that everything written about me in the law of Moses
and in the prophets and psalms must be fulfilled.”
Baptisms - With the gradual easing of restrictions, baptisms, thankfully, are now being celebrated again on most Saturdays for the next few months in accordance with Covid 19 regulations. Parents who wish to have their child baptised are asked to phone 942 4635 or email [email protected]. If parents wish, the baptism ceremony can be live streamed. We pray for all children who are to be baptised and their families, and we pray that these children will come to know of God's love in the years to come.
Next Sunday is Good Shepherd Sunday – World Day of Prayer for Vocations. Lord, Make Me Know Your Ways - Could God be calling you to serve as a priest or a permanent deacon or the consecrated life? Please get in touch to find out more about discerning your vocation, and information about monthly evenings of discernment. Vocations Director - Fr Ross Campbell 339 4315. Email: [email protected] Visit
Adoration for Easter : Visit Adorecast Take a few extra minutes each day to have a heart to heart with Christ. “Be still and know that I am God.”
The Piety Stall online store now has a large selection of cards & gifts for sale. Orders can be placed and either collected from the organisers’ homes or delivery can be arranged if collection isn’t suitable.
Scotland’s Catholic Bishops have released a pre-election pastoral letter, urging Catholics to play their part “in putting human life and the inviolable dignity of the human person at the centre of Scotland’s political discourse” and to warn politicians against imposing “unjust restrictions on free speech, free expression and freedom of thought, conscience and religion”. The elections are just a fortnight away, on May 6, and you can read the bishop’s letter online at
PFFA & Caritas – both parishes are working along with St Nicholas’ to make arrangements for the PFFA candidates to receive their award, which most probably will be a ceremony in the school. We’re hoping to resume the PFFA for next school year’s P6. More details soon regarding this and the Caritas Award to our young parishioners.
Any parents who are interested in joining and getting involved in youth work in St Andrew’s and St Joseph’s parishes, then please do get in touch with the Youth Ministry Team [email protected]
Catholic Social Teaching Thought for the Week – 18 April We cannot love God unless we love each other, and to love we must know each other. We know him in the breaking of bread, and we are not alone any more. Servant of God Dorothy Day, The Long Loneliness
“Nuclear deterrence and the threat of mutually assured destruction cannot be the basis for an ethic of peaceful coexistence. The youth of today and tomorrow deserve far more.” Pope Francis to the UN 2014 And so how to respond in this year of pandemic and a looming climate crisis to the UK government’s choice of weapons over aid? UKs nuclear arsenal (30% up) vs food for starving children (30% down) breaking both a 30yr treaty commitment to reduce nuclear weapons stocks and a pledge to maintain overseas aid at 0.7 % of GDP. Isaiah’s (700 BC) plea to his people to “beat their swords into ploughshares … learn war no more”, and Jesus’s command to “suffer little children…to come unto me”, nowhere in sight.
Encourage politicians to use all resources available both personal and collaborative to promote true peace, justice and equality and in so doing speak truth to power.
Link to petition to dispose of uk nuclear weapons. /574779
St Andrew’s & St Joseph’s J&P Group
Share, Show, Shout for Climate Justice This November, crunch global climate talks are happening in Glasgow. The climate crisis is far greater than the Covid pandemic. Can Scotland show the world the way? Watch and share the SCIAF campaign video here:
The monthly Pro-Life Mass is back! This Wednesday, 21st April at Holy Cross, 113 Dixon Ave, G42 8ER at 7.30pm. Doors open at 7pm. All welcome. Maximum attendance is 50.
Drumchapel Foodbank. Regularly your donations are dropped off at the foodbank by our parish volunteers. Thanks for continuing to give the foodbank your support.
Our parish’s soup-run’s volunteers continue to collect food donations form M&S Byres Road for delivery to Drumchapel and St Gregory’s Foodbanks and the Wayside Club.
Our Parish’s Triduum Videos are on our parish’s YouTube channel. They’re worth continuing to reflect on during the Easter Season. A huge thanks to all those who contributed to the videos and to the parish team for looking after their production.
Children’s Liturgy: each week in the form of a video of the week’s Gospel reading. Available at : This is an excellent resource in these exceptional times of no public Masses with children’s liturgy.
THE SCOTTISH CATHOLIC HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION (SCHA) is delighted to host: “Twentieth-Century Scottish Catholicism: A Sociological Perspective” presented by Dr. Paul Gilfillan, Queen Margaret University on Tuesday 27th April 2021 at 1:00 p.m. Via Zoom. To reserve a place for this online event please sign up here: (N.B. Registration closes at 5 p.m. on 26h April 2021).
Parish Website – Bulletin - Just to say that on the latest page and the bulletin page, a subscribe button has been added which allows users to have a daily summary sent each morning with the previous day's posts. If you don't use social media, but would like to be kept posted, then all that's asked for is your email address – you can unsubscribe at any time – it's all clearly marked.
Parish Bulletin: Any items for inclusion in the bulletin (including names for recently dead, month's mind and anniversary lists) should be put through the letter box of the Chapel House or sent by email: [email protected] by12noon on the Wednesday before publication. Copies of the bulletin are available on Facebook, Twitter and on the parish website.
Recently Dead – Nada Angelini, Eileen Boyle, James Gilligan, George Hughes, James Maher, Sadie McGilvray, Hugh McGeever, , Sister Christine Reilly OFM,
Anniversaries – Maurice Boyce, Margaret Gallagher, Mary Innes, Jim Main, Anne McAllister, Thomas McKinnon, Elise O’Hagan, Thomas Parker, Ella Smith, Generosa Zonfrillo,
One month’s mind – Terry McGahan.
Six months’ mind – Frank McIntyre