Lent Reboot – Youth Event for the young people of St Joseph’s and St Andrew’s. This weekend, Saturday 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. after the Vigil Mass,at St Joseph’s Main Hall.
First Confession - Sacrament of Reconciliation - Dates and Times for Primary 3 -
During the Season of Lent (Up to Easter Sunday, 21stApril)
Saturdays - 10.30a.m – 11.00 a.m. and 4.15 p.m – 4.45 p.m.
Sundays - 9.15 – 9.40a.m
Family members are encouraged, too, to take the opportunity to go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Coffee Morning Come in and join us after am today for tea, coffee and some delicious home baking. This month’s coffee morning is in aid of St Margaret of Scotland Hospice, Clydebank.
Our Messenger Reachout has been re-vamped and will be delivered to around 1200 homes during Lent. If you normally don’t receive a copy and would like to, please email [email protected] Many thanks to our editorial team and all messengers and area leaders for all their good work
SPRED Mass12.00 noon followed by refreshments in the hall. All are most welcome.
The St. Andrew’s Squad- (S.A.S.) for all children in the parish preparing for First Holy Communion. Today, Sunday 17thMarch from 9.00 – 9.45am in the Upper Hall.
Please keep in your prayers Pamela, Gabby, Joakim, Stephen, and David who will become Catholic at the Easter Vigil. A special stage of the process with prayers take place at 10am Mass next Sunday 24th March.
Safeguarding: Each year, every parish is required to submit an audit of provision for keeping people, and especially young people, safe in our church and in our parish. Our audit has been completed by our parish’s Safeguarding Coordinator, Michael McGovern, and returned to the archdiocesan Safeguarding Office.
Stations of the Cross every Friday at 7pm during the Season of Lent. Stations on 5thApril will be in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel.
Parish visit to Iona - There will be a meeting for anyone who wishes to come along this Thursday, 21stMarch at 7pm in the Blessed Sacrament chapel.
Special note for Readers and all who use missals- on the 3rd, 4th and 5th Sundays in Lent, as these are RCIA Sundays, readings are taken from Year A
Catholicism Series of DVDs continues in the Upper Hall on Thursday Evenings at 7pm.The presentations have been well attended and have had very enthusiastic feedback. The upcoming episodes are as follows:
21st March Episode 3 - The Ineffable Mystery of God (that which nothing greater can be thought)
28th March Episode 4 - Our Tainted Nature’s Solitary Boast (Mary the Mother of God)
4th April Episode 5 - The Indispensable Men (Peter, Paul and the Missionary Adventure)
11th April Episode 6 - A Body Both Suffering and Glorious (The Mystical Union of Christ and the Church)
25th April Episode 7 - The word Made Flesh, True Bread of Heaven (The Mystery of the Liturgy and the Eucharist)
nd May Episode 8 - A Vast Company of Witness (The Communion of Saints)
th May Episode 9- The fire of His Love (Prayer and the Life of the Spirit)
16th May - World Without End (The Last things)
Children’s Choir – March 17th, April 21st(Easter Sunday). All at 10am Mass. Any queries, please contact Annamaria Strachan 0141-942-9799 or 07749715514—[email protected]
Forty Hours Adoration 24th– 26thMarch. More details next week.
Fabric & Finance – next meeting this Tuesday 19th March 7pm in the House.
Youth Ministry Team - We are keen to continue organising youth events for the cluster, but to do this we desperately need more people to help. By this June, we’ll be down to three members. Could you help for one year? The team meets a few times a year and looks after the preparations and organisation of parish / cluster youth events. If you would like to get involved, please contact Fr Mackle or one of the members of the team, or sign up on Sign Up Sunday 28th April. We’re always looking for ideas as well for youth events. If you’ve any, and would like to help out with them, let us know. Next youth ministry meeting – 7th May atpm in the chapel house.
Catholic Social Teaching Thought for the Week Jesus wants evangelizers who proclaim the good news not only with words, but above all by a life transfigured by God’s presence. Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium, para 259
Second Collection during Lentwill be taken up to support the fund for sick and retired priests of the archdiocese. On 4th Sunday, the collection will be exclusively for SCIAF. Wee boxes available in the porch.
Justice & Peace Scotland, Ceartas Sith, - 2019To celebrate 40 years of striving for social justice, you are invited to join J&P Scotland at Carfin Grotto on Monday 1st April at 1.00 pm. Bishop Nolan will celebrate Mass followed by a tree planting ceremony. Juniper trees and four Scots Pine trees will symbolise each of the eight Scottish Dioceses. will be available after the ceremony. All welcome. St Joseph’s and St Andrew’s joint J&P Group.
Parish Pastoral Council - At the latest PPC meeting, reports from various parish groups including Liturgy, youth and finance were reviewed. Discussion took place on a proposal to develop a vision for the Parish for the year 2020 help us plan in the medium term. It was agreed that another Sign up weekend would be held on 27thand 28thApril 2019 to give the opportunity for more parishioners to join the various parish groups. The importance of music enhancing the Liturgy at Mass through congregation participation was agreed as well as the value of having so many talented musicians in the Parish. Next meeting is proposed for June 6that 6.45 for 7pm in the parish house.
'Keep your Eyes on Me' video produced by a few St Andrew’s parishioners – it’s a short video reflection that can be used during this season of Lent. Christ knows each of us 'by heart' and offers us all the help we need to get through life...coping with the most challenging situations, and the deepest darkness.He invites us 'Keep your Eyes on Me'.All about discipleship. It’s worth a view.
Hall Cleaning – The Halls Committee is intending to re-tender the commercial cleaning of the two halls and associated spaces later this year. We are looking for possible companies to tender for these works. If a parishioner runs a commercial cleaning business and would like to partake in this exercise or a parishioner would like to recommend a commercial cleaning business to partake, please contact the Halls Committee Chair on 07528 425 698. Many thanks.
Altar Servers’ Refresher Courses - During the next few months, those involved in the Liturgy at Mass will be undergoing Refresher Courses. The next session planned for all Altar Servers will be after the 12 noon Mass on Sunday 31st March at 2pm.
Bearsden Festival Community Awards.Four categories: young volunteer, long service, health and wellbeing, arts and culture, and it is open to anyone volunteering in our community. If you would like to recognise someone, please use the nomination form found at www.bearsdenfestival.org/events.
Sincere thanks to the Bowlers for their generous donation of £350 for parish funds.
Mozart Requiem & Bruckner Te Deum. Concert by City of Glasgow Chorus at 7.30pm on Sunday 17th March at City Halls Glasgow, with Scottish Opera Orchestra. More details on handbill on Noticeboard. For tickets, phone Chris on 942 7519.
Please remember in your prayers those in need, those who are sick, and those in hospital.
Recently Dead--Mena Lafferty, Monica Duncan, Nora Sweeney, Cecil Deacon, Aileen Van Zijl, Jim Flynn
Anniversaries—May Filbin, Michael O’Gorman, Jenny McCarron. Edward Noble, Beatrice Begen, Betty O’Callaghan, Pat Fearon, Maisie Rafferty.