Archbishop Tartaglia will offer the 5.15 pm Mass in the Cathedral on Wednesday, 18th November for all those affected by the recent tragic events in Paris. All are very welcome to attend.
The Archbishop has sent the following message to the Cardinal Archbishop of Paris.
Dear Cardinal Vingt-Trois, Your Eminence,
I wish to express my sadness at the horrific events which unfolded in Paris last night, where many people lost their lives in acts of murder and terror.
I want to assure you that the people of Paris and of all France are in our thoughts and prayers here in Glasgow and throughout Scotland.
We join with you in prayer, commending to God’s love and mercy all those who were killed, injured, and bereaved, and all whose lives have been affected by these tragic events.
Fraternally in Christ,
+Philip Tartaglia
Archbishop of Glasgow
President of the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland
Nick Pryce will take the next step toward becoming a Permanent Deacon during a special ceremony called Institution of Lector at 12noon Mass today (Sunday) in St Andrew's, Cathedral. All are invited. Keep Nick in your prayers.
Might God be calling you to serve as a permanent deacon? Speak to Fr Mackle for information and details about the programme for the permanent diaconate. It would be helpful too I’m sure to have a chat with Deacon Tommy and Nick Pryce to find out what the programme and ministry involve.
The St Andrew’s Parish Christmas Fair will take place today, Sunday 15th November after 10am and 12 noon Masses. This will be similar to last year’s, with a selection of charities at the event. Could parishioners who would like to host a stall please contact either Anne MacIntosh (931 5861) or Annamaria Strachan (942 9799) to confirm. All profits from the Piety Stall go to Church funds. Our usual coffee morning will take place at this event after both Masses and this month we are raising funds for Alzheimer's Scotland. So please come along and join us for a cake, a cuppa and a chat and help support a very worthwhile cause too.
2nd collection this weekend - Assisted Parishes Fund – the means by which we express solidarity with other parishes who struggle to make ends meet.
St Andrew’s Parish would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr Kerr most sincerely for all his hard work, dedication and commitment to St Andrew’s Primary during his years as Head teacher. We are deeply appreciative to him particularly for all his great efforts in helping to forge a strong link between school and parish. We wish Mr Kerr every success in his new role as Head teacher of St Paul’s Primary, Whiteinch. The announcement was made last week of the appointment of Mrs Charlotte Grogan as Acting Head teacher of St Andrew’s Primary. We look forward to welcoming Mrs Grogan and we wish her every success and happiness in her new appointment to St Andrew’s Primary.
Mass Attendance Census—Each year, on the 2nd Sunday in November, a Mass attendance census is taken in every parish. Here in St Andrew’s, 619 attended last weekend 7/8 Nov. For the same weekend the previous year, 561 attended.
Remember the Dead—The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered up every day during the month of November for the Holy Souls. Remembering the souls of the faithful departed, and praying for them is a “holy and wholesome thought.”
Open Bethlehem Shot over 10 years, this compelling documentary captures the city of Bethlehem as it has never been seen before. It is an emotional journey of one woman's fight for her hometown and her campaign to compel international action to bring peace to the Middle East. The film has been viewed worldwide in cinemas, at film festivals and numerous community and religious venues. It will be screened on Wed 25th Nov in St Joseph’s at 7.00 for 7.30 pm. Entry : suggested donation of £5 & free to students and includes pre-screening refreshment.
Advent Reflections As part of our Adult Faith Formation Programme Dr Noel Donnelly, a scripture scholar will give a series of Advent reflections exploring how Mary is portrayed in the New Testament:
26th November Mary the Mother of Jesus in Paul and Mark
3rd December Mary the Mother of Jesus in Mathew
10th December Mary the Mother of Jesus in Luke
17th December Mary the Mother of Jesus in John
The evening will be divided into two sessions with the first half examining Mary’s portrayal and the second half featuring a reflection on the upcoming Sunday Mass scripture readings. There will be opportunities for questions and discussion. Tea and coffee will be served between the two sessions. The sessions will run from 7:00 – 8:30 pm in the Upper Hall and all are welcome.
Prisoners Week 15 - 22 November. “Remember those who are in prison, as you were in prison with them” Hebrews 13:3 Pick up a Prisoners Week prayer card from the porch. Visit
Diary Dates – 16th Nov 2pm – Census planning
17th Nov 7pm – Liturgy Group
18th Nov 7pm – RCIA
19th Nov 7pm – Fabric & Finance
23rd Nov 7.30pm – Halls committee
26th Nov 7pm – 1st Advent reflection.
We have received a lovely letter from SCIAF thanking us for the money we raised at our September coffee morning for their Syrian Refugee Crisis Appeal and it is displayed on the notice board in the porch. Many thanks again for your generosity.
A talk for young people aged 16 – 25 Is it reasonable to believe that Jesus Christ is who he said he is? A talk by Archbishop Leo Cushley at Turnbull Hall, 19th Nov at 7.30pm. Visit glasfaithforum for details of this series of talks for young people.
Toddlers and Lunch Club - Thursdays Toddlers from 10am til 12 and Lunch Club 12 til 2pm for 4 year olds who will be starting school next August. Bring a packed lunch and the children can eat together and have a play. Contact Caroline Flanagan 07867 862022 for any further details. Last meeting Thurs 17th Dec. The St Andrew’s Family Christmas Party will be on Sat 5th Dec 2pm til 4pm.
Sign Up Sunday. St Andrew’s parish needs you. Help us put in place what you have asked for. We need volunteers for existing and new ventures, especially
New; Youth commission, Transport to Mass, Bereavement support,
Social activities group. Existing; St Vincent de Paul, Piety stall, Legion of Mary, Justice and peace. Without your help we cannot take everything forward. Come to Sign-up Sunday, upper hall, 28/29 November.
Children’s Choir dates - December 12th (Carol singing at ASDA – P6 and above) & 13th, 20th & 25th. Any queries, please contact Annamaria Strachan 01419429799/07749715514 [email protected]
Please remember in your Prayers -
Sick—Margaret McGuire, Paul Morton, Dante Biagioi, Peter Crainie, Paul Connolly, Louise Dolan, Charlie Melly, Ronald Coia, Douglas Dalby (Snr), Baby Eva Berrey, Marie Moy, Margie Cornyn, Michael Moss, Russell Rodger, Eileen Tully
Recently Dead—Denis Mulligan, Pearl Milne, Mr McEwan, Tommy Dixon, Greg Letham, Fr. Peter Lennon.
Anniversaries—David Higgins.