"Speak Lord you servant is listening.
You have the message of eternal life."
Unity Supper—Wednesday 18th January 7.15 for 7.30. Tickets £7.50 from Margaret Sanders - New Kilpatrick New Halls—Speaker Elaine Duncan, Chief Executive of the Bible Society.
Recycle your Surplus Presents in Aid of the Homeless—If you have received a present over Christmas that you now feel is surplus to your requirements then why not donate it to a fundraising event in aid of the homeless. Just bring your gift along before or after Mass (15th January) and place it in the labelled box in the foyer. Justice and Peace Group
St. Andrew’s Quiz Night—Friday 20th January at 7.30 p.m. Come as a team or come and be part of one. £2.00 per person. Bring your own bottle. Please contact Michael Sheerin 943 0935 for tickets or information.
To celebrate the 25th Anniversary Of the opening of the church - St. Andrew’s is hosting a Fizz, Fish and Fun Night in the upper hall from 7 30pm—Midnight. Those of you who were at the last Fizz Night a few years ago will remember what a great night it was so please support this evening and buy a ticket. The format is some Fizz, a Fish Supper and a first class live band. Tickets are £15 per person and please note that it is B.Y.O.B. as there will be no bar.
Parish Pastoral Council Meeting—Thursday 26th January at 7 30pm at the Upper Hall.
Parish Retreat—In preparation for the Retreat 4th/5th to 9th March—Fr. Kieran Brady will speak at the Masses on 28th/29th January. Later he will meet with representatives of the Parish Council, Liturgy and the Youth and their Leaders at 2 30pm at the Upper Hall, to discuss the Retreat Programme.
Justice and Peace: Have Your Say: - At present the Justice and Peace group works to support Scottish Churches Housing Action and Fairtrade Fortnight in addition to SCIAF, amongst other projects. However these are drawn from a wide range of potential alternative activities that we could engage in. Accordingly we intend to use the Fairtrade Fair in February to start a brief process of finding out which areas the group might focus on so as to be of most value in the parish. The J&P group will meet on 19th January at 7 30pm—942 8603 for details—new members very welcome.
ABC meeting—On Sunday 5th February at Bearsden Cross Church Hall at 8 15pm.
Care for the Elderly—Ethical Issues. Calling carers, professionals and anyone interested in the dilemmas and ethical issues which arise in working with elderly people. You will hear from experts (medical, legal, policy making). You will have the opportunity to discuss concerns and raise issues related to the moral and ethical issues in elderly care, which many people meet on a daily basis. Sponsored by the Scottish Council on Human Bioethics, the conference takes place in St. Margaret’s Hospice, Education Centre, East Barns St. Clydebank, on Saturday 21st January, 10 15am to 16 00 approx. Cost £25, including lunch. Details and applications from SCHB Edinburgh, www.schb.org.uk or contact Margaret and Dennis Smyth (01389 875680) for information.
Church Cleaning—Could you spare 1 hour of your time once a month to help to keep the church clean? Would be pleased to hear from you. Rae 942 4808.
Piety Stall rota—We are short of volunteers to assist with serving in the Piety Stall, particularly after the Vigil Mass. If you could spare 15 minutes after Mass and are aged over 16, we would really appreciate your help. The rota sheet for January, February and March is on the noticeboard at the back of the Church. Any questions please call Anne MacIntosh 931 5861 or Annamaria Strachan 942 9799.