"The heavens opened and the Father's voice resounded
'This is my Son the beloved. Listen to him.'"
The Chair of St. Andrew’s Parent Council has been outlining why it is important for you to support the school and to fill out the public consultation questionnaire, particularly sections 1 and 6. Copies are available at the back of the church or you can download a copy from www.eastdunbarton.gov.uk/primaryimprovements. The closing date for completion of the questionnaire is Monday, 4th February 2013.
In order to preserve the future of Catholic Education on its current site in Bearsden for the future of our children, it is vitally important that you participate in this consultation exercise and encourage your friends and families to do the same. If you do not do so, it is possible, indeed highly possible, that St. Andrew’s will lose its site on Duntocher Road and the school may be moved to another much less suitable location.
The Catholic community is relatively small so we need as much support as we can gather in order for our voice to be heard. Thank you. For further information please contact St. Andrew’s Primary Parent Council Chair Terry Allan on [email protected]
Parish Diaries—Have now arrived. Would Messengers and those who normally receive a diary please collect at the Stall. No charge!
Feast of the Baptism of the Lord—Sunday 13th January. All baptised in the parish during the past year are invited to a celebration today at 12 noon Mass, followed by a reception for refreshments in the Upper Hall. Please return the tear off slip for catering purposes.
Sacrament of Reconciliation (First Confession) - Parents’ meeting for all intending to present children this year—at the Upper Hall in Thursday, 17th January at 7.30pm.
Feast of St Kentigern - (Mungo) - Patron of the Archdiocese Sunday 13th January. Outwith the city, the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord is observed.
Christmastide—Concludes on the 13th January.
Justice & Peace—Thanks for the special collection last week—£460 was raised.
Justice & Peace—The group will meet on Tuesday next, 15th January at 7.30pm in the Hut, all are welcome. In the past year the focus was on supporting SCIAF, promoting Fairtrade (through links with the Fairtrade Foundation, Shared Interest, Just Trading Scotland and the local Fairtrade Forum), fundraising for local homeless and highlighting selected international day and other topics. Please help us to indentify priorities for 2013.
Bearsden Cross Church—Congratulation to Rev. Graeme Wilson—inducted to his new charge on Tuesday, 15th January. We wish him well in his new ministry.
Catholic Education Sunday—3rd February.
30th Anniversary Mass—For the Opening of John Paul Academy will be celebrated by Archbishop Tartaglia on Thursday, 17th January at 7pm in the school. All former pupils and their families and former staff members are invited to attend.
St. Andrew’s Piety Stall January Sale! - Many statues and prayer books reduced—everything on the sale is on the counter.
Piety Stall rota—We are short of volunteers to assist with serving in the Piety Stall, particularly after the Vigil Mass. If you could spare 15 minutes after Mass and are aged over 16, we would really appreciate your help. The rota sheet for January, February and March is on the noticeboard at the back of the Church. Any questions please call Anne MacIntoch 931 5861 or Annamaria Strachan 942 9799.
Forthcoming Ecumenical Events—Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 18th—25th January 2013. Unity Week Service at Bearsden Baptist Church on Sunday 20th January at 7.30pm.
Association of Bearsden Churches Unity Supper 2013—see notice on the board in the porch.
Coffee Morning—Sunday 20th January. Please come along and join us for the first coffee morning of the New Year on Sunday 20th January after 10am Mass. If you haven’t been before, why not make it a New Year Resolution to try it out! This month we are fundraising for the National Autistic Society. All donation of home baking welcome (no nuts please) and may be handed in before Mass, if possible. Looking forward to seeing you there and we take this opportunity to wish everyone a Happy New Year. Many thanks, Veronica and Shivonne.
SPRED—Welcomes people with learning difficulties into our parish community. We are desperately in need of someone who is free on Wednesday evening (school term-time only) to help with one of our friends. No experience is needed as training is given. If you are even a little bit interested or would like to know more please phone Catherine 942 6984 or Lorna 942 0696.
New Year Resolutions @ St. Andrew’s Church Halls—With the excesses of New Year behind us, why not put into practice those New Year resolutions about getting some exercise and losing weight at our halls. With Scottish Slimmers on a Monday evening, Zumba on a Tuesday evening and Saturday morning, Pilates on a Wednesday morning, a general exercise class on a Wednesday morning, and Yoga on a Wednesday evening, there is something for everybody’s taste. More details here. The halls are also available for that special occasion, whether it’s a child’s birthday party, an anniversary celebration, a christening or a wedding..
Forty Hours—Change of date from 27th January to 10th February. St. Aloysius’ Garnethill.
Free Religious Poem Competition - Dear St Andrews RC Church
Now is your last chance to enter our Religious Poem competition, so if you haven’t already entered, please post up to three poems headed: Religious Poem to United Press Ltd, Admail 3735, London, EC1B 1JB or enter online here
You can enter a prayer, words for a hymn, a description of an uplifting moment, or a poem about a religious experience, a person or your church. It can be rhyming or free verse, historic, romantic, factual or personal - anything you like, as long as there is a religious theme.
You can submit up to three poems of no more than 25 lines (including blank lines) and 160 words each. The competition closes at the end of this month. Many Thanks, Luke Redgrave