again I say rejoice!
The Lord is near."
Children’s Choir—Christmas Day At 10.00 a.m. Mass. For enquiries contact Annamaria Strachan 942-9799 or 07749715514.
The Piety Stall—Has a large selection of Christmas cards and calendars. Cards for all occasions.
Visit Scotland for Marriage Website—And sign the marriage petition today.
Padre Pio Prayer Group - Meets in the church every Monday for one hour beginning at 7:00 p.m. All are very welcome.
Planning for a Sustainable Future for our Archdiocese.—At last Monday’s deanery meeting, clergy and members of parish pastoral councils from St Benedict’s, St Lawrence’s, St Andrew’s, St Eunan’s, St Margaret’s, Our Holy Redeemer’s, St Stephen’s, St Mary’s, St Joseph’s (Faifley), St Joseph’s (Milngavie) and St Patrick’s met to discuss the challenges of how best to rationalise for the future so that our parishes can be strong centres for evangelisation, and how best to adapt given the reduction in the number of priests serving in parishes. Some figures from last Monday’s deanery meeting. In 1991, in the North West deanery, Mass attendance was 10,138. In 2012, is was 4,554. There were 24 priests in 1991. In 2012, 11 priests. 135 couples were married in 1991 in our deanery. 46 marriages in 2012. 464 children made their First Holy Communion in 1991, and 251in 2012. The catholic population of the parishes in our deanery in 2012 was 22,205. In 1991, is was 32,619. For more facts and figures see page 5 in the Flourish or view Flourish on-line here. More information in the New Year when there will be a discussion paper for the Parish Pastoral Council.
An appeal for poinsettias to help decorate the sanctuary for Christmas. If you would like to donate a poinsettia, please hand it in to the church the weekend before Christmas. Many thanks.
St Andrew’s Whist Drive Christmas Party will be held on Monday 16th December in the Lower Hall at 7.30pm. All, including beginners, will be made very welcome. We are very friendly and would love to see you there, whatever your ability. It is, essentially, a social event. Please contact Susan Morrison on 0141 563 7959 or 07580086381 for more information or just come along for a great night
Christmas Carol Service – this Friday, 20th December at 10am in the church led by the pupils of St Andrew’s Primary. All are very welcome. Please note, Mass will be at 9am.
Festive Coffee Morning -- Today, Sunday 15th December. Please come along and join us for mince pies and tea/coffee/ mulled wine after 10am and 12noon Masses in the upper hall.
Masses for Christmas – Christmas Eve Carol Service at 11.30pm followed by Mass at Midnight. Christmas Day Masses – 10.00am and 12.00pm.
Confessions for Christmas – as well as the scheduled times on Saturday and Sunday, there will be the following additional times – after 10am Mass and from 6pm – 7pm on 20th, 23rd and 24th December.
New Year’s Day Mass - 10am - Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God.
St Margaret Children and Family Care Society annual crib appeal is this year supplemented with the small box campaign. Take-home collection box available from the porch together with St Margaret’s information leaflet.
Caring Sunday Letter for St Nicholas Care Fund – pick up a copy from the parish or download a copy from the parish website.
Hall bookings – call 0752 842 5698
Choirs for Christmas - Today, Sunday 15th December at 3pm - Kelvin Choir here in St Andrew’s; and Bearsden Choir in New Kilpatrick Church on 18th December at 7.30pm. See posters in porch for full details.
Marriage and Family Life—Online consultation allows you to respond to the various questions in an anonymous way. Visit Please consider responding.
Special Collections for Advent & Christmas – St Nicholas Care Fund – 14th / 15th December; Pro-Life – 28th / 29th December; Justice & Peace – 4th / 5th January. St Margaret Children and Family Care Society – Christmas Crib Offerings.
The SVDP—is always looking for new members and, if you could feel you could spare some of your time to support us in our work, then please contact Michael Henry ( 942 1170).
The Halls Committee—are looking for some new members to help with the management of the halls. This would be for a 3 year term. If you feel you can help in any way - we meet only a few times per year - please contact Fr. Mackle giving your name and phone no. and we will be pleased to discuss the matter with you.
Connect & Encourage—Greetings card campaign. Where will you be this Christmas? Would you like to send a card during the festive season to someone persecuted for his / her beliefs? List of addresses is available in the porch.
Maryhill Foodbank Collection—Continues. Please place any donations of non-perishables (tins of soup, beans, meats etc., pasta, rice, toiletries) in the containers in the porch. Many thanks.