as we place all our hope in you."
Lent is a time to deepen our prayer lives. Two of a number of things the Church recommends. Pray before the Blessed Sacrament - Spend some time if you can, everyday or maybe once a week, praying in front of Our Lord. Don't just talk--be still and listen. Church open daily until 4.30pm. The Rosary - If you haven't prayed the Rosary in a long time, pick it up during Lent. Rosary prayed daily at 9.40am. Straightforward ways to deepen our prayer lives during Lent.
Sacrament of Reconciliation - Times for First Confession Primary Three parents are invited to choose one of the scheduled confession times during the Season of Lent (from 5th March to 13th April) Saturdays - 10.30am – 11.00am & 5.15pm – 5.45pmSundays – 9.15am – 9.40am for your child to make their First Confession.
Family members are encouraged, too, to take the opportunity then to go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Coffee Morning - after 10am Mass today, Sunday 16th March. Please come along and join us. Donations of home baking (no nuts please) always gratefully received. This month we are raising funds for the “Andrea Kearney Fund” which supports women diagnosed with cancer during pregnancy as she was. Letters of thanks to the parish have been received from The St Nicholas Care Fund and Emmaus for the money which was sent to them recently and these letters are posted on the notice board.
Stations of the Cross every Friday at 7pm during the Season of Lent followed by Confessions.
Many thanks to everyone who helped to make the World Day of Prayer such a success. We received many compliments especially regarding the choice of speaker and the hospitality in the hall afterwards. The sum collected was £390 - thank you for your generosity. D. MacLean.
Reflections on Stations of the Cross led by Primary 7 pupils in St Andrew’s Primary at 1.30pm in the school on 25th, 26th & 27th March. Mr Kerr and the P7 pupils very kindly invite the parishioners of St Andrew’s to attend any one of the afternoons.
Lentfest. 4th March – 21st April. Pick up a copy of the official Festival Guide. Visit An imaginative fusion of faith and the arts.
Anniversary Mass of the Election of the Pope in St Andrew’s Cathedral at 3pm on Sunday, 30th March. Each parish has received two tickets for the occasion. Please enter your name and contact details on the sheet in the porch, if you would like to be included in the ballot, which will be after 12noon Mass today, Sunday, 16th March.
Deanery Lenten Station Mass – with the Archbishop will take place here in St Andrew’s on Friday 4th April at 7pm. Keep the date in your diaries please.
Help raise funds for Mary's Meals by recycling your old mobile phones and branded printer cartridges. (Collection box in porch). Phones are worth between 25p and £10. Printer cartridges about £1 each. Costs only £12.20 to feed a child through Mary's meals for the whole school year, so it won't take very long before your phones and printer cartridges start to cover the cost for a number of children who really need your help.
Commonwealth Games. The archdiocese is making an appeal for people who would be prepared to provide hospitality in their homes for either the Athlete family members or Clydesiders. For more information, see poster in porch or visit or email [email protected]
Messengers – next meeting Monday 24th March in Lower Hall—Area Leaders at 7.30 p.m. and Messengers at 8.00 p.m. Please bring along your copy of the Messengers Prayer. We still need more messengers particularly for the Bonnaughton/Baljaffrey area, so if any parishioners could help deliver the Reachout twice a year, please contact D. MacLean—587 7319—Thank you.
Children’s Choir dates – all at 10am Mass. Today, March 16th, May 11th & 18th, June 8th & 15th. Any enquiries, contact Annamaria Stachan on 942 9799 / 07749715514
Hymn Book Amnesty – Inadvertently taken a hymn book home, or perhaps you borrowed one to arrange a Liturgy? Could you please return it to the church as soon as possible. We’re trying to establish how many books we have before topping up our stock.
Remember in your prayers the Elect of our parish, John Harper and Robbie McKechnie, all the Elect of the archdiocese and all who are to receive the Sacraments for the first time at Easter.
Gonzaga Lectures "Pastors not Princes: Reflections on Pope Francis' Address to the Nuncios". St Aloysius College 7.30pm. Admission free. Donations welcome. Tuesday, 18 March - Bishop Stephen Robson "A Personal and Episcopal Reflection on Pope Francis' Address to the Nuncios". Tuesday 25 March - Sister Frances Orchard, CJ "Pope Francis and Mary Ward: In Conversation".
Scheonstatt - Dynamic Silence The Sisters of Scheonstatt are holding day-long retreats on 20 March and 3 May from 10.30am until 4.30pm at Kentenich Way, Campsie Glen, G66 7AT. Cost £20 per person. To register or for more information please call 01360 312718.
"Catholics, the Referendum and Afterwards". A discussion by Brian Fitzpatrick - Advocate and former MSP, Kevin McKenna - journalist and Sr Isabel Smyth SND - Secretary Scottish Bishops' Committee for Interreligious Dialogue. Part of the The Newman Association Lecture Series. Thursday 27 March at 7.30 pm - Ogilvie Centre, Rose Street. Admission: non-members: £3 (includes refreshments). For enquiries please email: [email protected]
The Beginning Experience are holding a weekend for those who find themselves alone again through divorce, separation or bereavement. The weekend will take place from 21st - 23rd March at St Mary's, Kinnoull, Perth. For details contact: Ros on 0131 669 0003 or email: [email protected]
Emmaus Glasgow Community provides living and workspace for the homeless. Visit Any unwanted furniture for recycling? Phone Celia on 342 4089. Van Mon – Sat to collect for free.
Second Collection during Lent will be taken up to support the sick and retired priests of the archdiocese. On 4th Sunday, the collection will be exclusively for SCIAF. Please remember to Gift Aid your donation. Envelopes available in the porch. Wee boxes available too, if you haven’t got yours yet.
Discerning a Vocation to the Priesthood? – contact Vocations Director, Fr Ross Campbell, [email protected] (0141-776-1063)
Padre Pio Prayer Group – Monday at 7.00pm in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. All are very welcome.