All who come to him will live forever."
Coffee Morning Please come along and join us this Sunday, 17th June after 10am Mass, for the last coffee morning before the holidays. It’s also Father’s Day, so why not treat dad to a well deserved cuppa and some of our delicious home bak- ing. This month we will be raising funds for The Child Bereavement Uk Charity, which supports families and educates professional when a baby or child of any age is dying or when a child is facing bereavement.
Many thanks to all who came along to April’s coffee morning at which the sum of £152.20 was raised for Marie Curie Hospice. A thank you letter from the Charity is displayed on the narthex board together with a thank you letter from the National Autistic Society Scotland. Thank you for your continued support throughout the year and we hope you all have a wonderful summer. Veronica and David Maguire
We welcome The Comboni Missionary Sisters who are visiting our parish this weekend to speak to us about their Mission Appeal. There will be a second col- lection taken up to support the Sisters in their missionary work.
Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated for 2018 / 2019 school year P7 pupils of St Andrew’s and St Joseph’s Parishes in St Joseph’s Church at 7pm on Thursday 29th November 2018. Enrolment forms available in the porch to be re- turned please by 19th August.
Children’s Choir dates - June 17th. Any queries, please contact Annamaria Strachan 01419429799/07749715514 [email protected]
In this its 50th year, a Mass of Thanksgiving for St Andrew’s Primary School, which will also be its closing Mass, will take place in St Andrew’s Church 10am this Friday, 22nd June. All most welcome. We look forward espe- cially to welcoming former pupils, parents, staff, and our friends in the communi- ty. Refreshments will be served after Mass in the upper hall to which everyone is invited. St Nicholas’ Primary will open on 16th August.
P6 to S1 St Andrew’s & St Joseph’s Parishes. A Date for your diary. Saturday 1st September from 6.30pm – 8.30pm. in St Joseph’s Hall, Milngavie. Games, Open Mic, Disco, Food & Fun.
Feast of Saints Peter & Paul – Friday 29th June Holyday of Obligation – Masses 10am & 7pm Special Collection : 1st July – Peter’s Pence.
The Caritas Award 2019. Great. So far, four of our young parishioners, who are in their final year at school, have signed up. Still not too late if you would like to become a Caritas candidate. If you are interested in learning about the Caritas award, speak to Fr. Mackle or contact Elizabeth Reid eliza- [email protected]
20-40 Network Events Aged 20-40? Join the mailing list for details of [email protected]
Next event - Laser Station at Soar, Braehead 14thJuly 7:15pm. Tickets £12 Email to book.
Privacy and GDPR: From 25 May 2018 new stringent regulations concerning privacy of individuals’ names and contact details have been in force. This will have major implications for the handling of personal data within our parish. We have always taken this seriously, but now, by law, we can no longer allow access to parish registers. Requests for information such as the re-issue of a baptismal certificate must now be made in person by the one who requests the certificate. A relative can no longer undertake to do this. Please note that church registers can no longer be made available for e.g. researching family history. (The Archdiocese of Glasgow has a policy for the use of data in its parishes, offices and other institutions, which is available at
Privacy and GDPR – Every parish will soon be changing to an email address which will be provided by the Archdiocese of Glasgow.
Interested in becoming a Catholic? – Not baptised? Baptised in another faith? RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adult) will begin in the autumn. RCIA pro- gramme of learning and instruction prepares adults for the Sacraments of Bap- tism, Confirmation and Eucharist, usually celebrated at the Easter Vigil. Please speak to Fr. Mackle if you would like to know more about RCIA and the Catholic faith.
A huge thank you to our generous, supportive parishioners who bought raffle tickets for SPRED. We had one winner on Friday and she has been notified..... better luck for next year!! Lorna Donnelly.
Ongoing Faith Formation - Monday 18th June at 10.30am in the chapel house.
Justice & Peace – Tuesday 19th June 7.30pm in St Andrew’s.
Parishes Cluster – Thursday 28th June 7pm in St Andrew’s
Day Trip to Carfin for the National Pilgrimage Mass and Rosary Procession. Sunday, September 2nd. Bus will leave from the Hub at Bearsden Cross at 1pm and return 7.30pm. Cost £3. Please sign sheet in porch, if you would like to go.
AGAP Theatre's production, "Mungo: Legend of Glasgow's Saint" will be performed at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival on Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th August at 1.30pm in St Patrick's Church, Cowgate (Tickets £8/£5 or 0131-226-0000). There will be two performances in Glas- gow Archdiocese ahead of this: Friday 13th July at 7.30pm in Our Lady & St George's Church Hall, Penilee and Saturday 14th July at 7.30pm in St Eunan's Church Hall, Clydebank. Tickets £5 from 0141-552-5527 or (Click on 'Events').
Soup run appeal for sportswear & toiletries- If you have men’s or women’s sportswear ( e.g. tracksuit bottoms, t-shirts) in good condition, new plastic sports bottles or toiletries, these are needed by the men and woman now visited by our soup run. There will be a box in the porch between now and Friday 6th July. If you think you may like to help at the soup run on the first Friday of every month, please either just come along to the lower hall between 6.45 and 7pm or contact Veronica Mclaughlin on 0141 942 4775 Many thanks.
Emmaus Glasgow provides living and workspace for up to 24 previously home- less companions and is located in Hamiltonhill. Donations of furniture welcome. Call Celia 342 4089. Van Mon—Sat to collect for free.
Drumchapel Foodbank. As school meals are not provided during school holidays, many families are under additional pressure to provide for their children. If you're able to bring even just one tinned meal to Mass each week over the summer months and leave in the porch, these would be very gratefully received. Many thanks.
The church will continue to be open until 7pm each Tues & Fri until 4 September for anyone who might want to call in for some peace and quiet prayer time.
For support, motivation and lots of fun, join our fitness classes every Wednesday in the upper hall at 10am. Call Rosemary on 0141 639 7477 for details.
The Eco gardeners are very grateful to those who have very generously re- sponded to their recent appeal to give some of their time to help do a little weed- ing in the Spirit of Peace Jubilee Garden and in the top patio. Many thanks.
Carpet Bowls Our summer outing is on Thursday 28th June. Bus leaves 10am
Please remember in your Prayers those in need, those who are sick, and those in hospital.
Recently Dead—Michael Joyce, Pat Lally
Anniversaries—Robina Burnett, Dan Monaghan , Margaret McCallum, Peter Gilmartin, Rose Gilmartin, Johnny Sheerin, Margaret Sheerin, Donald MacLean, Ben Leovelyn Sumagang