"I know them and they follow me."
Parish Pastoral Council—As discussed at the meeting last week we are anxious to invite and encourage more young adult parishioners to participate in the various ministries and activities/groups in the parish. Please contact Fr. Donnelly.
Greater Maryhill Foodbank—The last two weeks of June brought the opportunity to donated to the Maryhill Food Bank. There has been a great response to this appeal and our Parish has sent 176 items of food, 4 toiletries items and a cash donation of £5.00. This helped the Foodbank provide much needed supplies to 30 families. The foodbank volunteers report an increasing number of families and individuals attending for assistance. As this appeal is ongoing your continued support will be much appreciated. Anyone requiring further information can contact Phyllis on 0141 570 1343 or Maureen on 0141 942 3630.
Sea Sunday—14th July—Please remember all who are seafarers, their families and the Apostleship of the Sea who assist them spiritually and practically.—Apostleship of the Sea, Herald House, Lambs Passage, London EC1Y 8LE.
£5.00 Raffle Tickets for the Joe McBride Bottle of Whiskey—All proceeds to Canniesburn Resident’s Fund—Winning Ticket pulled by John Clark & Friends at Canniesburn Care Home—An evening in August to be confirmed—Name and number to be written on back of ticket and returned to Pat O’Shea—For further details please contact Pat on 07922106374
AGAP—Is performing a Dramatised Multi-Media version of the Stations of the Cross, specially created for World Youth Day “Scotland’s Rio”. Performances: Friday 19th July at 7 30pm in St. Mungo’s Church, Parson Street, Townhead and Saturday 20th July at 7.30pm in St Michael’s Church, Gallowgate, Parkhead. Entry free. Retiring Collection to support the production at the event in Stirling.
8th Annual “Tea in the Garden” - Sunday 28th July 2pm—5pm. 1 Pendicle Road, Bearsden G61 (beside Bearsden Station). Well established, interesting and surprising half acre garden, freshly brewed tea & coffee, wonderful baking, soft, gently music a veritable cornucopia of delights! Minimum donation £5.00. If you are coming, it would be helpful, but not essential, if you would let us know Dan & Nancy Stevens 0141 569 5285 or: [email protected]—see notice in the porch for raffle and tombola details.
Upper Hall Redecoration—The Upper Hall will be getting redecorated from 6th—16th August. Consequently, it will be unavailable for use or lets over this period. If you want to book the newly redecorated hall for an event, fund raiser or birthday party, please call the Halls Letting Secretary on 07528 425 698 or use the form here.