P IV who have just made their First Holy Communion, repeating the Fr M’s appeal at your special Mass last Sunday. Training sessions will not start until the school year re-commences. However, an early start can be made then if your contact details are known.
A very big thank you to all parishioners who bought raffle tickets and contributed prizes for the tombola and raffle at the SPRED Ceilidh in St Thomas's, Riddrie last Friday. Our special friends had a brilliant evening and SPRED Glasgow received much appreciated financial support. Thank you!!
John Paul Academy Car Boot Sale - £10 per pitch. Bouncy Castle and other fun activities. Tea, coffee and cake n candy. Next Saturday 18th June 9.30 – 11.30am
Well done and many congratulations to Fiona Milligan, a senior Turnbull High pupil in our parish, and to all the 1040 young people from across Scotland who were presented with the Caritas Award last Monday at the Clyde Auditorium. The Pope Benedict XVI Caritas Award is a sign of their ongoing faith journey in response to God’s call of love. The Award celebrates the faith witness which the Caritas candidates give within their home, school and parish. For more information about the Caritas Awards, please visit the official website at http://www.caritasaward.org. If you are interested in becoming a candidate for the 2016/17 Caritas award please see notice below. Interested candidates already signing up. Do you want to join them?
The Caritas Award was created as a legacy of the visit of Pope Benedict to Scotland and has been in place for a few years. It is focused on any pupil in their final year of school and allows them to respond to the Pope`s call to young people to put their faith into action. St. Andrew`s Parish is now able to support young people in their final year of school to achieve this award. The Caritas Award gives you the opportunity to learn more about your faith by reflecting on scripture and the Pope`s teachings at 4 short meetings throughout the year. You must also volunteer to take part in different ministries in Church and the local community, eg. reading or passkeeping at Mass, getting involved with the parish's Justice and Peace Group, helping with Fairtrade or taking part in fundraising activities. It is a rewarding and enjoyable way to learn more about your faith with people your own age and also get a chance to show love of neighbour through your volunteering activities. Additionally, it helps you develop key skills like team working, make new friends, set yourself challenges, develop your CV and improve your confidence. If you are interested in learning more about the Caritas award speak to Fr. Mackle or contact Elizabeth Reid [email protected] There will be a further Caritas information event after the 10am Mass on Sunday, 26th June in the upper hall.
A 20 year old Spanish student (female) is looking for a host family to live with for 3-4 weeks during the summer. Her name is Sonia and she is a second year University student studying to become an English teacher. She would like to find a family that would be happy for her to live with them in return for help with domestic chores and perhaps to help with young children or an ageing relative. If you would like further information please call Jackie Harrison on 942 8229. This would be a private arrangement between the family and the student, and St Andrew’s parish would have no involvement with this.
The 29 Club Summer 2016 Draw took place at the Church on 8th June with the following winners:- £1000: No. 175: Kay & Eric Dick. £1000 : No. 126 : Teresa Regan. £100 : No. 53 : Margaret MacDougall. £100: No. 99: Kate McKay. £100: No. 44 : Richard Docherty. £100: No. 178:Frank & Moira Kirkwood. £100: No. 24: Anne MacIntosh. £100: No. 21: Katherinr Traynor. £100: No. 142 : Edward & Maureen Smith. £100 : No 34: Gerry Maher. £100: No. 27 Jim & Pauline Sutherland. £100: No. 41: Patricia & Michael Reilly. My thanks to the St Andrew’s Hut Ladies for making the draw; and to all you 29 Club members Thank You for your support … also to the winners .. Enjoy!! All proceeds from The 29 Club are used to support our Parish Development Fund and various charitable causes. Vacancies are available now for the current season with membership at £6 per month or £65 per annum. Come and Join Us !! Contact Brian Donnelly on 942-6085 or Father Mackle on 942-4635.
The Comboni Missionaries (Verona Fathers) will be visiting our parish 18th / 19th June to speak to us about their Mission Appeal. There will be second collection taken up to support the Verona Fathers in their missionary work.
St Andrew’s Primary PTA Family Carnival Fun Day this Saturday 18th June from 1pm until 4pm in the school grounds. Entry is free and there will be a large selection of inflatables, pony rides and games for all the family to enjoy. For more information please contact Anne on 07866 009078.
St. Andrew's Carpet Bowls summer outing this Thurs, 16 June. Bus will leave Roman Rd. at 10 am and return approx. 8.30 pm. Largs, and on to Seamill Hydro for High Tea. Cost to non-members is £20 and those who joined us last year thoroughly enjoyed it. Please contact D. MacLean - 587 7319 to book your seat.
Laudato Si Week: June 12-19. You can read Laudato Si on: http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/encyclicals/documents/papa-francesco_20150524_enciclica-laudato-si.html and decide how we are going to do our bit in relation to the environmental crisis. Also, Refugee Scotland Festival: 14th-26th June - bringing together people from refugee and local communities to celebrate the contributions refugees make to life in Scotland. Justice and Peace Group.
Please remember in your Prayers -
Sick—Paul Morton, Dante Biagioi, Louise Dolan, Charlie Melly, Ronald Coia, Douglas Dalby (Snr), Baby Eva Berrey, Joan Davis, Margie Cornyn, Russell Rodger, Patricia Swiatek, Gilbert O’Rourke, Graham Declan McCusker, Mary Frances Gerrard, Joseph McDermid, Charlie Harper, Alan Johnston, Martin Barnes, Bruce Davidson, Paul Sheridan, John Gerard Miller, Sheila Donnelly.
Recently Dead—Sandy Pate, Margaret McGuire, Angela Gribbon, Herbert Bowden, Bridie Best, Eileen Pugh.
Anniversaries—John McIntyre, Margaret McCallum, Adele Murray.
One Month’s Mind—Teresa Gourlay
Six Month’s Mind—Greta Ward.