Sacrament of Baptism—Two months notice is required to allow preparation for Baptism. Please contact Fr. Donnelly to make arrangements. Please note that the next Baptism Preparation Session for parents and godparents of children being baptised will be on Sunday 20th February from 11.30 to 14.30 at St. Andrew’s Church (Lower Hall). There will be a 30 minute break during the session so you may wish to bring a packed lunch. Tea will be provided.
Sixties/Seventies Disco--In Upper Hall on Saturday 19th February, 7 30—11 30pm in aid of White Lily Fund (Cancer research). Dancing, bar, raffle, quiz, Roll-a-Pound. Tickets £12 include Fish/Chip Supper. Contact Lorna Donnelly on 942 0696 or Margaret Carvill on 942 6284.
Child Protection and Adults at Risk within St. Andrew’s Parish--Training session for all volunteers at St. Joseph’s Parish Hall, Milngavie on Saturday 19th February 2011 10.00 a.m to 12 noon. Parish co-ordinator Michael McGovern. 942 3520.
St Patrick’s Night--19th March. Irish Stew, Soda Bread, Tea /Coffee. Guest Speaker Fr. Joe Mills. Full supporting cast. Tickets £15 on sale now. Phone D MacLean 587 7319. B.Y.O.B. See notice in porch.
Fund Raising Coffee Morning for Haiti Disaster — 26th February in the Upper Hall at 10.00 a.m. — 1.00. p.m. Donations for Raffle or cakes for coffee would be gratefully received. (no nuts) Contact Pat on 943 2693 or 07922106374.
L.B. Club—For all Primary 3 children celebrating the sacrament of reconciliation. Please come to the Upper Hall on Sunday 27th February from 11.00 a.m.—12 noon. Call Margaret Hendry 563 9993 for more information.
Catholic Education Sunday —20th February. Pupils from St. Andrew’s Primary and Turnbull High School will assist with the Liturgy at 10.00 a.m. Mass. Special second collections for the Catholic Education Service.
Teas and Coffee--Following 10.00 a.m Mass on Sunday 20th February 2011 will be served in the Upper Hall to celebrate Education Sunday. Donations of home baking very welcome (no nuts). We also raised over £200 for the Haiti disaster. Thank you.
The Pro Life—Meetings are restarting on Wednesday 2nd March at 7.30 p.m. in the Hut. A warm welcome is extended to anyone who is interested in learning more about the Pro Life cause in Scotland.
Adult Faith Development—Scripture and Its relationship to Life Today—presented by Noel Donnelly. Thursday 7.30 p.m. till 9.00 p.m. — 10th February till 3rd March St. Charles’ Kelvinside Gardens G20 6BG.
House Prayer Groups—Literature is available throughout the year for anyone wishing to start a group. The aim is for each session to be about 90 minutes and to include scripture study, reflection, discussion, prayer and workshop. For further information Tel. Ann 07929606698.
Vocations to Priesthood—There will be a Vocations Meeting in the Eyre Hall on Thursday 24th February 2011. The meeting will be for any suitable man over the age of 17 who might want to know more about the Priesthood and the process of application. Some of the recently ordained will also be available to speak to them.