Mary is taken up to heaven;
a chorus of angels exults.
Alleluia, alleluia."
Many happy returns to St Nicholas’ after the summer holidays. To all the staff
and pupils of St Nicholas’, may the days ahead be filled with joy, happiness and many blessings. Take care. Stay safe. Pray safe.
Remember ~ no need now to book for the Vigil or Sunday Masses. Just come along. Okay, we’re a church full of masked singers, but it is great that we are all allowed to sing again. Separate sets of hymn books will be made available for each Mass as from this weekend. Invite family members, friends, fellow parishioners to come along to Mass with you. And only one name now per household required for Test & Protect, so things will be a lot easier at the door, thankfully.
Hymn Books – great that we’re permitted to use them again at Mass. Just to let you know – each hymn book for each Mass, before being picked up from the porch, will have been quarantined for one week – so, nice and safe to use.
Servers Practice - There will be a short meeting for Altar Servers next Sunday 22nd August at 1.15pm in the Church to discuss changes in Altar serving practices at Mass, following the relaxation of restrictions announced by the Scottish Government. Please try to be there.
10 young people from the USA and Wales will be forming a NET team for 10 months to minister in our schools and parishes and encourage our young people in their faith and belonging to the Church. We look forward to inviting them along to St Andrew’s. NET are appealing for ‘Host Homes. Can you help? It would be for a one-week time frame for a minimum of 2 people, with breakfast, packed lunch and dinner. They usually leave in the morning and return at dinner time. If you can help, please email [email protected]
Catholic Social Teaching Thought for the Week - We are hungry, Lord, to experience, like that crowd, the multiplication of your mercy, which can break down our stereotypes and communicate the Father’s compassion for each person, especially those for whom no one cares: the forgotten or despised. Pope Francis, Homily given on 7 May 2019 in Skopje, the birthplace of Saint Teresa of Kolkata
In this Year of St Joseph, please visit our sleeping St Joseph statue. You can write out a petition and place it under the statue. Let St Joseph ‘sleep on it’.
We’ll be looking at the parish diary soon for dates for First Reconciliation (P3), First Holy Communion (P4) and Confirmation (P7) Enrolment forms will soon be available for P3 and P7. The list of enrolled names for last year’s P3 will automatically roll over into this year’s P4 for First Holy Communion. So, no need for P4 families to re-enroll.
If you or someone you know are interested in becoming Catholic, or if you know anyone who might be interested in the Church, why not sign up for St Andrew's RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)? Meetings begin on 22ndSeptember. For more information, call 942 4635 or [email protected]
We are very blessed to have SPRED as part of the life and mission of our parish of
St Andrew. Together we are stronger & more beautiful. SPecial, Religious EDucation (SPRED) need more people for its work in the parishes of the Archdiocese of supporting people with learning disabilities to take their place in the Church. To arrange a chat about what’s involved or to arrange a visit to the SPRED Centre in Provanmill call 770 5055 or email [email protected] Visit www.spred.org.uk Training sessions are being arranged to take place in our hall during September and October.
All in St Nicholas’ Primary who are in P6 will soon be invited to become a Pope Francis Faith Award candidate.
Caritas Award - If you are in your final year of school, or just finished High School and are interested in becoming a candidate for the 2021 / 2022 Caritas award, speak to Fr. Mackle or contact Elizabeth Reid at [email protected]
Archdiocesan Safeguarding ~ All volunteers in the parish who work with children, young people and adults with additional support needs who haven't yet attended training, must attend the mandatory Part 1 Induction Training. The same volunteers must also attend the mandatory Part 2 Training. Please contact the Safeguarding Office - [email protected] to register for video training using Zoom.
Induction Training Part 1 - 18th August at noon.
Training Part 2 dates are 19th August and 6th September at 7pm.
Peer Support Group for Women Of Faith Affected By Separation or Divorce meets first Friday of each month 6pm at St Patrick's Church Hall, Dumbarton. For information and details, see 'Faith Living' Facebook group, which is the Archdiocese of Glasgow's New Evangelisation Group, or contact Tricia Imrie on 07970928028.
Pope Francis on Twitter and Instagram. The Pope's Twitter (@Pontifex) and Instagram (@Franciscus) accounts are worth following for daily content relating to the Pope and the Church in the world. Pope Francis uses his Twitter account to highlight topical issues as well as content from his writings.
The Pope’s monthly video is also a great resource of contemporary commentary by the Holy Father on current issues. The videos are available www.thePopevideo.org
Children’s Liturgy: each week in the form of a video of the week’s Gospel reading. Available at : https://www.rpbooks.co.uk/celebrate-following-your-faith This is an excellent resource for parents to use until the children’s liturgy at Mass resumes.
Your Giving to St Andrew’s A massive Thank You to all our parishioners who have continued to support our parish over these past seventeenth months. We have, like many other charities, seen our income greatly reduced since March 2020. This is, of course, because of the lockdowns and closures and there being fewer people being able to attend church. Thank you, once more, in these difficult times for your generosity towards your parish. Fr Mackle
Drumchapel Foodbank. Regularly your donations are dropped off at the foodbank by our parish volunteers. Thanks for continuing to give the foodbank your support.
Our parish’s soup-run’s volunteers continue to collect food donations from M&S Byres Rd & Milngavie for delivery to Drumchapel & St Gregory’s Foodbanks, the Wayside Club & Aspire. Many thanks for good response to the recent appeal for help for holiday cover.
Parish Website – Bulletin - Just to say that on the latest page and the bulletin page, a subscribe button has been added which allows users to have a daily summary sent each morning with the previous day's posts. If you don't use social media, but would like to be kept posted, then all that's asked for is your email address – you can unsubscribe at any time – it's all clearly marked.
Parish Bulletin: Any items for inclusion in the bulletin (including names for recently dead, month's mind and anniversary lists) should be put through the letter box of the Chapel House or sent by email: [email protected] by12noon on the Wednesday before publication. Copies of the bulletin are available on Facebook, Twitter and on the parish website.
Recently Dead – John Cairns, Pat Coleman, Mary Irene Colette Ellis, Michael English, Jim Ferguson, Isa Whittle.
Anniversary – Dante and Bridgena Biagioni, Monsignor Henry, Alistair McIlroy, Margaret Milne, John O’Connor, John O’Gorman, Annie Scott, Frank Rodden, Cecelia Sweeney, Kevin Taylor.