Prayer for Synod
Lord Jesus Christ, whom the Father has commanded us to listen as his beloved Son, shed your light upon your Church, so that she might have nothing more holy than to listen to your voice and follow you. You are the Supreme Shepherd and Ruler of Souls. Look then upon the Pastors of your Church gathered in these days with the Successor of St. Peter in synod assembly. We implore you to sanctify them in truth and confirm them in faith and love.
Lord Jesus Christ, send forth your Spirit of love and truth on the bishops in synod and on all who assist them in fulfilling their task. Make them more faithful to what the Spirit is saying to the Churches; stir their souls and teach them truth by that same Holy Spirit. Through their work, may the faithful of their Churches be purified and strengthened in spirit, so that they might greater follow the Gospel through which you accomplished salvation and they might make of themselves a living offering to the heavenly Father.
May Mary, the Most Holy Mother of God and Mother of the Church, assist the Bishops in these days, as she assisted the Apostles in the Upper Room, and intercede with motherly affection to foster brotherly communion among them, to allow them to rejoice in prosperity and peace in the calmness of these days, and, in reading the signs of the times, to celebrate the majesty of the merciful God, the Lord of History, to the praise and glory of the Most Blessed Trinity, Father Son and Holy Spirit. Amen
Service of Commitment for Primary Three Families at 10am Mass on Sunday, 26th October.
Parish Pastoral Council – next meeting Thursday, 23rd October at 7pm in the hall. If anyone has any matters they would like discussed, please contact Thomas McGonigle at [email protected]
Coffee Morning after 10.00 a.m. Mass, next Sunday. Please come along and join us. Donations of home baking (no nuts please) always gratefully received. This month will be a free coffee morning as a thank you to all our faithful supporters.
Children’s Liturgy. All P1 – P3 & P4-P7 leaders / helpers please note that there will be three children’s liturgy training evenings on 6th, 13th & 20th November at 7pm in the Hall. The first two evenings will be led by Ellen McBride, Archdiocesan Trainer for Catechists.
St Andrew’s Visitor’s Guide. Pick up a copy from the porch. Our sincere thanks to Brenda Murray, who produced this guide for last Wednesday’s Scottish Churches Trust’s visitors’ day. Many thanks, too, to Catherine Jaberoo, Kevin Begen and Brenda Murray who were generous with their time welcoming the Trust’s visitors.
Anti Slavery Day - The 18 October marks Anti-Slavery Day in the UK and is an ideal opportunity for us to put pressure on our MPs to join the fight for a strong Modern Slavery Bill. Please email or write to your MP and ask them to write to David Cameron urging him to strengthen the UK Modern Slavery bill to ensure UK businesses are slavery free in their supply chains. Please also go online to www.walk and sign the petition.
SPUC Scotland is very grateful for our parish’s generous response to last week’s White Flower Appeal. £1397 was donated through the second collection to help SPUC with its vital work of promoting a culture of life for beginning and end of life issues in Scotland.
For your information – £5209 is this year’s insurance premium. Total amount to be paid this month. Also, our obligations to the archdiocese, for the levy, is a monthly payment of £5750.
Passkeepers Meeting – today, Sunday at 11.15am in the church. If you are not going to be free to attend, please say to Michael Sheerin.
Mission Sunday - Next weekend our parish will be holding the annual Mission Matters Scotland Mission Sunday Appeal. This year we are invited to reach out and help the people of Mongolia to build their Church, the world’s youngest Catholic Church. Those who Giftaid, please take a Mission Appeal Giftaid envelope from the porch and add 25% of the value of your offering at no extra cost to yourself.
Musicians needed for Vigil Mass We are very fortunate in St. Andrew's to have some excellent musicians which include four organists, a Folk Group and the Young Musicians. However, we are occasionally faced with a situation when, despite this, we have nobody to play. It usually affects Vigil Mass. We are looking for volunteers to fill in occasionally. It would not be an onerous task, possibly once every couple of months. If you feel you could help, please could you contact Fr. Mackle or Susan Morrison (07580086381 or 01415637959) We would be delighted to hear from you.
St Andrew’s Primary School is looking for a volunteer pianist to play at their Friday mornings hymn practices 9.15 – 9.45am, and also, if available, to play occasionally at Mass in the school. If you feel you could help, please contact Mr Kerr on 955 2248.
Altar Servers. Any young member of the Parish (who has made his/her First Holy Communion) who would like to become an Altar Server is invited to contact Chris Sanders (942 7519) or Fr. Mackle, who will gladly take your details. Training sessions are due to commence soon.
Piety Stall Rota – Volunteers required, particularly after the Vigil Mass. If you could spare 15 minutes after Mass we would really appreciate your help. Any questions, please call Anne MacIntosh 931 5861 or Annamaria Strachan 942 9799.
Special Second Collections – 9th November, Survive Miva; 16th November, Assisted Parishes.
Ladies’ Fabulous Fun Night in aid of the White Lily Fund which raises money for cancer research in the west of Scotland. Friday 14th Nov at the Crowne Plaza hotel. Champagne reception and dinner with cabaret. As always, it will be a great night. Tickets cost £45 each. Ladies only, so why not get together with some friends and take a table of 10? For tickets, call Angela Bruno 07730615045 or Veronica Maguire 07884468212 or [email protected]
Discerning a Vocation to the Priesthood? If you think God may be inviting you to such a vocation, and for evenings of Catechesis, Prayer and Fraternity to help discern your vocation (2nd Friday of the month) please contact Vocations Director, Fr Ross Campbell, [email protected] (339 4315)
Choir Dates for this term November 9th & 16th, December 14th, 21st & 25th (to be confirmed). All at the 10am Mass. Any queries, call Annamaria Strachan 942 9799/07749715514, or email: [email protected]
Padre Pio Prayer Group: Monday at 7.00pm. All are most welcome.
Mass Attendance – 4 / 5 Oct. Vigil Mass - 154; 10am Mass - 241 ; 12 noon Mass – 130. Total – 525