First Communicants Thanksgiving Mass – 10am 3rd June followed by a party in the hall.
The Piety Stall has a large selection of First Communion cards and gifts on sale.
Pick up a copy of Archbishop Tartaglia’s Pastoral Letter to commemorate the 52nd World Communications Day, Sunday 13th May. This weekend’s second collection is taken up to support the Catholic Media Office with its vital work of making aware the good work of the Church and the message of hope it offers to society.
#CatholicSchoolsGoodForScotland A ground-breaking film which marks the 100th anniversary of the 1918 Education Act can be viewed onYouTube now.
Extraordinary ministers of holy communion who visit the sick and housebound - next meeting Monday 14th May at 7pm in the chapel house.
Mass to give thanks to God for almost fifty years of St Andrew’s Primary School will be celebrated in St Andrew’s Church 10am. Friday, 22nd June. All most welcome. We look forward especially to welcoming former pupils, parents, staff, and our friends in the community. Refreshments will be served after Mass in the upper hall to which everyone is invited. St Nicholas’ Primary will open on 16th August.
The Legion of Mary invite you to join them to celebrate the 90th Anniversary of The Legion of Mary in Glasgow. The first meeting of the Legion of Mary outside Ire-
land was held in St Peter's Partick on 26th April 1928. To commemorate this a special concelebrated Mass will be held at Carfin on Sunday 20th May. A bus has been arranged for those who would like to join in the celebrations and will leave from the Milngavie Car Park adjacent to the Post office at 1.00 p.m. Cost £3.00. If interested please add your name to the list at the back of the church or contact Liz Healy on 07704059953.
SVDP. The Society’s Summer Charity Concert will take place this Friday 18th May in the Mitchell Theatre at 7.30 pm. Full details can be found on the poster in the Church porch. Your support for this event is much appreciated.
Children’s Choir dates - May 20th; June 10th & 17th. Any queries, please contact An- namaria Strachan 01419429799/07749715514 [email protected]
During May and June on Tuesdays the church will be open until the later time of 7.00pm for anyone who might want to call in for some peace and quiet prayer time.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament – each Saturday from 10.30am until 12.30pm. Please consider coming to spend some time in adoration and prayer each Saturday.
The Caritas Award was created as a legacy of the visit of Pope Benedict to Scotland and has been in place for a number of years. It is focused on any pupil in their final year of school and allows them to respond to the Pope`s call to young people to put their faith into action. Since 2016 St. Andrew`s Parish/our parish has been able to support young people in their final year at non-denominational schools to achieve this award.
The Caritas Award gives young people the opportunity to learn more about their faith by reflecting on scripture and the Pope`s teachings at 4 short meetings throughout the year. You must also volunteer to take part in different ministries in Church and the local community, eg. reading or passkeeping at Mass, getting involved with parish's Justice and Peace Group, helping with Fairtrade or taking part in fundraising activities. It is a rewarding and enjoyable way to learn more about your faith with people your own age and also get a chance to show love of neighbour through your volunteering activities.
Additionally, it helps you develop key skills like team working, make new friends, set yourself challenges, develop your CV and improve your confidence. If you are interested in learning more about the Caritas award speak to Fr. Mackle or contact Elizabeth Reid [email protected]
Eco Group – St Andrew’s enthusiastic Eco gardeners will be back working away in the Jubilee Garden this Thursday and also towards the end of the month. They always enjoy well earned refreshments in the Hut after their Eco gardening work.
“Come and see “ leaflet. St Andrew’s parish receives a large number of visitors. Many come to attend celebrations, including First Holy Communion Masses,
Baptisms and Marriages. Our aim as a parish is to spread the Good News in a supportive way by extending not only a very warm welcome to everyone to Church, but to reach out with a meaningful invitation to “Come and see”
Celebrating the Life of St Andrew’s Primary Week beginning 4th June. For information, see porch noticeboard, Facebook and website. Any school photographs? Please send them in asap (with your child’s name and class on the back). If you are able to help out at these events, please let the office staff know. As always, we are very grateful for your support.
E Cowie ADHT
The Halls Committee is still looking for new members. If you are interested in joining the committee, or want to find out a bit more about what they do, please contact Father Mackle on 0141 942 4635
The 29 Club Summer 2018 Draw Our Summer Double Draw took place at the Church Hut on 07 May 2018 with the following winners:-£1000 : No. 1 -Tamara Kennedy. £1000 : No. 31 - Brian Donnelly. £100 : No.130 - Paul Donnelly. £100 : No. 47 -Kay & Jim Dyer. £100 : No.198 - Maureen & Ricky Jackson. £100 : No. 17 - Andrew & Leigh Anne Donnelly. £100 : No. 87 - Margaret Charrier.£100 : No.124 -Mary O’Loan.100 : No.192 - Aileen Smith. £100 : No.156 - Margaret McGeever. My thanks to the Hut Team for making the draw; and to all you 29 Club members. Thank You for your continued support ... also to the winners .. Enjoy!!
All proceeds from The 29 Club are used to support our Parish Development Fund and
various charitable causes. Vacancies are available now for the new season with member- ship at £6 per month or £65 per annum. Come and Join Us ! Contact Brian Donnelly on 942-6085 or Father Mackle on 942-4635.
Selfie for St Andrew’s School –the staff would like to hear from former pupils, parents, teachers etc about when you were here in St Andrew’s and what you are up to now. Please “Take a Selfie,” individually or as a group, and send it to [email protected] with the date you were here and a short message. It would be lovely to hear from the many people who have come through our doors.
St Nicholas Primary School For all children who have enrolled – visits, fun activities, talk for parents & tea / coffee. See porch noticeboard for details of dates and more infor- mation. E Cowie DHT
The National Evangelisation Team (NET) in Scotland is still looking for host homes
for one week periods for next year’s mission. Whether you have extra beds or floor space for sleeping bags, email [email protected] for more information to host team members. Thank you! Next NET Retreat here in St Andrew’s - 27th Jan 2019 for P7 Confirmation pupils.
Pope Francis has published a new letter on holiness called Gaudete et Exsultate (Rejoice and Be Glad). The document aims to help us be holy in the modern world. Here’s a couple of quotes. 1.“The important thing is that each believer discern his or her own path, that they bring out the very best of themselves, the most personal gifts that God has placed in their hearts, rather than hopelessly trying to imitate something not meant for them.” (§11)
2. “We are frequently tempted to think that holiness is only for those who can withdraw from ordinary affairs to spend much time in prayer. That is not the case. We are all called to be holy by living our lives with love and by bearing witness in everything we do, wherever we find ourselves.” (§14) Over the weeks, we’ll include more in the bulletin
Edel Quinn Mass. Sat 18th May. The Legion of Mary invite you to join them at 10.00 a.m. Mass to celebrate the life of Edel Quinn, a young Missionary who worked in East and Central Africa and showed unwavering faith and courage in the face of great chal- lenges. This special Mass will be in Thanksgiving for her life and for all the founding figures who were instrumental in the expansion and growth of the Legion of Mary. She is responsible for thousands of Africans being involved in Evangelisation in that region and a role model for the potential of youth within the Church.
Church Halls are available at weekends for birthday parties, christenings, anniversary parties, fund raisers, weddings and funerals. For further details, please visit the web site on or call the Halls Letting Secretary on 07528 425 698.
Special Collections : 3rd June – Day for Life. 1st July – Peter’s Pence.
Interested in becoming a Catholic? – Not baptised? Baptised in another faith? RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adult) will begin in the autumn. RCIA programme of learning and instruction prepares adults for the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist, usually celebrated at the Easter Vigil. Please speak to Fr. Mackle if you would like more information.
Please remember in your Prayers -
Sick—Paul Morton, Dante Biagioi, Louise Dolan, Douglas Dalby (Snr), Joseph McDermid, Charlie Harper, John Gerard Miller, Michelle Rajab, Matthew Craig, Maurice Boyce, Maria Giovanazzi, Geraldine Moy, Pat O’Neill, Michael Timo- ney, Baby Julia McLeod, Charlene Bishop, Annamarie McGill, Angela McLeod, Charles Kerr, Eleanor Cheyne, Elizabeth Cairns, Olivia McNulty, Susan Kelly, Father Noel Burke, Gerry Moran,Sarah Ward.
Recently Dead—John Prior (junior) Rose Chambers, Tommy Doonin, Bill Cal- lan.
Anniversaries—Bill English, Elizabeth Barrett