because he has anointed me
to bring glad tidings to the poor."
Christmas Eve Vigils - 4.00pm & 5.30pm
Christmas Day - 8.30am, 10.00am & 12 noon
With numbers continuing to be severely restricted, all Masses, which will include using both our halls, are now fully booked, apart from the 8.30am, where there are still some seats.
The 5.30pm vigil, and the 10.00am Masses will be live streamed.
It is so unfortunate that we cannot accommodate everyone who would like to attend Mass this Christmas. Please, I must ask you, it really is important that you do not turn up without booking, as we do not wish to embarrass or disappoint anyone who has not booked by refusing them entry. Stay safe. Pray safe.
Confessions for Christmas - As well as Confessions on Saturdays 4.15pm - 4.45pm & Sundays 9.15am - 9.45am, there will be additional confession times
Monday 21st Dec – 7.00pm - 8.00pm
Tuesday 22nd Dec - 7.00pm - 8.00pm.
Penitents will have privacy in the main church.
Due to the restrictions, the confessional cannot be used.
Through the ministry of the Church, in the Sacrament of Penance, God gives pardon and peace.
Youth Advent Reflection Evening this Thursday 17th Dec. You will have to have emailed [email protected] to book your space. 7pm – 7.30pm All necessary precautions will be taken into account in the organisation and delivery of this event.
Catholic Adoption Agency, St Margaret's Children and Family Care Society, which supports some of Scotland's most vulnerable children, is hosting a 'Virtual Crib Appeal' this Advent. Due to congregation sizes being limited due to Covid19 restrictions the charity could lose out on up to £100k in donations made each year by the Catholic community to its Crib Appeal collection boxes. St Margaret’s Virtual Crib is a peaceful, animated crib scene accompanied by a full Christmas Carol Concert from the St Andrew's Cathedral Choir. St Margaret's Virtual Crib will be live until the Feast of the Epiphany on their website at stmargaretsadoption.org.uk. Donations can be made via the St Margaret’s website or by cheque posted to the charity’s office at 26 Newton Place, Glasgow, G3 7PY.
St Andrew’s SPRED Group have been delighted by the response to their online Christmas Craft Shop.We almost sold out and are able to give a cheque for £320 to Glasgow SPRED. This money will be used to support the work of SPRED throughout the Archdiocese. Thank you to our generous supporters. We wish you a Happy and Safe Christmas. Best wishes,Lorna.
A ‘streamed Holy Hour’ only online via you tube from St Mary’s, ‘The Dawn of Grace’ Advent Reflections. Monday 14th December 6.30 pm. An evening of Eucharistic Adoration with hymns, readings and reflections to help prepare our hearts for Christmas with Deacon John and cantor, Jim McGinlay Search : ‘St Mary’s,Duntocher- You Tube’ or copy and paste the following: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuK-9mvdWnQ2-Hs0f3CI3bA
Journey through Advent continues - a daily page of a Journey Through Advent with a few ideas to help us focus on this special time which encourages us to take stock and prepare for Christmas. This page is available on the parish social media platforms and on the website.
Catholic Social Teaching Thought for the Week - 13 December (Nearest Sunday to International Migrants Day (18 December)) The émigré Holy Family of Nazareth, fleeing into Egypt, is the archetype of every refugee family. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, living in exile in Egypt to escape the fury of an evil king, are, for all times and all places, the models and protectors of every migrant, alien and refugee of whatever kind who, whether compelled by fear of persecution or by want, is forced to leave his native land, his beloved parents and relatives, his close friends, and to seek a foreign soil. Pope Pius XII, Exsul Familia Nazarethana
St Nicholas Care Fund December’s online edition of Flourish features the Archbishop’s Appeal and an article outlining some of the projects that the Care Fund has supported this year. This year, donations can be made electronically at www.rcag.org.uk – choose St Nicholas Care Fund from “The Archdiocese” drop-down menu.
The Piety Stall online store now has a large selection of cards and gifts for First Communion and Confirmation for sale, as well as Christmas cards, Advent calendars, candles and Christmas Eve boxes. Orders can be placed and either collected from the organiser’s homes or delivery can be arranged if collection isn’t suitable.https://www.standrewsbearsden.co.uk/piety-stall.html
As seating capacity in the church is much reduced due to current social distancing guidelines, a booking system is required. To register to use the booking system, please go to www.standrewsbearsden.co.uk Please note that the obligation to attend Sunday Mass continues to be suspended. It is still fine not to go to Mass during these circumstances.
Here's some helpful guidance from the Bishops' Conference of Scotland
Please familiarise yourself with it ahead of attending Mass.
➡️ Read: bit.ly/BackToMass (includes video)
➡️ Phase 3 guidance: bit.ly/Phase3ScotGov
Drumchapel Foodbank - Thanks to all of our Parishioners who are donating food and toiletries to our collection point in the Chapel House porch to be delivered to Drumchapel Food Bank. Regularly your donations are dropped off at the foodbank by our parish volunteers. Thanks for continuing to help.
Our parish’s soup-run’s volunteers continue to collect food donations form M&S Byres Road for delivery to Drumchapel and St Gregory’s Foodbanks and the Wayside Club.
Parish Website – Bulletin - Just to say that on the latest page and the bulletin page, a subscribe button has been added which allows users to have a daily summary sent each morning with the previous day's posts. If you don't use social media, but would like to be kept posted, then all that's asked for is your email address – you can unsubscribe at any time – it's all clearly marked.
Parish Bulletin: Any items for inclusion in the bulletin (including names for recently dead, month's mind and anniversary lists) should be put through the letter box of the Chapel House or sent by email: [email protected] by12noon on the Wednesday before publication. Copies of the bulletin are available on Facebook, Twitter and on the parish website
Recently Dead – Fr Raymond Brown, Ian Callaghan, Alice Campbell, Mima Chiapelli, Sister Barbara Farquarson, Pat Flanigan,
Anniversaries – Alice McMurrough, Mary Moss, Michael Moss, Helen Pryde, Rae Russell, Mary Silcock.