"Your word is truth O Lord,
consecrate us in the truth."
First Communion and Confirmation—Parents meeting on Thursday 27th October at 7.30 p.m. at the Upper Hall.
First Communion Dates—6th, 13th and 20th May at 10.oo a.m. and 12.00 noon Masses—To be arranged at the meeting on 27th October.
First Confessions (Sacrament of Reconciliation) - Group 1 Saturday 17th March at 10 30am, Group 2 Saturday 24th March 2012 at10 30am. For children not at St Andrew’s Primary chose either date and inform Fr. Donnelly
Parents meeting—For First Confession Thursday 12th January 2012 at 7 30pm in the Upper Hall.
Commitment Mass for Sacrament of Reconciliation (First Confession) —P.3 for children and parents on Sunday 30th October at 10.00 a.m. Mass.
Enrolment for the Sacraments—Parents presenting children for the Sacraments require to complete application forms that are available on the table at the church porch.
First Communion (Yellow)
First Confession/Penance/Reconciliation (Purple)
Confirmation (Pink)
A form for each Sacrament should be completed and returned to me as soon as possible. Thank you Fr. Donnelly.
Dates for the Children’s Choir—13th November, 20th November, 11th December, 18th December—ALL AT 10AM MASS and 11th December—Family Advent Service at 3pm.
White Flower Appeal—29/30th October. We are required to take up the collection outside the church.
Big Screen Musical Extravaganza—As part of the 25th anniversary celebration of the opening of our church, we intend to hold an evening of reminiscing. Extracts from some of the classic Hollywood musicals will allow you to relive the golden age of cinema, projected in high definition onto a large screen in the Upper Hall. The event will be followed by teas and coffees. Starting at 7.30 on Saturday 22nd October, the evening will last about an hour and will have a charge of £2, paid at the door. For more information, please contact Gordon Reid (563 9717) OR Stewart Ballingall (942 5679).
Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time—16th October “Give to God what is God’s. You belong to Christ and Christ is God’s!” How will you respond to so great a love? Is He asking you to follow Him by serving in the priesthood or consecrated life? Contact Fr. W. Donnelly, or the Archdiocesan Director of Priestly Vocations, Right Rev. Mgr John Gilmartin 0141 882 1024, email at [email protected] or email Fr. Andrew McKenzie at Priests for Scotland: [email protected]. See www.priestsforscotland.org.uk
Music Director—The role has been taken up by Susan Morrison. Thanks to Adrian Finnerty for his important contribution over many years. Adrian will continue to take part in the organists’ rota.
Pasta Night—The amount raised for parish funds was £1220. 00. Thanks again to Angela Bruno, Collette Shevlane, Stephano Giovannazzi and all who assisted and attended what was a most enjoyable night.
All parish musicians—Cantors, organists, choral group, instrumentalists etc—a meeting to consider the music suitable for the new Mass texts—on Sunday 23rd October at 2 30pm at the church. If you intend to be present it would be helpful to leave a message at the presbytery—a note or phone call. Thank you.
Bearsden Christian Aid Committee—The total sum raised for the year ending 30th June 2011 was £37155. Many thanks is, indeed, The Word of God.
Commemoration of the Faithful Departed, November 2nd Evening Mass, 7pm.—This year it is planned to mark the above feast by a reading of the names of deceased relatives and friends during the last year, November 2010—November 2011. This will take place during the lighting of candles. You are invited to give the name of a deceased family member or friend by completing a slip which is available in the church porch. All names may be recorded in the memorial book as usual. The book will be at the Sanctuary throughout November.
Tea and Coffee—After 10am mass on Sunday 23rd October. All donations of home baking appreciated (no nuts). Thank you Shivonne Hayes 942 8603
Ghanaian Catholic Community Scotland—Invitation to Mass on Sunday 16th October Holy Cross, 113 Dixon Ave, Crosshill at 2pm. See notice in the porch.
Irish Catholics in Scotland and USA: Different Lives: - A Newman Association talk by Professor Tom Devine of Edinburgh University at 7 30pm on Thursday 27 October in Turnbull Hall 15 Southpark Terrance Glasgow G12 8LG. All welcome. Non-Members: admission £3. Refreshments.
Life—Torchlight Procession and Prayer Service Thursday 27th October—see notice in the porch.
Glasgow Churches Together—A.G.M. Monday 24th October. See notice in the porch.
Mission Sunday—World Mission Sunday is on 22/23rd October. The second collections that weekend are for the Propagation of the Faith. Mission envelopes are available and should be returned in the collection baskets.
Liturgical Information: The New Translation- “The Word of the Lord”—At the end of the Readings and the Gospel we now say “The Word of the Lord” and “The Gospel of the Lord”. The words “This is” are now omitted. The new wording is announcing a great event—The Word of God is alive and active, God has spoken Christ is present. When we respond with “Thanks be to God” or “Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ” we are acknowledging that what we have heard is, indeed, The Word of God.