has passed beyond our sight,
not to abandon us but to be our hope."
Sunday 12th May at 12noon
Sunday 19th May at 10am.
St. Andrew’s Children’s Choir Dates 2013—12th May, 19th May, 9th June & 16th June. All at the 10am mass. Any queries, please contact Mrs Annamaria Strachan, 0141 9799/07749715514 (phone or test); [email protected]
Communications Sunday—12th May—a day of prayer for all engaged in the media. Special second collection to further the Church’s apostolate in the media—11/12 May.
Mary’s Meals—Work with some of the poorest people in Third World countries. We offer help by collecting unwanted/unused clothing and bedding (all textiles) and turning them into funds to carry out our work overseas. For better clothing, we receive a better price but even from rags we raise money that in turn helps us to feed starving children. (2 Black Poly Bags filled with textiles could generate enough funds to feed a child in Malawi FOR A YEAR (approx £7.00) world-wide and with your help we hope to continue expanding our feeding programme). PLEASE NOTE THE VAN WILL COLLECT AFTER THE SUNDAY MORNING MASSES ON SUNDAY, 26th MAY 2012—WE REGRET WE ARE UNABLE TO ACCEPT BRIC-A-BRAC and we are unable to COLLECT IN THE EVENING. 2nd Collections on 25/26th May for Mary’s Meals.
St. Andrew’s Primary P.T.A.—Is hosting a Ladies Night on Friday 17th May from 7.00 p.m. in the school hall. Tickets for entry are £5.00 and include a cocktail (BYOB). All profits will be divided equally between school funds and the SAMs Club Glasgow. (The SAMs Club is run by a group of dedicated volunteers to give children and young people with special needs a monthly club which offers the opportunity for them to play and interact with others through a range of themed activities). There will also be a disco, raffle, competitions and a variety of fabulous beauty treatments which are available to pre-book. Please contact either Rachel Mooney (077796 995989) or Anne MacIntosh on (07866 009078) for more information. All welcome.
The Andrea Kearney Fundraising Dinner—Saturday 1st June 2013. Tickets are available for the Andrea Kearney Fund Dinner—In the Radisson Hotel, Glasgow on Saturday 1st June at 7.00 p.m. This charity is the only one in the UK which offers financial help to women diagnosed with cancer during pregnancy. The ticket price of £55.00 includes drinks on arrival, a delicious 3 course meal with wine and entertainment from some of Scotland’s talented musicians and performers. Why not save money and book a table for 10 for £500.00? To book tickets, please go to www.andreakearney.org or telephone 0141 –881 1320. If you can offer any raffle prizes or items for auction at this special event, please contact Veronica Maguire on 942-0607 (happy to uplift) as soon as possible. Many thanks.
In aid of Belgian Congo Charity Gorsilaure—Concert Band and Aria Singers contemporary music evening on 17th May at 7.30 p.m. at Our Lady and St Patrick’s High School Cardross Road, Dumbarton. Tickets £6.00 can be obtained from Pat Kerr 0141 384 4251.