in the land of the living."
Coffee Morning after 10am Mass, next Sunday 20th September. Please come along and join us for a cuppa , a chat and some delicious home baking. This month we are raising funds for SCIAF’s Syrian Crisis Appeal. Many, many thanks for your continued support, it is very much appreciated.
Bernard Sheridan who has been an important part of our Parish Finance team for over thirty years is having to give up due to increasing work commitments. Our very sincere and grateful thanks to Bernard for all his efforts in the time he has very faithfully done this voluntary bookkeeping work. Bernard's work and commitment has been very much appreciated over the many years. We are therefore looking for, hopefully and ideally, two volunteers to take over and share this bookkeeping work. The time commitment would be roughly 4 hours per month plus the best part of a week to draw up the end of year accounts. It would be helpful if volunteers have a background in accountancy and are also familiar with the excel speadsheet bookkeeping system. For the handover, Bernard will be very happy to coach new volunteers. Please speak to Brian Donnelly or Fr Mackle if you are able to volunteer your help.
New Extraordinary Ministers will be commissioned today at the 10am Mass – Kay Dick, Dominique Donnelly, Catherine Dunipace, Gerry English, Mary Gibson, Philomena and Donal McDermott, Susan Morrison, Anne O’Donnell and Anne O’Hagan.
Altar Servers. Any young member of the Parish (who has made his/her First Holy Communion) who would like to become an Altar Server is invited to contact Chris Sanders (942 7519) or Fr. Mackle, who will gladly take your details. Training sessions are due to commence soon.
Children’s Choir dates - September 13th & 20th, November 8th & 15th, December 13th, 20th & 25th. Any queries, please contact Annamaria Strachan 01419429799/07749715514 [email protected]
St Andrew’s Primary PTA Quiz Night in the school hall on Friday 18th September from 7pm until 11pm. Tickets £5 on the door or £4 in advance. BYOB, glasses and snacks. All welcome. Please contact Anne on 07866 009078 for more information.
The Legion of Mary is carrying out visitation in the parish and may call in to visit you. New members always welcome. Meetings – Tuesdays at 7.30pm in the Hut.
Mary’s meals van will be at all Masses on 26th / 27th September to collect bags of clothes —no bric-a-brac please. Mary’s Meals offers help by collecting unwanted/unused clothing and bedding, curtains, towels, handbags, shoes, belts and turning them into funds to carry out work overseas. A few Black Poly Bags of clothes can help feed a child for a year (approx £12.20).
Parish Retreat - Sunday 4th October. 12noon Mass – Benediction 4.30pm. Bring a light lunch (Tea and coffee provided). The event is for all Parishioners and it is hoped that as many of you as possible will attend. Please indicate your interest on the sign up sheet available in the Porch. Theme - “Abiding Presence” will help to focus on God’s love in the Eucharist. The interactive programme for the day will be presented by a team of experienced and trained lay-people, under the guidance of a priest-director, organised by the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament.
Maryhill Foodbank - Non-perishable food items are greatly needed by our near neighbours. Your help is much appreciated. Thank you.
Petition to EDC at www.ipetitions.com/petition/milngavie-welcomes-refugees and if you agree sign and ask family and friends too.
Songs of Praise will be filmed by the BBC at St Andrew's, Cathedral on 22nd and 23rd October 7-10pm. Everyone welcome. For tickets (free), call 01224211123 or 204 2409. Are you a part singer? Please say when you order your tickets.
The McLellan Commission into Safeguarding in the Catholic Church in Scotland. There are still copies in the porch of leaflets summarising the findings of the McLellan Commission, if you didn’t get a copy a few weeks ago. The full report can be found online at www.mclellancommission.co.uk
Multi-Parent Embryos. A talk by Dr Anne Williams & Discussion. At Turnbull Hall, 15 Southpark Ave., on 19th Sept. 11am - 1pm. To book spaces and for more info, email [email protected]
Approved Project - Redecoration of the church and re-carpeting the sanctuary is an Approved Project, which has been granted by the archdiocese, and means that all fundraising is exempt from the archdiocesan levy, which is up to 65% of net income. As we are levied on every first collection, and as we no longer have a second collection for the parish, how about holding or organising a fundraising event to raise non-leviable funds for this project, the approximate cost of which is £22,000?
Turnbull Times newsletter – view online at www.standrewsbearsden.co.uk
Special Collections - 13th Sept – Assisted Parishes; 27th Sept – Mary’s Meals.
An invitation to any carers in the parish who would like to start a monthly coffee group. It can be a lonely job looking after someone and it might be nice to get together once a month for a chat and to support each other. If people are interested, email or contact me with suitable times/dates that would be best for you. I'll then try to find a time that suits most people or we could alternate a couple of days/times. Annamaria Strachan 01419429799/07749715514 [email protected]”
Lunch Club - Thursdays from 12 till 2pm. For 4 year olds who will be starting school next August. Bring a packed lunch and the children can eat together and have a play. Contact Caroline Flanagan 07867 862022 for any further details.
World Youth Day – Krakow 2016. A meeting for young people aged 16 – 35 interested in WYD 2016 will be held at 7pm on Monday 21st Sept at the archdiocesan offices, 196 Clyde Street. For more details, call 226 5898 or speak to Fr Mackle. We would like to give many young people from St Andrew’s the opportunity to attend next year’s WYD.
Forthcoming Meetings - 14th Sept at 7pm - Parish Retreat (Planning); 15th Sept at 11am – Deanery meeting; 15th Sept at 7pm - Liturgy Group; 4th Oct – Parish Retreat; 5th Oct at 7.30pm - Halls Committee; 7th Oct at 7pm – RCIA.
Discerning a Vocation to the Priesthood? If you think God may be calling you to the Priesthood, and for information on evenings of Catechesis, Prayer and Fraternity to help discern your vocation (2nd Fri of the month) please contact Vocations Director, Fr Campbell, [email protected] (339 4315)
Catholic Newspapers – Scottish Catholic Observer, Catholic Universe, Catholic Times and Flourish on sale in the porch.
Padre Pio Prayer Group – Every Monday at 7.00 p.m. Legion of Mary – 7.30 p.m. in the Hut every Tuesday.
Please remember in your Prayers -
Sick—Margaret McGuire, Paul Morton, Mamie Bradie, Dante Biagioi, Peter Crainie, Margaret Merilees, Betty Clark, Hil Black, Paul Connolly, Louise Dolan, Sheila McCallum, Rosemary McLean, Elizabeth McCusker, Stuart Harvey, Sheena Smith, Charlie Melly, Mark Greenlees, Samatha Harkins, Gilbert O’Rourke, Denis Campbell, Ronald Coia, Valentina Colaluca, Christine Turner, Douglas Dalby (Snr), Michael Docherty, Maureen Scott, Christina Jones, Ruth MacKenzie, Patricia Swiatek, Baby Eva Berrey, Maureen Morton.
Recently Dead—Pat Lynn, Karen Hopper (Livingston) Simon Zaremba, Stephen Longfellow, Cathy Cunningham, Sally Butler, Mary McGill..
Anniversaries—Patricia English, Eric Allen NYFD, Moira Smith NYPD, Duncan McCallum, Stephen O’Hare.