you have rescued me."
Please note –The Young Adult Group will assist with the Liturgy on Saturday 20th April at 6.00 p.m. Vigil.
Forty Hours Devotions—Begins here at St. Andrew’s after 12 noon Mass on Sunday 21st April until the Evening Service at 5.00 p.m., resuming on Monday 22nd and Tuesday 23rd after 10.00 a.m. Mass until the Evening Services at 7.00 p.m. The Guest Preacher will be Father Peter Dowling of the Blessed Sacrament Fathers.
Vigil for Vocations—Holy Father’s Theme for 2013. Friday 19th April. See notice in the porch of the church.
Coffee Morning—After 10am mass, Sunday 21st April. Please come along and join us. Donations of home backing (no nuts please) always gratefully received. This month we are raising funds for the Prince and Princess of Wales Hospice who are fundraising to set up a unit for 12-16 year olds. Also, many thanks to everyone who came along to March’s coffee morning. The sum of £70 was raised for S.C.I.A.F.’s appeal for Women of the Congo. We have received a thank you letter from the Rotary Club of Glasgow North and Bishopbriggs which reads:-
“Thank you to everyone involved for your support and the £122.30 which will be put towards a shelterbox to be sent to a disaster relief area around the world. Your support is very much appreciated.”
Signed Douglas Brown (Secretary).
We have also received a letter from the project we supported in Nagaland, which reads:-
"My name is Supong Jamir. My wife and I work with the underprivileged children projects called the “Lighthouse” in Dimapur, Nagaland, which is in North East India. Thank you so much for the money that you have sent towards the needs and the work here. It has been used to buy a water purifier, which is now able to produce enough safe and clean drinking water for the 40+ children. Besides this, it has also been used to buy study tables and chairs, sports goods and educational toys and books for the children. The children are overjoyed with their new blessings and they want to say thank you. You have made their lives better this way. We pray the Almighty Lord God will bless you in a very special way." (There are some photos which Supong sent of the project which are displayed on the Notice Board at the back of the church.
Society of St. Vincent De Paul—Annual Mass to pray for the Canonisation of Blessed Frederic Ozanam on Tuesday 23rd April in St. Mungo’s Townhead, Glasgow at 7.30pm. You are invited to attend on this special evening, as we celebrate the Bi-Centenary of Blessed Frederic’s birth (Founder of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul)
Society of St. Vincent de Paul—Annual Ozanam Talk. Monday 15th April at 7.30pm in The Ogilvie Centre, Garnethill, Glasgow.
Vocations Sunday—21st April—special second collections for the Ecclesiastical Students Fund.
2012/13—St. Andrew’s Parish Groups—Annual Return—It’s that time of year again when we require accounts and information from your group in order to complete our Parish return for the Archdiocese and the Scottish Charities Regulator. We require the following information for the financial year ending 28th March 2012:-
Name of Group/Activity
Name(s) and contact numbers of office holders.
A copy of you Group accounts for the period 1st April 2012 to 28th March 2013 inclusive.
Sight of the group bank statement/passbook covering the same period.
Please ask your local bank for a printout this coming week.
The above information please to Brian Donnelly (Finance Coordinator) c/o Chapel House no later than 14th April. Any problems phone me on 942 6085. Thanks!! Brian Donnelly, St. Andrew’s Finance & Fabric Coordinator.
Kelvin Choir—Mozart Requiem and a selection of choral works on Saturday 11th May at 7.30 p.m. See notice in the porch.
Mission Aviation Fellowship Coffee Morning—Saturday 11th May 2013 10.00 a.m.—12.30 p.m. at Bearsden Baptist Church—see notice in the porch.
Mary’s Meals—Appeal and Rags to Riches Clothing Collection Appeal today. Mary’s Meals continue to deliver hope in helping the most disadvantaged and vulnerable children and adults in various parts of the world.
St. Andrew’s Squad—For all Primary 4 children celebrating First Holy Communion this year. Please come to the Upper Hall from 9.00 a.m. till 9.45 a.m. on Sunday 28th April. Call Veronica Maguire on 0141 942 0607 for further details.