In verdant pastures he gives me repose;
beside restful waters he leads me;
he refreshes my soul."
Primary Three Parents intending to present their child for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation, please complete an enrolment form available in the porch and return it by 13th October.
Primary 6 Retreat Day, Thursday 26th Oct will be led by the Salesian Sisters, who will be assisted by the parish’s Youth Ministry Team. Theme – Living My Faith retreat day will provide the young people with opportunities to develop their awareness of God’s presence in their lives, and how this affects their relationship with others.
St Andrew’s Celebration Music and Quiz Night - Saturday 25 November
Please come along to share an evening with some of the parish’s talented musicians as we celebrate the feast of our patron,St Andrew. There will also be a chance to show off your knowledge of all things Scottish in a quiz with rounds on music, sport, geography, history and famous Scots. We are nearing the end of our Jubilee Celebrations so, even if you have not been able to attend any of the other events, please take this opportunity to come together for a light-hearted evening of fun. Tickets cost £5 to include “tea and buns”.
This is a BYOB event..
Pop Up Choir - Calling all of you who like a good sing-song! As part of the St Andrew’s Celebration on 25th November, we’d like to create a “pop-up” choir to perform two or three songs on the night. Involvement would mean coming along to a couple of rehearsals in November and turning up to exercise your tonsils as part of our musical evening. There is no audition, no need to be able to read music, no commitment beyond this one event. Come on your own or bring a friend - the only requirement is enthusiasm! Age range: 16 – 116. If you would like to take part, text or call Margaret Charrier on 07933713621 or give your name and contact details to Father Mackle by 25 October.
Archbishop Tartaglia has appointed Deacon Nick to St Joseph’s, Milngavie, where he will begin on 1st November. We wish Deacon Nick every happiness in his ministry serving and assisting as a Deacon in St Joseph’s.
Mass of Commitment for Primary Three families will be at 10am on Sunday 29th October.
I would like to extend a very sincere and heartfelt thanks to Fr Mackle, Monsignor Ryan, Deacon Tommy and all my friends in St Andrew’s for the many beautiful Get Well Cards and Mass cards received during my recent unexpected stay in hospital. Your prayers and kind thoughts are very much appreciated and I’m happy to say that I am feeling very much better – Mary Silcock.
The Parish Embroidery Group meet every Thursday 4pm - 6pm in the Lower Church Hall. For further information contact Maura McRobbie [email protected]
The St Andrew’s parish Christmas Fair will take place on Sunday 19th November after 10am and 12 noon Masses.This will be similar to last year’s, with a selection of charities at the event.Could parishioners who would like to host a stall please contact either Anne MacIntosh (931 5861) or Annamaria Strachan (942 9799) to confirm.All profits from the Piety Stall go to Church funds.Tea, coffee and home baking will be served at this event.
Coffee Morning Please come along and join us on Sunday 22nd October, in the Upper Hall following the.00 a.m.for a chat, a cuppasome delicious home baking.month, we will be raising funds for Aid for the Church in Need, a charity which helps sustainfaith of millions of persecuted and suffering Christians around the world. Some of you may recall a representative from the charity who along to our Parish on the weekend of 23/24th September and spoke very movingly about their work. Many, many thanks to all who came along to September’s coffee morning at which we raised the sum of £150 for Mary’s Meals and the representative who was at the church that day was delighted.
Annual Mission Sunday Appeal - 21st/22nd Oct. Those who Giftaid are kindly asked, please, to use a giftaid Mission Appeal envelope available from the porch. This will add 25% of the value of your offering at no extra cost to yourself. Pick up a small booklet with reflections on the Mass readings for each day during the Mission Month of October.
Catholicism in the Movies - Mon 16th, 23rd & 30th Octoberat 7pm.St Mungo's Retreat .Free. Three part course in reading the screen through the lens of our Catholic Faith. Illustrated by film clips. To book: www.agap.org.uk and click on Events. Tel: 0141-552-5527
Upcoming Special second collections: Mission Sunday – 22nd Oct; Assisted Parishes– 12th Nov; White Flower – 26th Nov.
The Healing Power of the Sacrament of Reconciliation: Thursday 9th November 7:00 – 8:30pm in the Upper Hall. Following the success of the talk on Reconciliation in March of this year and at the request of parishioners a second session on the sacrament of Reconciliation is planned. The session will reflect on the healing power of the Sacrament of Reconciliation.If you can, please join us for tea/coffee and a reflective and enjoyable discussion.
October Devotions - Rosary and Benediction Sundays at 4.30pm
Westerton Parish’s 60th Anniversary celebrations – An invitation to all in St Andrew’s to their Songs of Praise followed by Supper – Sunday 29th Oct at 6.30pm.
Children’s Choir – Nov 12th ; Dec 3rd (Golden Jubilee Mass 10.30am) December 10th & 17th 10am mass and Kelvin Choir concert 3pm. Dec 25th (Christmas Mass) – All at 10am unless otherwise stated. Any queries, please contact - Annamaria Strachan - 0141-942-9799/07749715514 —[email protected]
Altar Servers.Any young member of the Parish who would like to become an Altar Server is invited to contact Chris Sanders (942 7519) or Fr. Mackle or Mgr Ryan, who will gladly take your details.This invitation is aimed particularly at those children in last year’s P IV who made their First Holy Communion last May.Training sessions are planned to start as soon after the mid-October half-term as practicable.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament – each Saturday from 10.30am until 12.30pm. Please consider coming to spend some time in adoration and prayer each Saturday.
Art for Life – affordable arts and crafts on sale in aid of ‘The Suzy Fund’St Joseph’s, Milngavie, Sat 28th Oct 10.00-4.00 & Sun 29thOct after all Masses. The Suzy Fund has been feeding children in Ethiopia since the famine of 1975 providing life-saving meals to those who would otherwise have none. Please come along and support this worthwhile cause.
What’s on the next few months?
Sunday 22nd October – Coffee Morning
Sunday 29th October – Mass of Commitment for P3 Families
Sunday 29th Oct – Youth NET Ministry Golden Jubilee Retreat
Sunday 19th Nov – Coffee Morning & Jubilee Christmas Fair
Saturday 25th Nov – St Andrew’s Music Night with Parish Musicians.
Catholic Education Dinner--Celebrating the Centenary of the 1918 Education Act Grand Central Hotel Friday 2nd February 2018. £45.00 (Table of 10 -£420.00) To book contact 226 5898—[email protected]—See notice for more details
Please remember in your Prayers -
Sick—Paul Morton, Dante Biagioi, Louise Dolan, Douglas Dalby (Snr), Joseph McDermid, Charlie Harper, Paul Sheridan, John Gerard Miller, Maureen MacIntosh, Michelle Rajab, Matthew Craig, Maurice Boyce, Margaret Kieran, Maura Murphy, Maria Giovanazzi, Clare MacTavish, Jim Cameron, Mary Magovern, Jackie McCann, Vikki Allinson, Eileen Brown, Annamaria McGill, Shona Doherty, Michael Moss.
Recently Dead—Lee McCrone, Jan Francis, Patricia Harrison, Patrick Donaghy, Paul Dean, Peter Murphy, Margaret Mochan.
Anniversaries--Olive Chateau, Patrick Gallagher, Kathleen McCallum