increase our love for you
and bring us to eternal life."
Children’s Choir Dates— November 17th, December 8th, December 15th plus December 25th. All at 10.00 a.m. Mass. For queries contact Annamaria Strachan 942-9799 or 07749715514.
Confirmation for the Primary 4—Children will be celebrated this Thursday November 21st (Group 2) at 7.30 p.m. Keep them in your prayers.
The Piety Stall—has a large selection of cards for all occasions.
Visit Scotland for Marriage website and sign the marriage petition today.
The Fourth Mystery—Priestly vocations are, above all, the fruit of the prayers of the Church. Jesus encouraged us to pray to the Lord of the Harvest to send labourers his harvest. A good suggestion—when you pray the rosary, whether it be at home or in the church or when driving or out for a walk, dedicate the Fourth Mystery to the intercession for priestly vocations for the Archdiocese of Glasgow.
Could God be calling you to the Priesthood? - Evening of catechesis, Prayer and Fraternity to help discern your vocation 2nd Friday of each month at Turnbull Ha.. Contact Fr. Keenan 339 4315/ [email protected]
Halls Committee—Meeting, Monday 18th November at 7.30pm in The Hut.
Parish Pastoral Council—Meeting, Thursday, 28th November at 7pm in the hall.
Fabric & Finance—Meeting, Tuesday, 26th November at 7.30pm in the Chapel house.
Short Clips on Vocations & Priesthood—Google www.youtube.com/agapchannel
SPRED—Our parish SPRED group will lead the liturgy at the 12.00 Mass on Sunday 1st Dec. Please come and join us afterwards in the Upper Hall for a cup of tea or coffee.
Pro-Life Rosary—The pro-life Rosary this month will be in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel at 7.30pm on Wednesday 27th November. All welcome.
St Andrew’s Parish Christmas Fair—Will take place today Sunday 17th November after 10am and 12 noon Masses with a selection of charities at the event. Tea and coffee will be served in aid of The Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception. Donations of home baking would be most welcome (no nuts please). Please come along and support this parish event.
Pilgrimage to Rome 2014—Thursday 31st July—Thursday 7th August, Glasgow Rome direct. Includes a full day in Assisi, half-day at Frascati, attendance at the Wednesday General Audience with Pope Francis, full day by coach to the Patriarchal Basilicas. Bed and Breakfast in the Sta. Maria Fornaci Residence (close by St Peter’s). Price in region of £750 (subject to booking numbers). For more information or to reserve a place contact [email protected] or telephone 0141 946 2071
St. Margaret of Scotland Hospice—Light Up a Life—1st December at 6.30pm in the grounds of the hospice. To sponsor some lights, pick up a leaflet from the porch.
R.C.I.A. Group—Meets fortnightly in the hut. Next meeting—Wednesday 20th November at 7.00 p.m. The Rite of acceptance into the order of Catechumens will take place during the 12 noon Mass on December 8th.
Philippines Typhoon Emergency Appeal—SCIAF has launched an emergency appeal to help survivors of last week’s catastrophic typhoon in the Philippines which has left an estimated 10,000 people dead and 9.5 million affected. Our second collection at our masses here in St Andrew’s this weekend will be taken up in aid of this emergency appeal. Donations can also be handed in through the week.
Radio Alba —A new Glasgow-based internet radio station. www.Radioalba.org aims to promote liturgical prayer and to give another dimension to religious celebrations. Morning prayer starts at 8.00 am and is repeated at 9.00 am, 10.00 am and 11.00 am. A schools morning prayer is aired at 9.15am involving local primary schools from the Glasgow area. Tune in, and give it a listen.
Many Thanks—for the generous donation of £300 from a parishioner for parish funds.
Year of Reflection—Presenter - Fr McFadden, this Tuesday 19th November on The New Evangelisation and Beyond – Where to now? In the Immaculate Conception Hall 7.30pm – 9pm. (including refreshments and discussion) All welcome
Intersessions—At weekday and Sunday Masses, before the reader says ‘Lord, hear us’ or ‘Lord, in your mercy’, there will be a pause of a few seconds to give us all a little time to think and pray for each particular intention that has been read.
The Cardinal Winning Charity Ball—Friday, 6 December at the Crowne Plaza Hotel will be hosted by Archbishop Tartaglia. The Charity Ball helps to raise funds for the most vulnerable and disadvantaged in our society! For tickets £80 each or £800 for a table of 10 contact: Mary O'Neill on 569 2867/07910712501 or Emma and Lauren on 418 9231/9305
The Souls of the Departed …can, however, receive “solace and refreshment” through the Eucharist, prayer and almsgiving. The belief that love can reach into the afterlife, that reciprocal giving and receiving is possible, in which our affection for one another continues beyond the limits of death—this has been a fundamental conviction of Christianity throughout the ages and it remains a source of comfort today. Who would not feel the need to convey to their departed loved ones a sign of kindness, a gesture of gratitude or even a request for pardon?” Pope Benedict XVI
Mass Attendance Census—Each year, on the 2nd Sunday in November, a Mass attendance census is taken in every parish. Last weekend, here in St Andrew’s, 204 attended the Vigil Mass. 327 at the 10am, and 176 at the 12noon Mass - giving a grand total 707. The grand total for 2012 was 801.
Bulletin Items—should be handed in by Wednesday evening please. If you are able to email your item, please send to [email protected]
Prayers for the Sick—If there is someone you know whose name you would like to remain in the bulletin for prayers, please let us know. We will begin a new list of names in the new liturgical year, beginning Sunday, 1st December.
Confessions New Times Soon—Saturday – 10.30am – 11.00am; and 5.15pm – 5.45pm
Sunday – 9.15am – 9.40am
beginning Saturday, 30th November.
Prisoners Week—Time to Change? - 17 – 24 November is an opportunity to reflect on change that leads to better care for all affected by crime and imprisonment. Pick up a Prisoners Week Prayer card from the porch. Visit www.PrisonersWeekScotland.org.uk.
Vocations Morning—in John Paul Academy on Monday, 25th November beginning at 11am. Organised by the Glasgow Serra Club. Please, pray for vocations. Pray for priests. Pray for more priests for our archdiocese.
“Credo” - an exhibition organised by AGAP for the close of the Year of Faith, will be on display in the new gallery in St Patrick’s, Anderston up until December 14th. Open daily. Entry is FREE. Featuring work by 27 artists on the Nicene Creed. Visit - www.agap.org.uk/credo
Donations of Non-Perishables—will be gratefully accepted for the Maryhill Foodbank. There are collection boxes in the church porch for donations. Many thanks.