Final Vows. Frank Trias will take final vows today, Sunday, 14th September at 12 noon Mass in St Mungo’s, Townhead. Keep Frank in your prayers at this time and in the coming year, as he prepares to be ordained to the priesthood.
Vocations Awareness Week begins today Sunday 14th September. A week to raise awareness of what everyone in the parish can do to promote vocations to the priesthood.
Discerning a Vocation to the Priesthood? If you think God may be inviting you to such a vocation, and for evenings of Catechesis, Prayer and Fraternity to help discern your vocation (2nd Friday of the month) please contact Vocations Director, Fr Ross Campbell, [email protected] (339 4315)
The Sacraments—Reconciliation (First Confession), First Communion, and Confirmation. Parents intending to present children, who are in primary 3, for these sacraments are required to complete an application/enrolment form available in the porch. Please complete and return them by 12th October.
Service of Commitment for Primary Three Families at 10am Mass on Sunday, 26th October.
Altar Servers. Any young member of the Parish (who has made his/her First Holy Communion) who would like to become an Altar Server is invited to contact Chris Sanders (942 7519) or Fr. Mackle, who will gladly take your details. Training sessions are due to commence soon.
Altar Servers’ Training Sessions. Fr Mackle and Chris Sanders, Altar Servers’ Organiser, would like to meet all Altar Servers to run through serving procedures at Mass. This is part of an exercise involving all participants at Mass, ie Readers, Extra-ordinary Ministers, etc. It is only necessary to attend one of the two sessions which are planned for Sunday 21st September and Sunday 5th October, lasting no more than one hour, from 1.30 pm till 2.30 pm.
Family Fun Night - Saturday 20th September. Food, bingo and quizzes to suit the whole family. In the upper hall 7 til 10.30 pm. byob. Tickets - £3 per adult, £2 per child. Please contact David and Veronica Maguire [email protected] or text 07884468212. Many thanks.
Ladies’ Fabulous Fun Night in aid of the White Lily Fund which raises money for cancer research in the west of Scotland. Friday 14th Nov at the Crowne Plaza hotel. Champagne reception and dinner with cabaret. As always, it will be a great night. Tickets cost £45 each. Ladies only, so why not get together with some friends and take a table of 10? For more information and tickets, please contact Angela Bruno 07730615045 or Veronica Maguire 07884468212 or [email protected].
Carfin – a good and most enjoyable day was had by all last Sunday with our visit to Carfin. Next year’s Carfin date - Sunday, 6th September, 2015.
Safeguarding - The next session for verifying Applications of Volunteers within our Parish to join the PVG Scheme will take place on Saturday, 20th September from 9.00a.m. within the Parish House. I have written to all relevant Volunteers and I would remind them (if they have not already done so) to enter their name on the Appointments List at the back of the Church for this date. If there are any Parishioners who are concerned that they undertake voluntary work involving children or vulnerable adults and who are not already members of the PVG Scheme, then they should seek advice from Father Mackle or contact myself. Thank you Michael McGovern ([email protected] or (Business) Tel: 01389 767625)
Independence Referendum. I encourage and urge all those eligible to vote to do so with complete freedom of choice in accordance with their prayerful judgment of what is best for the future. May God guide us and bless us in whatever choice we make in good conscience. +Philip Tartaglia , Archbishop of Glasgow
The McLellan Commission “Review of Safeguarding Protocols and Procedures” within the Catholic Church in Scotland. If you have a view and would like to participate in this review, a secure and confidential area has been established, until 30 September 2014, at You can also email: [email protected] or write to: Secretary, The McLellan Commission, Centrum House, 38 Queen Street, Glasgow G1 3DX.
A series of ‘Reasons for Believing’ talks for young people aged 16-24 in Turnbull Hall, 13-15 Southpark Terr.G12 8LG, followed by refreshments and night prayer. 18th Sept at 7.30pm – “God Exists” - Fr Scott Deeley. See porch for details of the other talks. Organised by Glasgow Faith Forum.
Special Second Collections – 14th September, Assisted Parishes; 28th September, Xavarian Mission Appeal; 5th October, Pro-Life White Flower Appeal; 19th October, Mission Sunday; 9th November, Survive Miva; 16th November, Assisted Parishes.
Coffee Morning after 10 am Mass, next Sunday. Please come along and join us. Donations of home baking (no nuts please) always gratefully received. This month we are raising funds for Cafod’s (Catholic agency for overseas development) Syria fund.
Doors Open Day – Sat 20th Sept - St Gregory's, Wyndford will be one of 92 buildings in Glasgow opening its doors to visitors from 10.30am -4pm. St. Gregory's (1971) is one of several bold designs that the Archdiocese of Glasgow commissioned . Magnificent stained glass tower and panels, and an exquisite use of sunlight to animate the interior. Visit Find on Facebook: stgregorybarbarigo and Twitter : @stgregoryglw
Scotland’s Churches Trust.—will meet 8th Oct. in New Kilpatrick Church. Civic Reception attended by Princess Anne. Guests will take the opportunity after the reception to visit other local churches. Volunteers needed between 2.45pm and 4.45pm to welcome any visitors to St Andrew’s. Please contact Brenda Murray 942 5512.
Halls Committee – Meeting Monday, 15th September at 7.30pm in the Hut.
Choir Dates for this term September 14th & 21st, November 9th & 16th, December 14th, 21st & 25th (to be confirmed). All at the 10am Mass. Any queries, call Annamaria Strachan 942 9799/07749715514, or email: [email protected]
If you are interested in becoming a member of the Catholic Church, speak to Fr Mackle. Today, men and women from a variety of backgrounds are responding to the call to follow Christ and celebrate the Sacraments of the Church. RCIA will begin on Wednesday 24th September at 7pm in the Hut.
Mass Attendance – 6th /7th Sept. Vigil - 149; 10am - 271 ; 12 noon – 160. Total – 560