and God lives in him."
First Holy Communion Cards and gifts and other cards and gifts on sale from the piety stall in the porch.
Thanksgiving Prayer Service and Party for last week’s and this week’s 36 First Communicants will take place on Sunday 31st May at 3pm.
This weekend there will be a Special Second Collection for Communications Sunday. Please pick up a copy of Communications Sunday letter from the porch. Next special second collection will be 31st May – Day for Life Pro-Life collection.
Parish Pastoral Council – next meeting Thursday 21st May in the upper hall. 6.45pm coffee for 7pm start.
Thank You from SCIAF. With match funding from the UK government, our Lenten donation to SCIAF will be £7246. See letter in porch. Also, £1817 has been donated to SCIAF from last week’s second collection Nepal emergency appeal.
Parish Trip to Carfin – a date for your diary. Sunday September 6th. More details soon.
The Mass for Neophytes (adults who have been recently baptised or received into the Church) will take place in the Cathedral at 3pm on Pentecost Sunday, 24th May.
J&P Info - Justice and Peace Europe, the association of 31 national Justice and Peace commissions, is committed to the promotion of global social justice and universal peace. As a joint initiative, it is seeking to address the phenomenon of political parties with nationalist programmes increasing their popularity throughout Europe. "The nationalism of exclusion" calls upon organisations of civil society and Churches to speak out against this phenomenon. The full text is available at
Legion of Mary - Many thanks to all those who attended last Tuesday’s information evening. We are pleased to announce that a newly formed Legion of Mary will have its first meeting this Tuesday, 19th May at 7.30pm in the Hut and will meet weekly every Tuesday evening. All are most welcome to join.
The North Dakota State University Concert Choir and Madrigal Singers concert of choral music - Monday, May 25 @ 8 pm in St. Patrick’s , Dumbarton. The concert is free and open to all.
May Devotions – Rosary 9.40am daily. Rosary and Benediction Sundays at 4.30pm.
SPRED Raffle – Tickets 50p each / £5 for book of 10, on sale after all Masses this weekend. Prizes include a framed signed Celtic top, £200 shopping vouchers, Kindle Fire and many more great prizes. To be drawn 5th June. Call Lorna Donnelly on 942 0696.
Catholic Youth Festival - 30 July to 2 August at University of Stirling Campus. The event is open to those 14 -25 years of age. If you are keen to go let us know, and contact [email protected] or [email protected]
Two new lets in the Upper Hall. We have secured two new lets in the Upper Hall. Rugby Tots starts on the 8th May and meets on a Friday afternoon from 3.30 – 5.30 . Rugbytots is the first of its kind; a specifically designed play programme using the multiple skills of Rugby to create a fun and enjoyable environment whilst developing basic core motor skills for 2 – 5 year olds. For more information please go to or contact Stephen Leckey on 07925 547 146. We have also secured a let on a Tuesday evening from 6.30 – 7.30 with Fit Camp. This class starts on the 26th May. This comprises free fitness classes and weigh-ins on a Tuesday evening in the Upper Hall and fitness sessions at Lennox Park on Thursdays. This is a free class but they will be offering a protein rich recovery shake at the end of the class for £2 that aids in the body's recovery after exercise and will also help them cover the cost for hall hire on a Tuesday. This is about promoting a healthy active lifestyle in the community. For more information, please contact Gerry McDade on 07757604602 or email [email protected].
Missionary Sisters of St Peter Claver will visit our parish on 6th/7th June to speak to us about their Mission Appeal. There will be a second collection taken up at all the Masses to support the Sisters in their missionary work.
St Andrew’s Primary PTA are hosting a Ladies Charity Night on Friday 29th May from 7pm in the school hall. Entry is £6, payable on the door, which includes a cocktail (BYOB). Proceeds will be split evenly between PTA funds and Team Lewis, which has been set up to provide entertainment and support for siblings of sick children whilst visiting their brother or sister in hospital. There will be a disco, raffle and competitions. Please contact either Anne MacIntosh (07866 009078) or Karen Hughes (07732 676253) for more information. All welcome.
May Day Pilgrimage at Schoenstatt –24 May at12noon. If you require transport to Schoenstatt, please contact Anne O'Donnell: [email protected] / 07902921607 / 01360 312544. If sufficient interest, a minibus will be arranged there and back.
Mass attendance – 9/10 May – 953
Deacon Frank Trias will be ordained a priest for the Congregation of the Passionists later this year. Keep Frank in your prayers during the course of the coming months as he prepares for Ordination to Priesthood.
The Real Dangers of Assisted Suicide. John Deighan will give a talk in the Upper Hall at 7:30pm on Thursday 28th May 2015 in which he will respond to the arguments commonly used to advance assisted suicide, i.e. that it stems from compassion and a respect for personal choice. John is well placed to give this talk having been the Parliamentary Officer for the Catholic Bishops’ Conference for 16 years before recently taking up the position of Chief Executive Officer for the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children. He has been heavily involved in organising the efforts to prevent euthanasia and assisted suicide being legalised in Scotland since the creation of the Scottish Parliament. His talk on this highly topical subject will begin with tea and coffee and there will be an opportunity for questions and discussion afterwards.
Maryhill Foodbank. Donations of tins and packets of food will be gratefully received.
Please remember in your Prayers -
Sick--Margaret McGuire, Paul Morton, Mamie Bradie, Dante Biagioi, Peter Crainie, Margaret Merilees, Betty Clark, Hil Black, Karen Hopper (Livingston) Alison Burns, Paul Connolly, Louise Dolan, Sheila McCallum, Rosemary McLean, Elizabeth McCusker, Stuart Harvey, Mick Henry, Sheena Smith, Charlie Melly, Steven Byrne, Mark Greenlees, Samatha Harkins, Gilbert O’Rourke, Margaret Cairney, Denis Campbell, Margaret Kearney, Ronald Coia, Mary Cox, Valentina Colaluca, Christine Turner.
Recently Dead—Andrew Thompson, Freda Cotter, Frank Lunny, John MacKinnon, Declan Wilson, George Kerr, Danny McCaffery, Patricia Hair, Robert Shaw, Catherine Joyce, Nora Sharpe, Johnny McGuckin, Margaret Connolly, Margaret Rose McKay, Josie Bergin, Betty Barrett.
Anniversaries--Bill English, Winnie Browning, Bonny De Mello, Helen McGhee, Janice Donnelly, Owen Tumulty.
6 Months Mind--Margaret Monaghan.